I review most new golf clubs that come out on the market there's a set of irons this year i didn't review and i regret it because they are stunning looking irons. So i've got myself a full set of them i'm going to take them out on the golf course. And test them because these irons could easily go in my golf bag so they're absolutely stunning [Music] all right guys i made you wait long enough the clubs i've put in the bag for testing here are the ping blueprint irons. So i've got two iron to pitching wedge in the bag i'm gonna play a few holes because i am honestly in the market for a new set of irons and these could easily replace what i currently have in the bag i love that that's the five iron and i've absolutely nutted it [Music] so when i'm considering putting a new set of irons in my bag there's two characteristics that definitely need to be met they've got to look good and they've got to feel good now a lot of people might say well what's it matter what club looks like well it's important because you want to be proud of your club you want to take the club out of the bag and go this looks great and i can't wait to hit it these irons tick that box they're beautiful looking irons for me i want an iron to feel good i want to have that satisfying contact when i make a good hit i want to be rewarded and also maybe if i hit a bad shot i won't even know about it so far the shots i've hit these clubs have done just that feel wise is great. And then.

The third thing and many of you might think the most important thing is performance. So i've devised three tests for me i want the long irons to be usable so i've actually gotten this set a two iron a three iron and a four iron i'm gonna hit all of those ions to see how forgiving they are. And whether i could use the long irons that's not the be all and end all but it's definitely a huge factor next.

I want to make sure my irons go the right distance as in not too far but have good distance control so i'm gonna hit four seven irons and make sure they go the same distance that i would expect them to go i don't want balls to jump 20 yards too far and then.

The last little test for me is how kind of delicate can i be with the clubs can i be can i hit those little finesse shots around the greens now you might think yeah you're a good player rick you might be able to do all this. But that's not always the case i want clubs to help me with those shots as well so let's kick things off and let's hit some long lines and see if these are actually usable. And where they have a chance of going in my bag. So these are the long irons i've got a two iron three iron. And the four iron so i'm going to start off with the four iron because that in theory out those three should be the easiest one to hit okay. So starting things off the four iron that's the slimmest ping four iron i've ever seen that is a real blade right see if i can hit this oh yeah that's nutted that felt great yeah i'm happy with that four iron can be hit okay next.

One up is the three iron as you would expect thinner smaller slightly scarier to hit oh yeah. But when it's hit when it is hit well it's great. But it's it's not the easiest to hit and we're still going to go two iron. Yet okay last club the two iron wow that is a real bladed two iron it's a good looking club don't get me wrong. But that scares the life out of me and i'd like to think i'm a decent ball striker. But when i look at that it's definitely on the slim side right can i hit a good one oh it's a bullet i enjoyed that let me hit another one of those a little bullet chaser i i could possibly get used to that the only challenge is i think anything off-centered if i'm not quite hitting it well that's gonna be hard the three iron. And the two iron are definitely in that category of uh caution let's say the four iron was manageable. But three and two definitely start to get a bit too slim so if i was to put these in the bag i would probably stop the set. For iron [Music] [Music] so let's talk a little bit more about the blueprint iron well first off it's the first ping blade they brought out forever certainly this slim and also it's fully forged and i can't remember ping bringing out a forced iron since the answer irons all those years ago and that's really got what got me thinking about trying these clubs because i must admit i do prefer a blade looking club. And for me a forged iron gives the feel that i'm looking for now there's technology in this club in the fact that there's a tungsten weight here at the end of the club which moves the center of gravity a little bit closer to the middle and by that it's pretty much what you expect from a bladed iron the lofts are very traditional. For example a 7 iron is 34 degrees of loft. So i'm not expecting the clubs to go super far which is great. For me a lot of tour players certainly from ping have put these in the bag players like tony fenow louis and hazen and pink have got a massive amount of new talent coming through so maybe this club was inspired by players who've used blades in the past i think now with the blend of technology ping can make an iron like this that can still perform at the highest level i think it's a great looking eye. And i must admit that's possibly why i put it in the bag and to test it because i underestimated how good this iron really looks now so far it's doing a great job on the field the long irons haven't been my friend off the tee the forearm was okay. And that's probably where i would cut off my set anyway four down to pitching wedge the two and the three iron were definitely harder to hit i don't really carry a three iron. And i much i prefer a much chunkier two iron anyway and this brings me nicely into my next.

Test a lot of modern irons have the ability to get the ball coming off the face fast now sometimes that can be an issue because the ball can come off too fast. And for me i don't want a shot to go 20 30 yards further than what i expect it to do. So so i'm gonna hit some iron shots with the same iron into a par 3 and see what the consistency of distance looks like because that is a massive test. And a massive consideration if i want to put these clubs in the bag so i'm 160 yards away from the flag i'm going to hit a tide into this green now i don't only want to test if shots go too far i also want to test if i don't hit it well enough how punished do i get because that's another consideration. And there's water short of the green i don't want to go in that right let's see how it gets on [Music] [Music] yeah they look really good let's go. And have a quick look okay. So here we have the four shots and we'll repair the pitch marks in a minute one two three four and this is the one that went furthest one two three four five six yards between the furthest. And the shortest which i'd take every single day there were four shots that were very similar conditions outside conditions will always play a little factor. But for consistency of distance those irons absolutely pass the test right next.

And final test for me is the nest shot it's going to be delicate with the pink blue print irons [Music] uh [Music] [Music]. So after spending some time with the ping blueprint irons in the bag playing some golf and also doing some mini tests i've got to say i really like the irons for me i was in love with the look of the iron they are a stunning looking iron next.

Thing then..

For me was feel. And they feel great with that forged head to definitely have a softer feel than ping irons i've used in the past now regarding the mini test that i did granted the two. And the three iron possibly would not make it in the bag for me they are too hard to hit. But definitely from four iron down to pitching wedge i could play with them no problem regarding distance controls you saw on that part three. For me distance control was absolutely on the money with these irons when i hit them a certain distance they went the distance i would expect them to go tick. And the last little test for me was those little finesse shots around the greens. And again bar maybe one shot i hit from 90 yards with a pitching wedge which isn't my favorite shot in the bag anyway shots around the green were great they definitely have a more responsive feel off the face. So to answer a question would these irons go in the bag yes. And you know what i'm going to put them in the bag. For a while and they might not stay in the bag forever but let's see i'll do a what's in the bag before the year ends. But the moment i'm going to put the pink blueprint irons in the bag. And let's see how they get on thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come and i regret i should have put these in much earlier in the year but it's better late than never thanks for watching we'll see you next.
