Right i'm going to go. And play golf here at the marriott worsely park i'm going to try some new golf balls there's these taylormade tp5 picks the design on this golf ball is supposed to give you better alignment when you put it's a normal tp5 golf ball which i've used in the past. And i do like the tp5s in fairness i'm gonna go. And play some golf see what i think of them see how i play with them. And see if this crazy design on the golf ball can actually help me play some decent golf [Music] right. So i've got to the first tee i'm gonna play some golf with these and this is the big thing that taylormade is saying with these better alignment. So these little logos on the golf ball these black orange and gray little logos apparently when you put with them and you line your ball up it gives this clear pathway we've seen brands do something similar this year callaway triple track in particular. But this is now reckon it's doing it in a different way. And also these picks they have used this design before on golf balls and apparently i don't think this exact design. But it's supposed to help you with that one identifying your golf ball and two it's supposed to make the ball look like it's spinning more around the green let's play some golf let's give it here i'm definitely going to test it on the putting grease i'm intrigued to know what that alignment's like i've got an actual proper tp5 which i'm going to cut in half. And see what is inside the picks tp5. And also i think i'm going to give it a little test against the triple track ball 2. So on the putting green right let's kick things off with the taylormade tp5 picks okay first shot with the picks now taylormade aren't particularly the first company to do patterned golf balls i think callaway was probably the first with their a truviz golf ball doing different styles. But apparently this is now to help with alignment let's give it a hit let's see how it performs i'm sure off the tee it'll be no different to a normal tp5 [Music]. And that is boomed straight down the fairway let's see what it's like into the green [Music] okay. So we're on the green in two and this ball spun just like a normal tp5 as you'd expect it to do. And on closer inspection this pattern so you've almost got like two halves you've got a straight out black and gray triangle and then.

On this side all of the black and grey sections are towards the inside of the golf ball. And then.

On the outside line each one of those are orange again that pattern happens on the other side of the golf ball. So on the two let's say north and south pole is a black. And gray one and a black and gray one and as you get more to the equator line these orange lines come in and it's a bit more of a clear pattern so basically you're supposed to to help with the improvements what they're saying or to help with the alignment line it up with the tp5 logo and those orange lines effectively give you let's say some sort of a runway different to triple track but along the same lines right let's see how i get on with line it up it doesn't it does seem easy i use the line on the golf ball anyway just have a quick look down that line i use the line on the ball anyway. But as you can see you just start to see these orange patterns working. So when i put my club down i kind of yeah you know what i can kind of see that runway right let's see how i've done from here see if my alignment's any good. And i've read the put correctly [Music] maybe slightly under edit ball felt good though tp5s i've used in the past and it does feel like a normal tp5 right hopefully a power on the first i'm going to play a few more holes to get the feeling. And then.

I'm going to chop it open. And compare it against another couple of balls too [Music] that's pretty good [Music] [Music] is [Music]. So so far i've played a few holes with the tp5 picks i really like it it's just like a tp5 it's good off the tee feels soft it spins well it feels great with the putter all ticks and really it is a tp5. But with this new pattern on but just to double check and this wouldn't be a rich shields golf review if this didn't come out be careful kids at home this is a standard tp5 let's just make sure that they are actually the same golf ball [Music]. So this is the inside of a normal tp5 you've got your five layers that's where the name comes from. And that is what is inside a normal one let's just double check what is inside the picks i'm expecting the same let's check let's see if it is exactly the same inside as the normal tp5 yeah it is it's exactly the same as a normal tp5 i'll just get that one back just to double check yeah it's literally a tp5. Or just different pattern right i'm going to place part three down the hill i need a new ball. And then.

I'm also going to get on the green. And compare it against the chrome soft triple track because then.

Again that is another putter promising you to be easier to align on the putting green right let's place part three. So you can get it close [Music] okay granted that wasn't my best t-shirt on this par three. And i've come short of the green but if i'm honest it's actually quite a good time to now compare it to another ball that promises it to make it easier to line up your golf balls when you're putting you can hit more targets it's this it's the chrome soft triple trap now i've used this i've done a review of it. And linked in with the putter i think there's a really good kind of combination there however. when i first ever saw triple track it was shots around these this kind of area that i found a bit of a concern because let's say that ball just lands on the ground. And that's perfect there i'm going towards the flag there. Yet those lines are aiming nowhere near where i'm aiming to. And if anything it can actually be quite off-putting what i've noticed on the picks because it is more of a symmetrical pattern all around the ball it's not as offensive wherever it lands on the golf course i don't feel like the ball is lined up the wrong way i'm going to compare these two on the putting green. So they line up let's just hit these two chip shots see how they feel so again on shots like that when that line just isn't aiming the right way on that triple track i just don't like it it just really puts me off where as i mentioned with the picks because it is that symmetrical pattern i'm not that offended by it right on the green let's see what they like to actually line up to hold the putt with right i've got a straight put here to this flag. And we're gonna see how much of a difference is again lining triple track up to this tp5 picks let's see on the straight putt let's go let's go picks first i'm using the line on the golf ball the tp5 line. And that to me looks pretty good yeah that that's not bad i'm just right edge of the hole i'd give that kind of a 9 out of 10. For efficiency of lining up okay triple track the red line then.

Kind of bordered with the blue line i have like this one i've lined up in the past it's very difficult to determine which one might actually lining up better the vet they look. So unbelievably similar both in fairness give me confidence that i'm lining up at the right the right way so when i set my putter behind the ball i'm aiming in the right direction so tp5 first it doesn't look good i like the kind of border it's not too offensive yet i do feel confident i'm lining up correctly i'll just hit up too hard. And then.

The triple track you know what i do like that a lot. And certainly when i used it with the triple trap putter i loved how kind of uniformed it is i do love that lining up on the putting green that i'm a big fan of the red. And the blue lines and like i said the only thing didn't hit it great the only thing i don't like about a triple track is when it's a random place on the golf course it's lined up correctly i think there's options here golf ball manufacturers rather than start to bring out options of colors of different feels price wise the taylormade tp5 is around 40 pound a dozen where the chrome soft does come in a little bit cheaper i think the good balls i think people who struggle with line-up puts could definitely benefit from them if i was to possibly use any as an all-round ball between these two i would have to give it to the tp5 guys thanks. For watching stage lots more to come we'll see you next.
