I'll be honest with you typically when a brand brings out a set of irons with the same name as their brand new driver i am not a big fan for example when taylor may bring out an m5 driver guess what they bring out a set of m5 irons and typically i don't like them for a couple of reasons one i just think it's a little bit lazy like you know they're going to bring out a set of irons that match the driver. And also the following year you pretty much know they're going to be replaced by the new named driver irons however. this year i'm thinking a little bit differently because taylormade have brought out a new set of irons which have really caught my eye. And it's the same named irons as the stealth driver [Music] now side note i'm not saying a set of irons that come out that match the name of the driver are bad irons i just typically don't get very excited about testing them now as you might know taylormade this year brought out taylormade stealth driver. And it's everywhere you've seen it the red face carbon this carbon that and as soon as i heard about them bringing out a stealth set of irons in my head i'll picture what they look like i fully expect since i have a red face to be honest i fully expect them to be packed full of carbon and to look like they were gonna date quickly i was wrong because when i saw them i was pleasantly surprised these are the brand new taylormade stealth irons. And i've got to admit i think they look really really good this year. And because i like the look of them and i'm quite excited about them this time i'm gonna give them a test i'm gonna jump on the golf course i've got a five seven nine. And picture wedge in the bag and these irons this year are very much aimed. For the average golfer ultimate distance ultimate forgiveness uh they are powerful quite strong lofted. And when i say strong lofted the seven iron is 28 degrees i mean that's closer to my five iron let's be honest. So i'm expecting these to go a long way i'm gonna play a few holes just see how they feel see what i think about them are they as good as they look because typically if you're a higher handicapper. And you want a forgiving set of irons typically you get served the ugly looking golf clubs let's be honest but these claim to be forgiving for the higher handicapper but they look this good that could be a winning formula right i'm gonna start with the five iron play a few holes see how they are ah um not the best start that might have ended up in the trees let's get down there that just goes to show doesn't matter how forgiving a set of irons are when you step up onto a first tee with a five line in your hand. And no practice swings anything can happen. And uh that wasn't a good golf shot at all right bad news i couldn't find it so i'm gonna have to drop one and you know what i think it's only fair let me just play i'm gonna play a few holes hit loads of shots warm up a little bit get used to these irons see what i think [Music] okay. So i've hit plenty of warm-up shots now now on that last tee i've just hit nine iron seven iron and five iron first thing i'm really impressed with they're all in a straight line down the fairway in fact come have a look at this so the first golf ball is over to nine then.

We move on to the seven. And the final one down there's the five they're all in line with that flag that's pretty impressive didn't expect to see that but they are straight in line now what i do want to test because i hit all those three very similar to each other quality wise in theory each of these golf balls within being two clubs apart should roughly be 24 yards apart now my biggest concern about strong lofty golf clubs is the stronger lofted clubs i either five irons can sometimes go outrageously longer. So let's see this test i'm gonna pace it out and see what the difference is this is nine iron like a decent distance off the tee 18 yards from nine to seven that gap's a little bit too small. And then.

From seven to five iron it's actually really good 25 yards that's about spot on so that kind of makes me think maybe the more lofty clubs are almost too strong like that gap between nine. And seven isn't enough but from seven to five it's very good something to be aware of because as soon as you start going strong aloft did you definitely need more lofty clubs in your bag you need more wedges right let's hit these into the green oh that looks nice get up oh not bad not bad at all maybe a fraction short okay we have to jump on this 99 a little bit to get it there. But it's online get up to the back yeah maybe just a little bit short on that one okay pitching wedge into the green now. So if it stays there that should be good go on that's good okay i know i've not absolutely loads of shots. Yet but i've got to say i'm impressed with the set so far they look good they do behind the golf ball they're not too ridiculously offset they don't look oversized. But yeah i still feel like they're giving me a lot of forgiveness i feel like they're giving me enough protection around the ball um feel-wise not the softest feel kind of come to expect that with an oversized golf club all in all. So far so good however. i'm not finished testing yet because i do have a few little concerns about these clubs. So before i come on to the potential negatives of these irons i want to talk price for seven irons is 850 pounds what do you think about that price i'd love to know your thoughts down in the comments below okay. So these are the three shots i just hit into the greens this one the last one was pretty good i've got to say i know the greens will be a little bit soft. And receptive today.

They've all spun nicely it doesn't give me loads of concerns that wouldn't stop on the green that's pretty impressive concern number one short game now whenever you're looking at buying a set of clubs that are stronger lofted. For distance obviously all forgiveness i fear that sometimes you lose that little bit of finesse around the greens what a benefit of buying let's say a bladed iron or a forged iron or something with a little bit of cavity back with traditional lofts is you can have that little bit of flare around the green now with strong lofty golf clubs. And certainly harder golf clubs sometimes you lose a bit of that feel now a lot of higher handicappers i would recommend to chip with like an eight or a nine iron but with strong lofty golf clubs they've got to be really using a pitching wedge because that is like a normal player's eight. Or nine iron so i'm gonna hit some shots from here just off the green with the wedge and just see how they feel like do you still get that feedback that you need. For little delicate shots like this i'd say without me knowing that was a pitching wedge behind the ball that looks like my normal eight iron really. But saying that on the spec it is 43 degrees. So it's not as if it's ridiculously strong it just looks it looks powerful all right i'm gonna play a little almost like a bump and run shot with this go in that wasn't a bad goal shot and it just kept going i thought i'd played that really nicely slow down it's not too bad i'm gonna try. And play this one a touch softer oh sit come on even softer just comes out so hot i'm really trying to play this soft and every single one is firing past the flag right i am definitely going to try. And leave this one short of the flag and then.

I over compensate it too much that goes exactly to my point said this. For many years now whenever you've got strong lofts certainly with a big head size that's where i honestly feel like you do get punished you don't get that feedback that finesse that you sometimes need on delicate little shots something definitely to be aware of. And then.

Concern number two sometimes with more powerful irons that are very forgiving you can hit hot shots sometimes i might be stood hitting into a green i know this 7i should go that distance. And i just hit one bet and it comes off faster it might go 15 yards further you know i think i'd love to hit the ball 15 yards further you wouldn't do if it was out of bounds over the green. Or it's water over the green also on the flip side these irons are designed. For ultimate forgiveness what they're gonna be like if i don't strike them well so i've come on to a par three here one of my favorite holes at the marriott i need five shots and whether i hit it good bad or indifferent in theory i should be able to find the green pretty safely okay shot number one that's a nice hit [Music] yeah that's good safely aboard the green that wasn't a good hit i hit that a little bit fat. So if that gets on the green yeah that's done pretty well actually now one thing this pin isn't ideal. For this club because these irons are quite upright they definitely have a favoritism to go left. But i'm struggling to stop these go left i've seen it pretty much so far in the test something to be aware of if you are hitting them too far left they might not be the club. For you that's it nice similar locations to the first two i think yeah again. So far so good i can't get to this right pin though i'll try so anyone i've not seen yet is when i hit it really good because they are middle of the green towards back of the green i feel like if i absolutely crush one out the middle it has got the potential of going too long [Music] that could be that shot that felt right in the middle well i'm impressed okay final shot with the seven iron that grouping. So far is pretty incredible i hit that really well i hit that really well is it gonna go big oh it did okay. So now we're down to the green and let me evaluate these shots these three very very impressed like look at the line of those i was hitting from that direction they're all just past pin high. But these are the three i hit nicely this one was interesting i didn't hit this one well i actually fatted it. And to be honest i've not lost much distance at all in fact i bet it's only like two three four yards that's not a lot is it i'm happy with that now the last shot i hit better. And it has gone slightly over the back of the green let me just show you something here this is the average base let's say one two three four five six seven eight the pitch mark is at eight. And then.

It's kicked down so miss green yes would be brutal if i was to mark these irons down. For a slight unfortunate kick off a good shot i have seen irons that definitely shoot much much longer that's a glimpse that these irons might do that on a really really center strike with a bit of low spin. But overall for the first time in a long time i think these irons the stealth irons that match up with the driver of the year are some of the best irons taylormade have brought out in this category thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you soon.