Now as we know most wedges look like this this is my 56 degree sand wedge it's got a relatively thin sole it's got loft it's got a long neck there's a hosel that is what is the industry standard these days however. this thing is definitely not that this is a hybrid wedge it's a hollow head construction it's got a three inch sole which is supposed to be better. For not chunking it not thinning it to hopefully get better strikes it has got 56 degrees of loss it's the same as a sanders i would normally use it's got this alignment line down the middle for alignment and accuracy and apparently basically it's duff proof it's chopper proof it's hacker proof let's get onto the green and test it out so this wedge is called june 56. And it's really only designed for shots around close to the green it's not for fuller longer shots and it's not for bunker shots either now price-wise it was 129 from the us. And it took i'll be honest it took a long time to get over here probably about six to eight weeks it just comes with stock graphite shaft that says wedge flex and actually quite a nice grip which a little bit thicker than standard which i'm a big fan of now you might know i'm not the best chipper in the world my confidence level at the moment is going up which is a positive. But i'm still subject to a few duff hits so what i'm intrigued to know about this wedge does that eliminate all duff hits. And even though it looks unusual or weird or different or so different to tradition can always let this work. Or is it just a load of gimmicky crap now with modern wedge technology you get different grind you get different bounces which is to help golfers chip better effectively stop in the club digging into the ground that's this area of the club has changed a lot on a wedge. But it's a very big difference between the traditional wedge and this big monster hybrid wedge so i know it's hard to tell straight away but i'm just gonna chip through with my normal wedge then.

Chip three with the the hybrid wedge and just see what the difference is i know it's a very basic starting point. But it would be interesting to see [Music] [Music] it's about typical for my wedge shots listen i'm like i'm not the greatest wedge player in the world but they're okay i wouldn't be over the moon with those. But i'm not massively disappointed now with this beast wow i mean first off it's. So big the head size is gigantic i actually quite like that alignment strip through the middle another thing i've really noticed even though this is a hollow head design it's very head heavy it feels like the head is wanting to always go down towards the ground because of the weight of it let's see how it does [Music] well it kind of worked it's not the best result. But all i needed to do then.

Was kind of glide it along the floor that was really weird it sounded very different as well like it has kind of a high-pitched ting off the face [Music] i think i need to get used to this i'm not sure just at the moment give it a little bit more speed oh well [Music] because i didn't see a single shot like that on the advert. Or the infomercial that was a little bit chunky that's really interesting here that's where i struck the first two from. And i must admit the last one was a little bit more towards the toe let me spend just a few minutes round this green getting a real grasp of this wedge because that wasn't the most impressive start. So more like a putting stroke that's what i've really got to remember on a shot like this it comes out really strange i've not quite figured that out yet it's easy to get up in the air it really is i'm just finding it difficult to kind of judge how it's going to fly how much it's going to spin. For example and again for somebody who's struggling they won't care about that but it's something i'm noticing [Music] hmm can't feel i can get it to the hole from here let me just try a much longer swing i feel like i can throw this further than i'm giving it credit. For [Music] getting closer slowly but surely i am not getting the speed distance controlling this at all but in fairness it's one thing to notice because i'm just going with a straight face. And maybe that alignment line look how straight they all are they're all going in the right direction just not getting the right distance [Music] oh i had a chance of getting really close to give a bit of an idea of what this wedge sounds like as well because of that hollow head design it sounds really really unusual sounds like a wood. So far shots around the greens it's doing well the positive i've duffed no shots i've thinned no shots have they been the best chips i've ever hit no i'm struggling to gauge the distance control to be honest a little bit to do with the headway the loft the way that i have to use more like a putting stroke. But as i mentioned who this wedge is aimed at they're just they'd be delighted just to be getting the golf ball on the green now this wedge does have limitations it is only really. For chipping and pitching it's not for bunker play it's not for full shots so i want to see what does pitching actually entail because that can be quite subjective. So i'm going to move back further. And further and further with this wedge just to see what its limits are is it 50 yards can i hit it from 70 yards potentially it's not perfect it's wedge. But i do think it's a lot positive [Music] yep [Music] that stopped. So quick [Music] oh a little bit thin but [Music] wow this already has gone further than i expected to just out of interest let's just go back to 100 yards [Music] be good [Music] again they are not good. For distance control not but i cannot argue with how straight the shots are going towards target really happy with that. So to answer the question is this wedge a gimmick. Or is it great it kind of sits somewhere in between it's great. For really short shots around the green it is almost duff proof. And i really i'm a big fan of that if you absolutely struggle with chipping it's well worth considering i'd also recommend going over some lessons with a coach that's also good it's not a gimmick. But i think because of the way it looks. And the way it's been marketed it can often be put in that category going back to that point if you have horrendous at chip. And you hate chipping this might be the little confidence boost you need we'll see you next.
