I've been reviewing golf clubs now on youtube for nearly eight years and i get very excited when new products come out however. i get even more excited when it's a club designed. For tiger woods [Applause] so these are tiger's wedges the two that he has currently in the bag taylormade mg2 tw edition there's a 56 degree. And a 60 degree which has now come out for us mere mortals to try to use to buy and they've had tiger's import heavily certainly the way that the bottom of this golf club is designed this does not look like the normal bottom of a golf club it's got different angles different grinds different settings to allow tiger to be as creative as much of a magician as he is around the greens now personally i've been using the mg2 wedges in my bag. For the last year and loved them and this is my standard wedge look how kind of straight that is it's got bounce on which is this angle. But it's not got many kind of edges being shaved away as you can see here tigers now i'm using that as an excuse why i'm not a magician around the green surely that must be the case. But either way i love these wedges when i test them i said almost some of the best wedges taylormade have ever made in fact i said the best clubs that taylormade have ever made at the time. But now we've got these mg2 tw edition it's got the same raw face as the mg2 so once you take the sticker off this face will rust. But i'm gonna test it today.

In non-rust setting. But this is what it does look like when it does rust it takes you know it takes a few weeks takes a few days. And then.

It gets all rusty now again this is in tiger speck. So it's got a dynamic gold s400 shaft the one that he uses and the same grip that tiger uses a corded golf pride grip which he uses throughout the set i'm excited to give this a whirl i feel whenever i get an opportunity to test something that has the name tiger on it there's just a little bit of special magic dust that's been sprinkled on it makes you feel like you're gonna perform better let's see if that's the case let's get to the short game area. And test out these new wedges they look awesome so how of taylormade got to making a tiger woods wedge well apparently tiger doesn't like changing his wedges that often and he doesn't particularly like changing wedges when he goes to different types of courses so whether it's lush grass on a pga tour whether he's playing augusta at the masters or whether he's playing in the open championship on link's turf he likes the club to be adapted and that's where these different angles have come from so in the middle section here he's got lots of bounce 12 degrees of bounce on the back edge so we can open that face up. And hit that high flop shot he's got that option to do. So and and the club won't dig into the ground and also this really front edge allows him to still play those zippy bump and run shots and we know how good tiger is at all those three shots. And that's all well and good everybody little well and go tiger doing it but how much will it help someone like me who've got to be honest i'm not the best chiefer in the world well let's find out i'll play i'm gonna play three of those three different shots. And then.

Give you my feedback it's a lovely wedge i've like say i use this wedge already so it doesn't look that different the first i'm gonna play is just the standard little chip with the 56 degree to that flag there was me feeling all i don't know i felt a bit special there. But that shows that the club isn't gonna instantly turn you into tiger woods that was a terrible start let's hope it improves from that point that was nicer first shot which was the standard chip was okay that first one was horrendous. But after that it felt pretty good so next.

One i'm going to play i'm going to use that front edge how he shaved off the front edge there to play that kind of low nippy spinner before going. For the really high lob shot so this allows me to push the club forward a little bit more i can imagine this being quite a good shot off lynx turf let's see if that's the case [Music] oh very nice that had. So much check and spin on that one oh if tiger is watching this video i just don't want to let him down you know what i mean i feel an added bit of pressure with the fact that i'm using tiger's club that's two duffs. And three good ones not the best ratio so far when the good the good but when they're bad it's pretty shocking right final one i'm gonna use this back edge this time so this section here that's been shaved off is gonna allow me to really open the face. And not get connect not get too kind of in the way so i'm gonna play really high kind of flop shot from here now let's see how i get on great control there rick [Music] a little bit better well that was nice. So doesn't that just go to show just because i've got tiger's wedge in the hand does not make me chip like tiger you can see however. though that was just nine shots i need to test this wedge a little bit more. But first there's something i need to do okay this is better tiger woods red let's test this wedge out properly. And see how it can caught up in my perform wind [Music]. For you caught up in my feelings i got business for you [Music] so all in all these are really nice wedges they're very similar to the current mg2s i have in the bag. But they're just a little bit different because they are specked to tiger i think what's special about these is obviously tiger over his 20 plus years out on tour. And playing at the highest of highest level knows exactly what he wants from his performance from his golf clubs and that's what's inspired these i almost don't think i even have the skill where i don't have the skill. Or capabilities to really utilize every single aspect of the bottom of this golf club and i've got to be honest probably most people in the world unless you're better than tigers probably don't either either way it's quite a cool little kind of keepsake quite cool that something like taylormade can bring out tiger wedges. And you know you can own the exact spec that he uses they're pretty pretty decent in that regard last challenge now tiger is famous. For his dramatic shots i'm gonna give myself 10 10 chances to pull off a dramatic chipping guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel i'd love to know your comments of these wedges down below and let's see if we can complete a dramatic chipping in less than 10 shots [Music] push up great great break break oh yes it only took me seven attempts that's not bad thanks. For watching stay tuned to come and we'll see you next.
