[music] so i get sent loads of different putters to review ones that are a bit crazy that stand up on their own some that are mega cheap some that are really expensive. But this putter i'm about to show you is one of the craziest designs i've seen. But it's interesting because it might just make sense fgx is the brand now i'm going to show you the head first because you might look at that. And think well what's massively different because looking at the head alone there's not actually much different to a normal traditional malleted head center shafted yes it's got a big kind of half moon shape it's got a milling of the face. So it all looks pretty standard that's the head but what makes this putter so unique and so different and maybe a very different concept to what we've seen with putting before is the shaft. And the angle of the shaft so this effectively is a putter get this with a hybrid shaft in it. So the length of the hybrid and the line go more like a hybrid but in a putter head let me show you what i mean by that. So i don't particularly carry a hybrid but this is my five iron okay. So one of the longer clubs in my bag this is the same length as the putter that i'm testing right now now to give some context this is my putter this is 34 inches that difference is massive it's five inches let me take that one away. So it's not only the length is different it's how then.

The shaft actually comes out of the head because this section the line goal is totally different the langle of this club is 56 degrees now to compare that to a normal putter my putter's around about 72 degree lie angle. So you're thinking well that's all makes well well and good what does that actually mean. For the footing stroke well normally if i'm putting with my normal putter i'd be more over the ball my head over the ball my arms hang down naturally i feel like i'm almost crouched over with my eyes over the ball and that's how i've put it forever well fgx the guys that made this putter say that that's not really the right way to pull okay apparently we've been doing it all wrong all this time. And they reckon with this new design it's going to help you put better let me show you what it looks like. So because of its longer length and because of its langle the first thing you'll notice when i set up to the golf ball how far away i'm stood to the golf ball roughly around about 10 inches further away my feet are 10 inches further away from that golf ball which feels unbelievably different i feel like i'm miles away. And the idea now i'm not looking down the line of my ball which i would do normally i'd like to have my eyes over the ball looking at target the concept with this putter is you stand further away. And effectively and just imagine this for a minute your swing is actually more rounded. So it's more in to square so you're making contact in the right place and then.

Around totally totally different to what i've ever used a puzzle like before it just feels so uncontrollable right let's see if it actually works so i'll tell you what i do find because i've hit a few putts with this already just to get a different kind of get a bit of a feel. For it it does feel strange one thing i've noticed you have to line the ball up if you're not lining the golf ball up i just find that you literally don't have any concept of where the hole is because you're. So much further away but the idea is that it should be more of a turn of the body rather than the rock of the shoulders more of a turn of the body [Laughter] that was decent i can't grumble with that at all now the couple of things that i found when trying this putter the first one because it is much more of a rounded stroke it feels like the putter stays a lot closer to the ground where my normal putter feels like as soon as i take the putter away as much that i genuinely feel like i can keep it on a straighter line my putter comes off the ground earlier these guys have reckoned they've teamed up with the university to prove that having that lower putter to the ground improves role. And consistency okay that was a decent start let's see if it can be done again. So again you've got to line the ball up because if you don't i just find it unbelievably hard to line up i feel miles away from the ball and the idea it's more of a rounded stroke that's actually ridiculous that's actually ridiculous it's so weird feeling i'll be honest the first time i ever today.

When i put it to the point in green i give it a try it felt weird i couldn't hold the thing the more times i've kind of used it the more time got a bit more used to it it just feels like it kind of works. But it doesn't quite feel right yet it's so different to normal it really is that's the biggest difference. For me price wise on this footer fgx this revolutionary new design it's 249 pound and it comes in a few different finishes black with the silver and black and black it's mad it's crazy it's like at first you think no way that can work can i be the first person to kind of remember getting contacted by this company i was like i can't see it working how can a hybrid shaft work in a putter brought out the putting green. And it kind of well you saw that already two out of two can we finish hole in this third one not bad not bad. So i'm gonna do i'm gonna hit some more putts with it different slopes. And then.

Give you my full verdict i'm impressed so far i didn't think i would be. But it must be a bit of truth in this [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so that is a testing done of the fgx putter. And you know what i cannot argue with the results i hold some good puts i felt like i got a roll of the putter i felt like stood over the ball i'm still not completely confident over it and i'm not confident over the short pulse i missed quite a few short putts in testing early on but after spending a little bit of time hitting more shortcuts i started to build my confidence but it's not something i think i could do straight away another point on right to left puts i like it more because of it almost feels like it's more like an arc it almost feels like i'm drawing it more. So i'm right to left puts i feel way better than i do on left to right puts longer putts much longer puts i even hit some just off the green because i like using the putter just off the green i felt like it was good. But would take time to get used to but just because it feels so long on the sim on the shortcuts i felt like i was going back. So long that so much could go wrong where normally i'm used to standing over it knocking it in i think there's something in it i do i think there's some concept in that this idea could possibly work it might take a while to cut onto. But it could just work but right now if you asked me to hold a port for a million pounds i'd probably still go to my original putter at this moment in time let's see what happens with this concept it could catch on and i'm intrigued this was not bad better than i expected thanks. For watching we'll see you next.
