[music] hi welcome back to Freight 75. uh down here at Formby golf club today.

One that we've never done a break time E5 at really excited about this because the golf course here is quite simply spectacular front nine kind of goes through this tree line section it's stunning you're gonna really enjoy that some of the big pine trees. And stuff and at the back now it becomes much more linksy um you might notice I'm rather chilled because I am today.

Super chilled I've just been on holiday I've not played golf in the real world. And I'm on YouTube you might have seen me play golf more recently than this I've actually not played a full round of golf for three weeks I've been practicing eating and drinking a lot not been practicing my golf so I've just hit a few on the driving range it was okay nothing to kind of write home about I've just been watching guys clip a few away as well he seems like they're hitting it well I reckon all he's done. For three weeks is practiced let's head out um yeah don't know what to expect the plan is to try. And break 75 but who knows it's a real shame because just before I went a whole day I felt like my game was trending quite nicely that might still be there that magic dust might still be present. But it also might have gone completely away and you're in for a high high score Formby Golf Club great 75. so I heard Rick says any things that I've been hitting balls the last three weeks and practicing you know what that's correct I've been absolutely nailed the driving range hitting it well so I'm very excited. For today.

And I'm also very excited to see how Rick gets on because this will go one way. Or the other it's got very low expectations that means he's either gonna go out and shoot an amazing score or he's going to go out. And have an absolute nightmare either way is a win-win because it's gonna be good to watch make sure you watch the end because it's gonna be a good one [Music] okay let's do this first Hole uh 394 yards now quick one not all the t's are out in play today.

So we're actually going to play off the yellows which is still 6500 past 72. I'm gonna hit three iron. For safety let's try it sit down a bit [Music] I think it's okay stay short oh just there's a bunker down there that I thought to myself if I hit this really really well I might get in it luckily it stayed I had lots of things a couple of yards short I'd have been annoying if I hit that. For safety and hitting the bunker guy's gone with big stick it's a Healy one it'll work similar line to mine but it might just sneak in the roof what's your goal today.

Guy my goal today.

Is to not lose a golf ball which is very ambitious very bold um to enjoy it. And to change you've not played in five years never that's my excuse if I don't beat you but um now I'm feeling confident today.

I don't know why well I do know why the range sessions are going well found some love with the driver you've not been playing this is my chance to take you down if you don't now you never will no pressure just. For a minute as we walk down this first hole just appreciate that Clubhouse I mean it's a thing of beauty it really is 1884 this golf course opened okay 143 yards to the flag wind's just picking up a tiny bit. And it's actually slightly downwind so I'm gonna hit this about 130 yards and hopefully it just rolls out looking nice should be all right that should be pin High just slightly left hopefully we've got a nice little putt for birdie kick the start off the campaign oh my word felt great over that and it's absolutely shanked it perfectly from the hustle went up far right terrible get this somewhat close hopefully knocking the Paw [Music] oh this is absolutely gorgeous greens look incredible one of the things around here the greens are quite kind of expansive quite big. But there's lots of big Hollows and swales none of them are flat well my surprise than maybe yours watching I've got perfect timing an opportunity to jump on the birdie train nice. And early let's see if we can start this off with a bang I feel like my whole expectation levels might change if this drops in feel like suddenly I'm going to be like I'm going to shoot like 65. But let's not get carried away okay up the hill right to left snuck her in can't see missing to be honest with you [Music] ah. And now now I'm fighting for power welcome back to golf Rick Shields oh wow I thought give it a chance at least [Music] oh somehow makes a path from there that's good I feel like the golf gods are like don't be getting cocky Rick don't think you can come back to this game after three weeks. And think you still got it let's knock this on in. For par at least brilliant as I said before who knows how today's gonna go not two shots nicely into the green walk off with bogey guy hits driver Scrappy Shanks his wedge get something down. For par golf a second hole Par Four 381 yards uh bunkers all kind of scattered down the right hand side and then.

An Almighty spiky gauze Bush on the left-hand side so uh you've got 15 yards to hit it through really my goal today.

Is to not lose a golf ball okay. So with that nice mental image in my mind let's try and uh let's try to split a fairly [Music] yeah it's great drawing should be fine straight shot great shot thank you we're good we go again there we go about it I um 70 yards away from this pin in a perfect position quite literally perfect. So let's make it count is it hard very good very nice I think I feel hyper chill today.

You might be able to I feel. So [ __ ] I'm on holiday let's be honest with you but that's not true because if I was on hold out probably have a beer in my hand. And a burger in my other one yeah this doesn't miss let's get let's get back to level power let's get the birdie sauce out [Music] [Laughter] I mean that's. So hard I just gotta knock it in that's all I've got to do oh my goodness two holes played two Fairways two greens in regulation two three putts two Bogies two over thanks. For coming okay interesting starts in the round is that it was gonna be good today.

So there's gonna be a not sure which way it was going to go. And I didn't expect it till the way it's gone so far uh third hole is a par five though a very very getable one. So let's uh let's hit her farewell a set of green again that's three foot power three put watch out click and draw [Music] I'm not getting to his side so I'm actually come up on the green and I'm actually quite a bit away compared to the first two holes at least okay. For Eagle come on Rick the flag dead straight right in the middle yes wasn't quite right in the middle. But we'll take a birdie and we'll eliminate those three puts ah roller coaster first three holes back to one over par why would I not hit driver scared it's quite a lot of bunkers down there oh don't you dagger in that bunker oh you plonker oh oh real bad mistake though yeah that's a good shot that is position a that was flushed it's quite chilled a couple of holes ago you might have been able to tell that shot is just reminding me why golf can be. So frustrating The only positive news I'm 90 yards away from the green [Music] but it's okay [Music] 20 yards short before my job is I was deadly from here. And now I'm Dreadful again ah [Music] kind of a good job it hit the hole yeah nice four holes played no pars on the card yeah good work good up. And down thank you bird Souls knee 158a tying today's the day it's a weird round of golf I can feel the hole in one Anything could happen anything could happen it's like a little bit off the left let's think that winds pretty strong well it's a bit towy. And pulley might be a bit short as well I know I think Eight's too much. For you can I kind of chip one okay oh travel take a couple of hops I don't know what's down there I can't remember okay after a scrappy iron shines this green I'm pin high. But right guys on the green pin high but left a nice result uh I have been trying to chip these a little bit more recently but the lie just isn't perfect trying to bring old trusty putter out considering it's been so good for me and break [Music] God I'm finding it very difficult to get close to the hole at the moment going guys. For bats about birdies I've got to say it perfect line just to literally well too hard for par left to right slightly down the hill come on this will be I feel like I'm gonna get a lot of these today.

So I need to start boxing a few not even not even like a tiny bit close oh nice so Rick has recommended it's probably a three with this hole there's like a little cutout path here that's the line apparently that's what Rick said what I will do I will deliver a little cut onto that path no I blocked it was a great strike though. But ah three five holes I'm three over now which uh I don't know obviously you've seen how it happened but I actually don't also know how it happened so let's try and make some birdies let's try and let's try let's try and make a path like I've not actually made a par yet so Three Wood little drawery one just off those bunkers oh that's too much should be all right still but it is a fraction too much down the left side okay. So after a two minutes 30 seconds of looking anywhere from my golf bag all the way back we've managed to find it here way further back 142 yards to the flag and I got a pitching wedge I'll be good [Music] I think the wind's hit it started off good. But I think the wind moved it too far to the right okay just missed the green over the back let's just try. And bike put it close that's all I'm going. For you can hit that net debt net debt good effort I mean. But that's not even I I can't quite get it that close that was not a bad tip either okay. So to make the first power of the day or my first part of the day she'll say [Music] hi just nice oh we've got one seventh hole this is where it starts to get interesting the first few holes are quite open. And quite nice to play somewhat forgiving we now enter a period of holes where that forgiveness has gone you've had your six warm-up holes it's time to hit it straight this is a phenomenal hole um it's just as straight as you can it's quite the same because I'm gonna hit driver that should be really good yep nice held onto my breath a little bit. But that should that should be fine it kind of once you go over that Hill there's another Fairway down there it might just be left rough but the good thing with this hole and it might sound stupid it probably will sound stupid it's that tight it's almost not worrying me because it's like you have to do that there was no other shots I mean what do you do I'm gonna try. And cut one into the wind and keep it straight then.

You've done it yeah very similar shot to mine they should both Bounce Down yeah they both should be perfect then.

Okay guys going first like just under 100 yards to go oh it's a bit right yeah should we go. For this guys okay I actually thought I'd hear the best T-shirt I've ever hit on this hole. But it's come a little bit left and actually snagged a horrible lie in this roof the good news is I'm 100 yards away. So come on let's just put it middle of the green 56 degree in hand I'll be good that could be great yeah nice shot I think it might just be a fraction shot. But pretty pretty good from that lie anyway okay this is quite a tough shot man look at on camera. But there's a bit of a slope to get up so inside a couple of maybe a two foot I'd be happy with oh that's terrible that's really really bad I agree with you thank you I've been watching too much Rick Shields today.

I'm in total agreement that I'm the other way you've got to say eight foot past when you knock yours in redeem us both if you hold this can we have a massive Tiger Woods fist bump yeah I might take my top off I'm not doing no many doubted we'd ever see it. But here it is the return to Glory yeah just just very clear I'm going to take my top off I know yeah did you get it. But that's what's packing under there okay big Power Save if I hold mine I'm also going to take my top off nice the next.

One added yeah two over par now through seven uh it's been mixed right it's been entertaining uh par five eightholds big beautiful hole this sweeps right round to the left-hand side. And if you can absolutely bomb one very very getable into it I think I'm feeling more optimistic now I feel like I've potentially got a little bit of rust off if I can get my putter working which that last hole proved I can. And it feels like it's about to start raining that's weird isn't it it's dead warm a minute ago right anyway I'll hit this driver yeah that is really nice if it kicks left a touch great shot yeah it has oh it's a bit long it was fine okay 196 yards to the flag par five um six time getting it six about 190. yeah that's good oh my Godly gosh okay after hitting it way way right I'm in a odd position here to be honest I think I had too much Club as well all right if I missed it straight I'd have been way over the green um guys get a really nice shot. For his third I've got to go on top of the green that's going to roll down it's got a nice shot here snuggly little lie travel a bit roll I've at least hit the slope hit the slope oh baby oh baby take yourself off again okay I'll do it again boom all right stop it everyone stop making me take my tougher. For all the time right that was. But I'm gonna hold on okay tapping birdie. For bats about birdies nice thank you thank you very very good what an interesting round of golf vampire three birdies four bogies and a one over par sweeping down onto the flat Plains of the links as it goes slightly sweeping then.

To the right 460 yards but it looks a long way from back here visually it looks 500 plus yards so a good tee shot needed down that left hand side right in the middle of the Fairway come on brilliant a Barry belter golf shot yeah that one there I'm like what's your name. Or bikini the stairway changes color yeah I actually thought I'd only just reach the Fairway oh right. But it's the but it's it's the Fairway just changes color because of different types of grass it's a Healey one might be all right let's try and get one more birdie for this front nine jump up great shot it could be a birdie as well getting closer okay ninth hole. And I've got a tremendous look at birdie this would cap off one of the strangest front lines of golf I think I would have ever played okay. So for the third birdie in a row and to get back to level power right to left oh and I didn't think that was that hard how's it gone. So far past all right let's not finish the front lines I started it to make sure I knock this one in yeah nice one over front nine would have taken that let's now see if we can stay strong stay positive keep some good golf fighting into the back nine. So it's at this part of the show normally I'll be talking into a nice sausage roll however. I can't actually remember if it's a halfway house here it's not here at the halfway point sometimes there's a sneaky one on the 11th or 12th into some time so we'll hold out part three coming up 10 towel playing 175 yards back into a tiny bit of Breeze should be good for distance yeah yeah pin hard left yeah both dancing not that close okay up on the green two looks. For birdie just saying then.

As we walked up like from the actual tea mining guy shot didn't look that brilliant because both shots are actually level with the pin I.E pin High they look they're closer not saying these are perfect. But they're definitely makeable I think I've chased it that looks great. For Speed I know fair enough yeah I genuinely thought it wasn't going to get there really I thought the opposite way I just thought once it gets past do you want the flag out. Or okay. For Birdie down the hill I feel like it's super straight just get the speed right drop it in the front door ah right online Oh cannot get I was scared of it um God that was. So bang online guy you've not played here before I'm not you'll start to see a very different side of the golf this whole looks stunning I love the dunes up the side they get so much more lengthy yeah it's like a different Golf Course. So trees gets replaced with uh the long long roof however. when you're in the fairways another rough there 123 yards away I'm gonna try and Chip a pitching wedge it's not my forte but gotta try these things a little three-quarter one just keep it below the wind just chip it in there be phenomenal oh that's a great shot it's a bit too much spin but spot on this is a big putt literally. And I want to get it close [Music] oh it's a good roll but they just roll so far just keep going don't they long range birdie pop oh I've really I've suddenly become really scared of these greens the good thing is I know when to hold this plot [Applause] oh I was more bothered about them walking than the actual point itself get one chasing. And just running low it's called it yeah. And then.

Just stay on The Fairway yeah that's nice should be all right I think it's kick left foreign let's put this one close a bit coffee I mean it's just an awkward stance. So hard to get a good connection don't kick really hard to get a good connection then.

So not quite hard I might laugh at that [Applause] [Music] sorry everyone for punching in the face then.

And I'll start this round sat on that bench chilling just like yeah a lot of happens today.

No big deal goes well it goes well it goes bad it goes bad golf somehow just like suck you in. And just makes you wanna makes you want to believe makes you want to think no I can I can be a better version of myself foreign 123 yards back into a little breeze I'm gonna chip a pitching wedge up there. But try and hit it kind of 130 yards in my head simmer on the wind it's on the green she'll be all right maybe a touch long okay long range birdie put right to left that's short that's not too bad 14th hole Par Four straight back into the teeth of the wind just slightly dug legs to the left really want to go at the clubhouse the beautiful iconic Clubhouse with a little draw okay four. And a half holes left to play two over par I've got to uh not drop into the shot for great 75. I feel like I've made plenty of birdies so far so which to the positive so that's been a handful of Bogies as well so it's no silly mistakes uh there's only one more par five coming up which is the 17th. And just a lot of holes you just gotta hit just really good tee shots while you now Guy what's your score I'm now six over par which to me is not horrendous. But there's been obviously a couple of bad holes in there so my goal really is to break eight six. So I'm the same as you I can well no you can't drop any shots I can drop one. But ideally I don't drop any I can break eight every shot. For that yeah 147 yards back into Breeze come on middle of the green is what I'm going. For [Music] Cinema [Music] the wind did not touch it Ah that's frustrating looks good I'm gonna try. And just just open the face and just flip it on the Green I'll find it see that that's very good it's in my goodness that's ridiculous yes I'm happy with that oh my word don't know what to say that was one of those where I wanted to put it close. And get the power but to get the Burly wow that's such a long part [Music] oh that's my old ways yeah well done oh making it interesting suddenly with four holes to play I've got to make a birdie [Music] okay 130 yards in front of the green completely blind shot I've got a Trust my line here completely that should be alive that could be brilliant great shot 10 foot birdie chance 10 foot 30 chance that's what we like to hear it's pretty much dead straight. And straight downhill come on nice roll and it bounced a bit it's just such a bad thought ah big chance that they're wasted big chance 16th holes par three beautiful little hole 111 yards all in one time I think it is unless you can't do it do it because if you can't do it that's fine admit now I can't do it okay fair enough right I've got 56 in hand I'm going 50. I'm very I don't personally. For me I don't even think it's a full four on them it's just a nice strike foreign this could be in the hole this could be in the hole this could be in the hole had a look. For me that looks so close I think it's pitched fairly close then.

Spun back how hard did you hit that then.

97. So do you think it I should stick with 50 I'll go 54. to be honest I think 54. okay you know what I like about old Shields that you won't see it on camera because a few people watching over there see over there bit of pressure on he delivered cornbread house man seven people watching. And you know I can do it that's gonna be closer oh my God that was even better spin oh my goodness that ridiculous shots nobody's watching people oh my God oh my gosh that's. So good so Rick's shot was a great shot I thought mine was really close look at that oh my God because I was gonna hit a 50 degree all day long. And I had done that it'd been over there 54 which I did there you go that is one of the easiest to knock in bird is does this deserve more birdie sauce like a bigger explosion you ready do a tiny little dribble nice nice right come on join me [Music] oh my footing has been Dreadful today.

Ah sorry Paul I'd like to join you there mate it's okay not close enough all right 17th hole after all that drama of the last hole par five back home now this is a beautiful Par Four I need I need a birdie to getting under 75.. And uh you're six overnight I'm six over so my goal is breaking last three holes in level par. And you've gone birdie double Bird that's what I do coming to entertain I want to be the like you're obviously a good golfer I want to be the relatable guy the girls double bogey birdie why not relatable guy that's the whole 50-footer then.

Just double. And then.

Nearly holds it I have lost three golf balls so but what a good golf course this is never played it before this is only half an hour away from where I live Rick's obviously played it before. But this is one of the best in the area serious golf course this is it kind of at the clubhouse straight at the clock foreign great shot. So I found mine Rick's just ahead of me it's in a weird light it's um it's not so bad that actually to chip out back into the Fairway but it's not that good where I can have a real good at the greens I'm kind of Stuck in the Middle really. So I'm gonna hit an a tie and that was long stuff. And just try and get it somewhere upwards towards the green it's 180. so I don't think I'll get there with this. But ideally just get it upwards and then.

See what we can do I was a bit tailway what is it gonna go it's up there you did all right um I um I need to make birdie I'm three over two to go um I'm 175 from the middle of the green 186 to the pin why is not bad got my hand currently on seven. But I just don't know if I might switch to eight I just feel like yeah I've got seven it's slightly into Breeze okay come on Shields Middle of the green pen I left what might be in a bit of bother Okay. So we've finished left of the green pin High good for distance but just overdrew it but I mean just have a look at this I mean I really just a not a nice lie I have been a lot more confident my wedges recently. But just behind the golf ball it might even be a tree route it's kind of slightly upward slightly protruding which is making it harder. For me to get the club Behind the ball got options to play because I can go low. And run it up there do you think is what I'm gonna have to do uh it's just about touch really. And listen if you've watched this far on this video you know that my touch hasn't exactly been stellar today.

And it like put it with an eight iron and just get it running up that hill that was the right idea I didn't want to leave it short. And roll back down the hill Ah that's the thing that's probably eluded me a little bit today.

A lot of a lot of bad bad putts. And you know distance control has been weak okay it's the big part it's. For birdie I don't feel like I deserve a birdie on this hole but I'd happily take one of course [Music] it is pathetic everything's LED this moment those early three putts have all led to this the nice hold bird okay you can do it [Music] I want to face nice all day how's it Miss right that literally got to here. And I was convinced it was going to miss left. And it somehow missed right it's a really bad power okay last hole what a great Golf Course fun day some good golf some bad golf some horrendous goal. But what do you need to do to 375 thank you bird yep great. So you get a bird yeah I do yeah fine there's three shots from here it's all I need bit towie poor lever should be okay [Music] that should work fine it's about 390 off this tee um a huge green. So just just need to put myself down the Fairway and hopefully I can pitch a nice shot in it's been a strange day today.

Aside from the T from the opening of this video wasn't quite sure which way it was going to go to be stood on the 18th hole with the birdies to break 75 I should probably take really I also feel like it's been a lot of shots left out here today.

Before it starts raining. And throwing it down let's finish off with one more bird [Music] it'll be okay I think this green is 52 yards long from front to back I'm in a slick roof down the left. And I need to get up and down this is shot number 73 pitching wedge in hand slightly into breathe. But not a lot it's a snaggy little live I've just gotta hack it and chop it and get it running up there that could be good if it takes a big kick that could be very good Rick that could be very good still going it's perfect it's literally gonna be 10 foot stay there stay there stay there yeah 10 foot away nice well sometimes it's not the beauty of the shop It's The End Result great shot by Rick that really good shot. So my goal is break 80. So I can shoot seven over par I'm currently six overpass a fingers crossed I've got a good chance of doing this Rick's inspired me I know what to do can land it a little bit short. And run it 125 . that has come out so hot that needs to get down oh that was bad bunker I think I think after you stay in all around you can't be in the bunker there was no it was going to happen you can't go 18 holes. And no bumpers. Or I can't anyway at least can make bogey though. So I can get out of two put get my 79. oh I'm walking up here. And I shouldn't be gutted I shouldn't be I need to check myself because it landed way sure it wasn't a great shot and it's ran and it's ran and it's ran and it's had a look past the Hole by the way I just love this Clubhouse it's so nice and just carried on and from back there it did look closer we've probably got about 20 footer. For birdie to shoot 74. so Rick has the whole lap which I think he's got a good chance of doing I've got I've got faith in him I can chip out. And two put for 79. I'd love to just chip out one put wish me luck everybody I'd love to break 80 today.

[music] bite hard. And oh watch out so whilst Rick is eyeing up his pot it's a big Putt. And I'll try and clean mine up let's knock this one in what an up and down 78 very happy with that one really good come on Rick right it's been an up and down round of golf some UPS lots of downs but this port this one put is to accomplish our goal. For today.

Collaborate this is it I must admit I feel next.

To no confidence in it. But that could be a good sign I might be surprised you've gone for it he's gone for it that's been Narrative of the day it really has I've been four or five feet out on my putts all day long come on tidy up 75 in the can because it goes quite like the three I quite like the three foot you have done it well today.

Yeah I don't actually mind if this three pups it's like it's okay the 75. I feel like this is just definitely gonna miss come on 75. [Music] yes never in doubt never in doubt well that was a topsy turn around the goal thank you as well. And uh thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come that was uh first golf. For a long time and it wasn't terrible top off one more time for both of us it's a little treat for you see you next.
