So i've been sent some wedges from mizuno and i must admit when i first got sent them i wasn't overly excited. And it's more for the fact that mozilla wedges in the past haven't been amazing they've been all right but just nothing that really gets me that going now these ones these are the new es21s. And after unboxing them and also reading a bit about spiel mizuno could be onto something quite different here first off looks wise these look mean they're almost blacked out murdered out the black head the black face even coming with a black shaft. And also kind of this black and gray lampkin grip i think they look phenomenal what i also really like. And this is it's only cosmetic i like how the bottom is super clean like there's no text on the sole of the golf of all the loft. And bounce everything all the information's on the back i actually really quite like that um technology wise what mizuno is saying is they've managed to get a perfectly centred centre of gravity. So it's absolutely in the middle of the head so there's this logo on the back of the head which i'll be honest it almost looks like a bmw logo car logo now they've positioned that absolutely behind the sweet spot now with doing that they've had to change the way that the wedges shaped they've had to move the center of gravity further up and because of that they've almost got this kind of lump of uh of extra golf club on the high toe of the golf club to neutralize that balance either way it's a nice story but does it actually work what mizuno is saying it's going to help you control spin more it's going to help you control distance control better. And your dispersion you're supposed to be able to get it closer to the hole so let's spend some time testing these wedges see how they feel around the green first before seeing those claims are true on some fuller golf shots also something to test today.

They reckon these wedges are good in wet weather performance they've got a hydroflow microgrooves that are lasered etched to release moisture. And reduce spin drop off that's perfect today.

Because it's a wet day in manchester. So i've got a 56 degree a 60 degree a standard and also they brought out a wide version as well which is a wide sole version. So i've brought out in the 60 degree might be a little bit better certainly the wet conditions today.

So i'm thinking with that centered cg location right behind the sweet spot and those different milled grooves to help with spin i'm expecting good things from this wedge let's see if it can deliver [Music]. So [Music] so the british weather's got the best of us it's absolutely started throwing it down in fact it's hailstoning so i might have to postpone testing till tomorrow and just like that the sun's out in manchester it's the next.

Day and i can carry on testing these wedges i finished off testing around the greens i want to carry on with a few more little shots to get the feel. For these wedges [Music] [Music] okay. So let me start things off by saying these wedges spin like crazy even though the greens are a little bit wet today.

Because it's early in the morning the shots i was hitting around the green the ball was grabbing like i've not seen before unbelievable very impressed now there's two more things i need to test with these wedges first off being the finish with it being a black wedge what's the finish gonna be like after hitting it let's say in a bunker we're gonna find that out i'm seeing a few little scratch marks already. And also the big story the fact that this new centered gravity position right behind the sweet spot is gonna improve accuracy well let's see if that is the case now a lot of people will say well why are you bothering doing this test who cares if they scratch up well i'm honest if you're paying 159 pounds per wedge which is how much these mizuno wedges cost you do want them to last. And have the same finish for a little bit longer than just 10 shots out of a bunker that's how they do. So this is how the club looks after 10 shots in a bunker. And as you can tell the finish has started to come off a little bit now. For a lot of people they won't be bothered about that it'll all be about performance but when you're spending 160 pound for a club it's just something to note it won't look as fresh as it did out the wrapper even after the first round of golf you play with it now i did have some reservations at first sight about this back edge how it stuck out. So much further near the top of the toe that's to help move the center of gravity i thought that might hinder how much i could open the face well it doesn't i can still open the face pretty much flat. And also what i do like they've disguised it really well. So actually behind the golf ball you can't see that bump that extra bit of club head behind whatsoever so so far so good with these wedges now i'm going to test it. For accuracy i'm going to hit 100 yard goal shots with the 56 degree to see how close i can get it to this thing i'm gonna see if i can pitch it in the bucket hey if you're in the channel with over a million subscribers on youtube what else are you going to use what a dirty old bucket that you borrow from the green keepers you can set up on the green i'm going to hit 21 shots in homage to the name of this es21. And see if i can hold one in the bucket to see what the accuracy is like with these wedges. So first things first hitting the green would be a good start doesn't matter how good the wedges are if you're faster it's not going to help you [Music]. So i've slightly underestimated how cold it is. And therefore. the ball's not traveling quite as far so as a result i'm going to bring the bucket a little bit closer to the front of the green give us a chance of getting it in. So bucket is moved i reckon i've got a better chance now first shot were fat second shot was thin third shot was okay let's go [Music] that's got chances oh. So i'm halfway through the challenge i've not hold on yet so i'm getting closer overall though i've got to say i really like these wedges i think they spin like crazy they feel really good they look fantastic whether there's much truth in this idea that the center of gravity is going to make you more accurate i'm not totally sure just. Yet i think it's still down to the person swinging the golf club now. For the price wise 160 pounds for me that's a little bit punchy for a wedge like this for example a vokey wedge is cheaper mg2 wedge. And tailor-made is cheaper i wouldn't have maybe put this as higher priced we've got 10 more to go to hold it in the bucket [Music] this could be it oh not quite [Music]. So we come down to the final shot i've hit 20 so far now granted i've not got one in yet but still time with this last one now overall i've got to say i'm impressed this wedge i really like it i think if you're in the market. For a new wave this might be one to consider it's a little bit pricey but overall i think it's pretty pretty good okay last year come on i just need to feel like i've got the distance i need to get one online [Music] get up get up oh not bad. But not in the bucket we'll see you next.
