[music] welcome back to break 75 everybody episode number seven down here at another open venue royal lytham saint ann's now you've seen last week's episode when i played at saint andrews the home of golf and played quite well and had that special finish well today.

We're here ahead of the amateur championship which actually happened in a couple of weeks it might have already happened by the time this video is coming out it's a little bit breezy. And get this come on look at this this rough is juicy if you golf balls going in this today.

That is going gonna be hard i like this golf club a lot it's a test there are hundreds of bunkers in fact there's this many bunkers on this golf course i'm excited about this. So i'm playing with guy feeling confident after the last couple of times we've broke 75 so let's go out there again let's go on break 75 let's have a nice day in the sun in the wind here at royal living okay. So after quite a bit of warm-up shots on driving range a few putts a few chips around the green we're ready to go yeah play well pal thank you looking forward to this one unbelievably. So i've got a bit of a oh you know this but i want to try and play every open venue and so far we've played kanushi together the old course twice and burt dale as well so another one ticked off the bucket list looking forward to it now what is unique about this golf course path restart if you remember i can't quite remember the year actually there's been loads of open championships here sevi's won here gary players won here david the val's one here tony jacqueline's one here ernie ells has won here just to name a few anyway bro 75 in the sunshine. For all of them it's just perfect red teas red teas yeah. So these are the batis today.

So the golf courses play in today's condition 6 750 yards and it's a past 71. uh do you want to take the honor i'd love to yeah play well pal enjoy it off shot right down it right down it right down it oh bad first tee shot hopefully it's close let's have nine's the club i think [Music] stay there might have just trickled over the back edge you know what is iconic about this place that clubhouse absolutely gorgeous some of the guys up on the terrace giving us a wave wishing us on our way [Music] hmm not my finest effort there nice good start we hit a lot of three irons today.

That's the strategy around there that'll be very nice i think a little chaser i need to buy land is about 140. So i'm just getting a really nice pitchy wedge what is quite testing here today.

Like guy found his t-shirt just in the rough. But with the pin being kind of behind the bunker he couldn't like stop it this golf course is definitely famous. For its bunkers for these kind of pop bunkers which have these riveted faces i wasn't far off where i wanted to land the ball but actually just didn't quite factor in it would stop with a wedge so quick yeah comfortable speed third hole par four similar to last word kind of left you if you go there it's safe away from the trouble there's a couple of bunkers kind of got a pierce one down the right hand side yeah good shot that should be spot on with this link style roof that's quite nicely too bad to be fair. But you do catch like flyer lies. So i've got 205 yards the front of the green so probably 220 to the pin or something like that i'm actually gonna hit a six iron just held them in behind it could come out it's quite hot all right well pulled it again okay second shot into the third hole found the fairway which is nice right between cloves i'm gonna i'm gonna trust the nine iron. And let it fly on the wind i think i just need to carry this about 155 yards that's such a bad strike there's a lot of bunkers that are in play on this hole this isn't in play why am i even i'm even near it that's unreal yeah i'll tell you that happy with that [Music] cinnamon simmer i did phenomenal speed i had visions of that just shooting off then.

Oh i kind of saw my middle of the hill went to the right stranger on that ah silly five oh very hard gonna work played hard that was a stinger driver won it okay second shot 143 yards back into the wind i'm going to try. And knuckle down the 99 but i've got to hit it better than last i've got to strike this really well oh stop drawing ah really really in hindsight and it's so easy to do just moments after you hit the shot i should have tried to chip a little eight iron in there that wind really affected the flight then.

Okay that's where i finished left of the green. And actually a lovely little lie now come around here let me show you this this is the pin not that far away i actually don't think 99 was going to be far off i can go aerial try. And land it on the green or i can try. And be a little bit creative and feed it through the the gap of these two bunkers the cleavage of these two bunkers potentially bite yeah good effort [Music] let's see a drop in yes just kevin now at the end you walked it in i kind of half stepped it. And i thought actually should [Music] oh i didn't think i was going to be too fast i also that was a really good part i thought it was just going to get to the top there. And just speed just stopped it from breaking yes ramming them in nice vibe. So far just kind of feel like i'm easing my way into the round beautiful day it's always nice to be playing out on a championship golf course an open golf course and certainly one of this caliber we need to crack open the birdie source though that's what we need to do that'd make the day a lot better oh pulled it again oh that could be nice dig your teeth in dig your teeth in. So one of the honestly is that that is the beauty of links like there's no there's almost a level of like mystery that might happen on a shot certainly when you snag a lie that was as bad as that. And then.

You've got to contend with on that shot particularly i was trying to land it short when we landed it short you don't know how it's going to bounce how it's going to react the other element is the wind it's downwind off the right never quite up. So all these kind of decisions you've got to make micro decisions which actually end up turning into the complete golf shot this would be very very very nice if not let's nestle it nice and close come on it was a good port it just kind of snaked a tiny little bit yes thank you nice little birdie join me i will i'll join you on the birdie sauce yeah well done back to level oh stay there that's perfect [Music] yeah beautiful low bullet drawing three iron into that little valley run like the clappers. And then.

Chase like crazy chase like crazy chase like crazy [Music] okay. For bats about birdies yeah well very good that is nice eighth hole par four this is a really nice hole i'm gonna go through iron again golf sharp travel [Music] attempt to look at a third birdie in a row oh unique approach here guy i just feeling it a link's called seven. Or three it's a three wood gripping right down onto the shaft it's like a putter might be the worst decision ever but good for pace really really good for pace we're getting light-headed if this one goes in be drunk on birdie sauce oh it's a good roll as well damn never mind oh naughty naughty see that lipping out gap wedge 135 yards slightly down breeze beautiful hole come on right into the heart of it oh be the number and get up and be in the hole oh my god a little thought was in [Music] oh my god [Music] as we walk up to the green oh it's not even one of those ones where it looks like miles oh my god oh it's beyond the pin a bit look at this where's it actually pitched it's hard to have to see a pitch mark oh there you go oh yeah there. So it's taking like a big hop a big hop and it's finished within within a foot from the hole oh my god shouldn't be and can't be too disappointed with that little tap in for a birdie that puts me two under par front nine oh money he's on fire yes great ball [Music] stay there fairly flat put maybe just a touch off the left. But it is uphill [Music] [Applause] firm could have been. So much firmer with that damn [Music] you used to bow to the audience yes well done should be good [Music] get past that bunker oh i slipped go [Music] this is the big pot this one he's don't help this range. So far today.

If you can hold this that will keep momentum very good pushed it look at that finish i don't know why i'm doing it in that finish when is your day it's your day allow me sir when it's your day it's your day because that was a crap. For wowzers okay. So after eleven holes uh first things first you're on fire so far yeah there's a bit of golf left i feel alright fun confidence yes um we've got quite a few testing holes four uh 15's are tougher 17s are tough here. But hey listen let's see what happens it was just up to the halfway hour lovely chat with jane it's very nicely lady uh one thing that was sasha's roles. And she kind of like apologizes almost like she knew that this was going to be critiqued. So as an athlete at the moment i am i've had a kit kat in a bottle of water hopefully that cracks me off hopefully that carries on the good goal for the bat dying quick question for you do you prefer lynx sculpter parkland i know it's a broad question. But um play one fest if you like lynx or parkland it's hard to say when i'm probably on one of the best links golf course in the world so this is the channel here that's our latest video which is a put in tips video. And then.

If i just subscribe there you go i'm done yes that's another subscriber yeah jay jay you have to tell the camera to tell the camera to like. And subscribe whatever you must subscribe these are such a charming bunch of people great team ah hungry. And thirsty yes well that's nice please come. And see us halfway house this is our royal leader center yes this is how we get subscribers these days thank you jane that was lovely to have you thank you have a wonderful day you too oh i told you she was nice i love the lady okay twelfth hole par three do you remember remember what happened in the last part three let's go let's go 12 inches closer this time oh that's such a bad golf shot [Music] that's just because we sat down. For too long at the halfway house these are the ones when i was lit on the practice crown before feeling like young sevy [Applause] okay. So after that horrendous chip so frustrating it's there i can do it. But not yet anyway i'm gonna hack this out out the real deep stuff oh go in the hole oh that wasn't a million miles off i've now got that for bogey though oh rick [Music] oh back to reality oh crap hole double bogey back to level par it's going to end at some point right um par 4 here kind of quite short when i'm playing about 340 yards. So i'm gonna hit three wood it's about 250 leave myself 90 yards in them they can make the best you're talking about the game rick thanks pal best comeback birdie block it miles right into the rubbish get lucky be good oh [Music] okay little bunker shot from here that's it that's it i must admit i kind of feel like this is quite a big part right to left up the hill oh god that was a good port as well [Music] i did i rolled that really nice oh yeah yeah yeah silly bogey on that whole one over now. So that's two not great holes in the row for rick there but he's only one over par so he can still easily break 75. But i think already his head is going a little bit he needs to calm down i can see in his eyes sometimes he tries to chase it. But fingers crossed like one more birdie or something like that i think it's it's a dundee they'll do it. But equally there could be a double bogey or something so fingers crossed it's gonna be good viewing anyway i can guarantee that. So we both blocked it on the right here guys over there somehow he's scabbed practically a fairway lie well for me i've not gone as far offline look at that i'm 210 yards away the thing is that it could literally hit that bank i think you'd take your medicine go. For like a seven eye in just hack it out that get it down there worst case it's a bogey that's a golf shot that is literally all you could do from there this the shop finished about 80 yards short of the greens that a time went about 180 yards ah go oh i never saw that breaking at the end. So much the good news we're just about to hit the really hard holes right i've got to settle the ship here a little bit two over now stay away from that bunker stay away from that bunker [Music] stay away from it [Music] turn turn oh so cool so close anyway a nice splash bunker shot is what's needed. And take the brake then.

Take the brake yeah very good shot that will do yeah good port great save great save needed that was needed this is very good 16th hole beautiful 18th is just behind me with the clubhouse we'll be there very soon it's a little bit leaky a bad tee shot really with a three eye in there shouldn't have blocked it. So far right it's just hard to trust the marker on the hill because it almost forces you so far to the left i've got 110 yards i'm actually gonna go for kind of front left of the green no it's gotta travel a lot that was a bad shot there oh bad bad bad shot when certainly when i was going left side i shouldn't have been anywhere near these bunkers bite hard you lucky lucky man lucky that wasn't lucky it didn't go in oh yeah yeah very solid well um yeah good two sand saves in a row no biggie get lucky right guys. So i've got a bit lucky here lucky and unlucky i've hopped these bunkers just behind you it's not brilliant but it could have been a lot worse the lie is not bad i'm just gonna go really solid nine iron run through uh how do i play this rick i know i should play it is the fact of how to apply it yeah i think i've got this yeah i think this is one you have to chip because to put that there's a lot going on in there it's a lot going on in the ears when i try. And play okay come on this is the time land it on run it up close great shot that was the shot to play very good getting closer let's go a little tiny bit closer to be able to actually play some nice chips again yes up. And down king that's a nice one that's that's a that'd be a nice little confidence booster that was a big one two over one hole to go the infamous 18th back towards the clubhouse littered like many holes around here with better way bunkers come on find the fairway oh. So bad i've hit that so bad straight in the first bunker like literally straight in the first bunker oh guys what if i done what have i done oh it's not only really bad it's also plugged oh you absolute idiot absolute idiot i think i'm other options i can go out that way sideways. But i'm just worried that if it doesn't quite go to plan that could be really dangerous yeah i should be able to splash it out over here okay i've gotta even trust yourself. And really out flatten that face and hit it hard i think you will get it out it won't go very far. But that's a golf shot yeah okay gotta make up. And down from there come on at least give myself a chance that's all i'm asking for here it's got travel it's got a really travel it's on i think ish is it right on top of that bunker into it okay not maybe the finish i wanted dramatic anyway at least i've got to hold this. And it ran top of the bunker i've got a whole lot for a 74 hopefully to put it no worse. For 75. i think i would have taken that maybe at the start today.

But i think i've threw nine holes being two in the par it does feel like a slightly disappointing bat nine not a bad effort oh frustratingly kind of left it a bit short right guys final thought to actually shoot 75. if you've enjoyed this video make sure you hit like. And subscribe sometimes it just doesn't go your way and that is golf let's hope i can just knock this in yeah 75 double bogey down the last book well done mate that is golf.