Uh [Music] [Applause] all right guys welcome back to the channel today.

Is an exciting video i'm down here at trafford golf center now you might think well it's pretty quiet rick well the reason. For that is we booked out the whole of traffic golf center. And we're going to throw a bit of a party why to celebrate 10 years of making youtube videos it's been a hell of a journey. So to celebrate i thought i'd throw a bit of a party a bit of a range night and also is to celebrate the fact i've just become a global ambassador. For top tracer top tracer is a fantastic system used at driving ranges that help you play better to help you improve your game fun challenges it's unbelievably accurate. And down here at trafford girl center they have it in every single bay so we put some tickets out free of charge and they went like that under five minutes and in about 45 minutes time from right now these bays are going to be absolutely full with fan subscribers golfers all having a good time pretty much here the driving range has changed quite a bit in the last 10 years. But pretty much from this exact spot baby-faced ricky shields started his youtube journey didn't have the beard that was definitely a lot slimmer back then..

But anyway we've got some fun challenges for everyone coming tonight the first challenge is going to be a 100 yard challenge i am going to go to random people. And if they can carry it 100 yards using top tracer they're going to win a dozen golf balls straight off. And then.

The last challenge longest drive who can smack it the furthest who are coming tonight if anyone hits it over 300 yards they win a prize. But whoever hits it the actual longest distance will win a pound per yard that they hit it. And this is going to be first of many range nights if you want me to come. And do a range night at your local top tracer facility make sure you leave a comment down below right people are going to start to arrive soon let's get to [Music] i didn't guys all right how do you good hiya how are you all right there's lots of people already it's mad you forgot somebody's like 175 people are first off welcome to range night thank you. So much for coming if i jump in your bay and challenge you to 100 yard challenge and you get it exactly 100 yards using toptracer you will win a prize on the spot. And then.

At the end the player who can hit it the furthest will win the same amount of pounds per yard they hit it the throat's already going i thought i was very loud already all right smash some golf balls [Music] oh this is this is the boozing section is that a square nike driver that's up here warm up all right chill out chill out all right hop the stream okay one shot each that's all you get you carry 100 you win a prize oh nice swing [Music] oh 103. logan paul ksi if you're watching yeah i'm open. For sponsorship 100 yard challenge one shot each 100 yards do it. For all you og fans of the channel it was because of this man we did a youtube golf day back in 2019 at formby hall behalf of my friend thank you very much lucky shot you know what i really like about something like this a lot of golfers who have never met each other. But on the nova golf ball over watching youtube watching videos it's really great to see guys using top tracer for nearest opinion longest drive 100 yard challenges i've gotta see a few more guys and then.

It's the longest drive comp coming up but it's not for sale it can be okay everything's. For sale me oh he's done that's nice 99. anyone else in this group come on let me die [Applause] months a guy that quickly and that was it straight down off we go love it was it. So good right guys can you stop him. For a minute can you come right down here please if you don't mind if you genuinely believe you can hit the golf ball over 300 yards you can enter into this competition longest drive wins cash in yards it's got to be on the fairway if you hit over 300 yards you get a box of probe he wants one shot each who genuinely believes they can hit over 300 jobs. And he would like to go first i know you can come on you're first let's go okay next.

Up [Music] oh very good [Applause] all right [Applause] [Applause] 317 yards [Music] this is big this is big if it stays in 323 yards two yards out of bounds ouch go. For it what can you open up [Applause] until yes [Applause] this is pressure [Applause] i think very easily simon has definitely won this challenge 40 60 83 320. all right guys that's it that's a wrap of range night my voice is sounding a bit hoarse because of all the shouting. But it was amazing. So much fun the guys seem to have such a great time down here today.

Uh massive thank you thanks traffic golf center massive thanks to top tracer. For setting this up but most importantly thanks to you thanks for watching for 10 years now i've been doing youtube it's amazing i still love it as much as i did on the the very first day the very first video. And without you guys liking subscribing i won't be at the stage right now so thank you so much make sure you are subscribed if you're not already. And stay tuned for more range nights coming soon and there's a link in the description below to find out where your nearest hot tracer range is definitely worth checking out. But for now it's over and out.