All right guys big exciting news this title is not clickbait I have just played Augusta National Golf Club that's right the day after the Masters it was absolutely incredible now played with my good friend Seb just give a little summary of the day I'll never be able to do it justice I will nothing I can say will ever explain how wonderful The Experience we've just had is the course is everything you've ever hoped on by the way it is. So difficult the greens are everything you've heard uh. But the day from everything from arriving driving down Magnolia Lane getting into the golf course going on to the practice facilities the putting green. And then.

Hitting the first tee shot on that first hole honestly I've never felt nerves like it ever made it was it was absolutely unbelievable it's a good one I want to Echo Subs thoughts that it was honestly Sensational like it was um the full score update shot by shot will be coming out I'm going to film that Wednesday when I'm back in Manchester I'm actually here just at Augusta Airport at the moment traveling home um. But I want to update everybody we're allowed to take pictures we were not allowed to film it. So there'll be no video content from it um. But I hit the golf ball very very nicely but as Seb said putting. And chipping around that place is. So bloody hard thank you so much for watching I honestly really appreciate it be sure to like And subscribe we have just hit 2.5 million subscribers yes that's amazing. And as a little thank you I picked up a swag bag from the Masters to give away in this video so if you like it leave a comment I'll pick a winner very soon and stay tuned this week and we're probably gonna put on the podcast Channel so subscribe that if you thought already my full rundown of my round what a shot how I got on and I'll give you a little spoiler I hit probably one of the best drives of my life on the first hole all right stay tuned thanks again and uh updates come in very very soon.