So golf often gets the reputation to be quite expensive and it is you're gonna spend top end price on equipment. And have nice green fees it can get quite costly. But down here today.

I'm here at said andrews the home of golf. And i've got no equipment with me. And i'm gonna show you in this video how i can buy some golf clubs on a budget. And also go and find a green fee at a low price and still have fun and still enjoy all the benefits of golf this is the 18th hole at the old course st andrews. And this year is the 150th open now you might have seen me do a few videos here in the past break 75 last year i played this golf course in reverse with minwoo lee which is amazing the more recently i've just done 24 hours here in said andrews as well. And obviously i love this golf course it is a bucket list golf course. But i'm not playing here today.

We're gonna play somewhere different. So just around the corner here is one of my favorite ever shops the second hand shop at oxalone's let's jump in there let's see if our friends got a few little treats we're back i'm gonna try. And show if i can play golf instant andrews on a bit of a budget right. And i've got nothing so i need clubs bag balls tees maybe even a glove we need it all a hundred under a hundred pound without question are right-handed as well by the way that's my only caveat [Music] this is like one of my favorite bits in the shop like the pr there's a just a big bucket of probably ones that have been found. But this one's from porsche golf cup williams this is class. And they're the cheapest ones even so i picked up three of the cheapest golf balls and ended me a royal deal for all this it was just 55 pounds. So i paid and said my goodbyes [Applause] look at them bad boys now obviously they're not perfect. But they'll get me round i've got everything i need i've even got a pencil and a pitchfork next.

Thing let's go and find a golf course to play now ian in the shop has just told me about a golf course that still sent andrew's golf course but it's much cheaper to play and it's only a walking distance so honestly from the town it was about a five minute walk to this little hidden gem balgov golf course nine holes a mixture of par fours. And par threes and on first inspection it looked fantastic i couldn't wait to get out there and play just get a great one green fee one player playing how much is it please eight pounds brilliant. So these are the clubs i picked up from octalonies henry cotton bladed irons three down to a ten iron these have definitely been used a lot in the past next.

Up a big bertha steeler plus three wood this is definitely going to help on the par fours an old-school ben ross putter a brand new cobra glove which was quite nice i might use that again in the future. And also three golf balls evolving a callaway and a tight list that was my set all this including the bag. For just 55 pounds i mean it looks fantastic golfing said andrew's always great let's get going uh first shot into wind into a strong wind 220 yards you have to do a three-wood path four thankfully it's a bit of the left. But we should be fine [Music] hit the flag face it [Music] it's a shame [Music] bogey on the first for eight quid this is just phenomenal now the wind is switched on this home downwind now it's 219 yards i'm only getting a little firefight i think down here let it bound on par [Music] oh be good be very good [Music] we're putting. For eagle everybody i love even this look how good this is just the quality control is. So good this is why people fall in love with golf places like this. But how good is this double green this one as well. So i'm presuming that's the eighth green we'll come on to in a minute the eighth pin look where he pitched that landed on the green and stopped quick okay put him. For eagle [Music] oh that's weak [Music] st andrews eight pound golf course 55 pound golf clubs and we're still making birdies back to level par that's a nice feeling [Music] [Music] ah rick you can make a golf hole short. But when the wind gets involved it doesn't make it easy this hole's nearly double the distance of the last but i'm actually going to hit the same club off the tee because it's now downwind [Music] yeah that was ambitious [Music] [Applause] [Music] um gust the wind like blew me over. And i might have missed it golf egg [Music] yeah you've got to strike these irons absolutely perfect anything a little bit heavy. And it's game over so honestly this was becoming a real test the golf course i've never played before. And the wind was horrendous it doesn't help as well that my putting was terrible that day i couldn't hold a thing. But either way i was having a good time i mean check out the curve on this three would it literally started 40 hours to the right. And swung back like a boomerang to leave myself this very testing shot into the green this was a set. For birdie looks like a lot of players [Music] [Music] and with two holes to go kind of score became a little bit irrelevant i was more focusing on having a good time having a bit of fun. And just enjoying this walk around this phenomenal little hidden gem [Music] thin to win [Music] okay. So uh one under 200. drop that shot so yeah listen it's not about the score it's about having a good time i enjoyed myself i picked up some cheap clubs i had a great time on that fantastic little golf course here it's at andrews. And it just goes to show it doesn't have to be expensive to play golf and to enjoy it cheers everybody here at the in having a little pike to finish off the day see you soon so after a couple of pints i've decided to donate my clubs that i just bought to the in.