Right i've been out and bought a driver secretly pxg you might know the brand a couple of years ago they came out all singing all dancing with the big advert saying kaboom when you hit it and all this well their price tag originally was very high six seven eight hundred pounds even if you get a fancy shaft probably more like a thousand pounds. For a driver and i've tested some on my channel many times i thought they were okay. But what's really interesting start this year they brought out a new lineup and they brought out what i'm going to describe as cheaper drivers. So i secretly bought one i went online put in a fake name of jake murphy and ordered it because i didn't want to get any special treatment now bitter back story it took nine weeks to come in total from when i ordered it at the end of january to the end of march to nine weeks and it cost me 325 pounds so considerably cheaper than what we see psg in the past a really interesting side note after i'd ordered the driver just a few weeks later i noticed the price had actually come down to 299 pounds which is a bit bit of a stink after i've paid full whack. For it anyway let's open it up i'm looking for quality of box quality of head cover do you still get that premium pxg feel because these guys their tagline is that the fact that because they're now making drivers. And clubs for a lot longer they've managed to cut costs they've managed to bring the the value down and they're going to spread that saving back to you the the consumer. So we start off with a phd box again not too dissimilar to what i've seen in the past looks fairly premium nothing to grumble at a little bit of transit damage but i'm sure that pxg can't really help with that i'm excited to see what it's gonna look like oh fancy you've never played like this before i don't know if i could say that in a negative. Or a positive that could be taken both ways so far so good it looks like a normal phd driver the only thing i've noticed is i know the really expensive ones come with a very very fancy expensive type head cover like thick quality leather this isn't quite as premium. But it's not offensive it's some nice little three 3d kind of pxg logo in the big number one which i'm never a biggest fan of other drivers having number one on it but either way it's not bad and under here there we have a phd zero two double one nine degrees it is adjustable i think i can go up. And down in loft oh it's good little bit of carbon crown i mean it's hard to maybe because i know the price. But it doesn't quite look as expensive as other ones i've tried so after unboxing it and having a proper good look around the driver i've got to say it does look quite nice however. looks of one thing performance is another pxg. And i've got this off their website are saying these are the performance benefits. And these two tickle me the most crazy distance killer price let's see if that's the case i'm gonna hit some warm-up shots first dial it in i've got gc quad as well i've also got a driver that i think would be a good match up. For this driver i'll give it a test in a minute um let's get warmed up with this okay i'll let a few little looseners see how it feels [Music] that's pretty good first out the [Music] block few warm-up shots done. So far and i'm actually really liking it sounds good that's that real crunchy kind of dead noise i'm actually just going to lower the loft though. So that's standard so i'm 9 degrees at the moment i could go down to what that'd be seven and a half for that we're too low and then.

Go somewhere in between so it's like eight something degrees screw that back up you also must admit i didn't expect that you also i don't know why i didn't expect it we also get a little pxg wrench as well which is quite nice okay it's a bit lower i think that's gonna suit the ball flight slightly better [Music] okay that's a few warm-up shots done. And there's a group behind me so i'm actually going to jump over to 18. So i can do a bit more hitting. So far i'm impressed i like the look i like the sound ball flight looks strong i've not tested on gc quad yet i just wanted to get some warm-ups and again i want to test it against another very popular driver let's jump in front of these guys let's get to 18th tee let's do a bit more hitting all right guys. So i've come to a quieter tee 18th hole here i've got gc quad setup which is my launch monitor. And i've also got shot tracer set up i'm gonna hit some drivers with this pxg driver there's a couple of things i'm looking out for obviously performance a distance if you're viewing my channel you'll know i'll probably carry it around about 280 odd yards that's what i'm obviously looking for with this and also accuracy how many times can i hit them straight again you'll see that from shot tracer i'll it kind of a dozen. Or so let's get some average numbers i'm intrigued because like i say when i was just hitting him the walmart shots seemed pretty good. But let's have a look at some data all right okay not good start when you have to shout four on the first shot. So hit it on a different fairway and then.

You follow it up with that one that was much better okay. So that's one right one dead straight one left come on starting some straight ones that's better okay that one was ripped that was absolutely smashed i'm not gonna lie to you it's one of the best drives of it all year just felt great off the face felt fast 297 carry super low spin. And just went like an absolute bullet they're not all like that but that was that was pretty freaking awesome that one [Music] okay. So i've crunched the numbers after hitting the phd on gc quad and i hit a couple there with the absolute monsters some of the longest shots i've hit all year 297 carry and a 296 carry when i hit it high off the face and got that perfect strike the ball went a long way low spin great flight good sound everything on the downside and there was a little bit of a downside when i didn't strike it well the human error when i struck it low on the face i did see drop off in performance carry distances closer to like 260 which is a big drop off on average however. this driver of all the shots i just hit then.

Average 279 carry now i'm going to compare it to another driver one that reminds me quite similar to the phd. But it's 100 pounds more expensive i'm gonna hit this the g425 max let's give this a hit how does it compare to 300 pound psg just very quickly i'm going to put this driver in neutral i'm going to put it in the same loft setup as the ph g2 just. So it's a fair test all right pink's turn [Music] very different noise low chaser but i don't think it'll do great on carry oh again i didn't strike it great. But right down the fairway should be better oh [Music] not gonna hit a ping one better than that okay. So i've worked some shots with the ping driver the g425 max i want to take this one because in my opinion this year it's one of the best drivers out very forgiving good looking driver now performance-wise i saw very similar numbers to what i saw with pxg on average i carried it 276. i hit some big ones again in the 290s but when i didn't quite strike it i did see some drop-off in performance again very similar to psg now kudos to psg because this driver. For 300 pound performed really well like when i first ordered it and it arrived i thought is this going to be a bit cheap. And cheerful are you just trying to hit a market that wants a pxg brand. But doesn't want to pay the value but it does perform it stacks up on numbers which surprises me now it makes me question why the phd even bother making a much more expensive driver like if they can make a driver this good that looks this good that sounds this good. For this price tag should not everything just be this price tag don't quite see the extra value where that comes from anyway i want to give this away i've enjoyed hitting it yes. But i think somebody out there will enjoy it more. But maybe put it in the bag so if you want to win this very driver i can ship it to somebody anywhere in the world in that lovely fancy pxg box you've got to do a couple of things first off you've got to be a subscriber to this channel we're going to go to try. And get to 2 million subscribers here this year so let's hit that subscribe button it's free to do. And also i've got a second youtube channel now if you've not checked that out yet every week i do a podcast with guy. And we take clips from that podcast and put it on the second channel some really fun interesting and controversial topics so jump over there subscribe there as well we're trying to get a hundred thousand subscribers there so just subscribe to both leave a comment on this video saying subscribed to both and in a few weeks i'll pick a winner of this driver and ship it somewhere in the world i'm impressed with this i really was. And we'll see you next.
