Oh yes mr flag spin spin spin spin that is insane in one of my recent videos where i put a full bag of illegal golf clubs together i teased you with this wedge the ultimate backspin wedge. And i said in that video if it got 50 000 likes i would play a par three course with this club to see i can play with it to see how much spin it can get. So what i've decided to do is come down here to marriott woodsy park. And design my own par 3 course with distances varying from 30 yards up to 75 yards the greens here are perfect. For spin they're going to be fast they're going to be soft. And this club has the most ridiculous club face on it which creates the most outrageous amount of backspin and also i'm going to use the same golf ball throughout the test when i hit it just briefly last time the cover got ripped up if i use this one golf ball. For nine holes i think it's gonna be torn up like crazy. So stay tuned to see how much damage takes place and then.

Finally i'm going to see if i can make the ball spin 50 feet. So the last shot i'm going to play i'm going to hit a couple of shots i reckon there's a green where i can get ridiculous amount of spin we'll see if we can get 50 foot of backspin without further ado let's pick the first distance. For the first hole so i'm going to use a random generator. For every distance and the first distance is 35 yards okay first hole 35 yards what i'm going to enjoy about this challenge i should be able to throw this ball right at the flag. And it should stop immediately my goal for nine holes is to shoot under par let's see how i get on [Music] oh that was nipped oh it's run out a little bit more than i expected. But that was a good strong start we're pretty close okay. So just came down here i think that didn't spin quite as much that time. So it just landed on that down slope and from 35 yards i'm not expecting the ball to actually land and zip backwards it did stop tremendously quick though [Music] nasty lip out that's a bit annoying pitch the first one in nice. And close and end up missing the put some level par second hole 48 yards slightly up the hill this time we're going to be landing it on more of a of an uphill slope. So i think this ball is going to stop much quicker this time [Music]. So nippy spin oh my goodness that is ridiculous from that distance come on have a look at this i'll show you where it pitched. And then.

Where it actually finished that was insane. So i repaired the divot and then.

Got up here now from 50 yards normally i wouldn't ever get the ball to come backwards to spin back look at this it landed here and spun back to there that's that's like five foot of backspin from 50r that is incredible right good chance here in the second to go on the path. And another big smiley scratch in this golf ball this is going to get absolutely destroyed. So here we go 58 yards third hole this one's going to spin like crazy. So get down there and check this out [Music] fourth hole 49 yards into wind the green slopes from back to front i'm going to try. And show boat a bit here i'm going to try. And land it past the flag by quite an amount and then.

Zip it to the flag he says with great confidence [Music] and then.

Spin spin stop spinning stop spinning stop spinning that's uh that's absolutely outrageous on a shot of this distance that is normally impossible to do i've landed that probably 10 12 feet past the flag thinking that's probably enough. And it spun all the way back to the front of the green i was enjoying this wedge because i'm trying to put a score together. But that's just made it very very challenging right so this was my pitch mark again that's that's about 15 foot past the flag. And the ball finished 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 yards of backspin that's this far in feet that's a lot of backspin right let's try and knock this one in for birdie i was only 50 yards away it spun back 14 yards that's crazy oh you are joking me oh that looks. So good for so long par that hole can't be disappointing to be honest because i do love as i mentioned a few times creating lots of backspin on to the next.

Okay this will be an interesting one i'm here on the 14th hole which is a par 3 at the marriott woodsy park. And the random number generated this time spat out 62 yards which has actually put me in the rough so this time it's about controlling the spin a bit a little you know normally out the roof the ball doesn't spin quite as much and i don't really want it to on a shot like this [Music] oh it's got to go a bit [Music] yeah not my not my best effort there i uh the club kind of went slightly underneath the ball. And spat it up a little bit too high we're on the green but i'd like to have been much closer on the shot like that [Music] oh rescue the par i must admit if i didn't make par from 62 yards and i've been disappointed one thing that's hardest to try and judge 68 degree wedge so i don't particularly know how far it goes on a full shot probably goes about 70 odd yards so when i shot my heart it's just a little bit harder to judge but just because of the loft right on to the next.

We're still one on the path okay this one's going to be fun this is the longest number. So far it's been spat out the generator at 71 yards so i think it's gonna be an absolute full hit with the 68 degree there's a bank behind the flag which i think i might have to use let's see how close i can get from here i'm excited about this one [Music] oh it's not gonna get there [Music]. So i'm gonna say i intentionally did that. But the shot i had in my head compared to shot i hit was very different i expected this really fancy off the bank spinning it back to the flag putting it within a couple of feet. And instead i pitched it about pin high and it stopped dead either way it's not bad and i'm putting for bernie while we're here let me just have one more shot at that let me try and play the shot i was gonna play the showboat one off the bank spin it back i've actually got to hit this much harder than i thought oh no i've pushed it right i cannot get it to land any further than that because the harder i hit it all that happens it goes up more because it's 68 degree just goes straight up it doesn't get the distance. But you saw from that it just spun like crazy i can't wait for the challenge at the end where i'm going to try. And get over 50 feet of spin i definitely think it's possible seventh hole. And one on the power at the moment the next.

Number is 45 yards. So i've decided to make it a little bit more tricky put it in the rough i'm gonna go over a bunker the pin is just perched on that top plateau. So it does require. For me to stop the ball fairly quickly uh feel like i'm putting the ball close maybe not converting as many putts but i suppose that's not the wedge's fault right i'm gonna i'm gonna be a bit more experimental here i'm gonna open the face which might be not the uh the greatest idea because there's plenty of loft already and i'm gonna swing it fairly full come on let's put one close yeah the problem is opening the face of a 68 degree turns it into 70 plus degree that might not be my wisest idea next.

Shot i'm in the bank now first miss green got trying to get up. And down from there that wasn't my best idea oh i like that good recovery oh far and on to the last look at that damage it's absolutely ridiculous this this club has chewed up this golf ball something rotten i've probably hit about three shots from that same spot to be fair as well last hole 68 yards and then.

We're going to set up a spin challenge on this hole this hole is a great hole. For it because it's back to front sloping green so 68 yards for the last hole and one on the par let's hope i don't mess this one up it'd be nice to stick one close and try and get to two on the path get back there get back there don't spin that's going to spin like crazy ah i must admit i tried to hit that a little bit softer i tried to actually take spin off it because that pin is. So far back on this hole i wanted to try and get it up there and kind of die it off but it's just landed on that slope and spun back down the bank that's frustrating let's go and finish this one off let's get a score for nine holes and then.

Let's see if we get over 50 foot of backspin coming up next.

[music] get close get close that's not a bad lag put from there on the last and that's one under for the nine holes i think the moral of the story is spin does not equal lower scores. But it is still quite fun right challenge i'm gonna set one up on this hole we'll go back to about 70 yards where i can hit one full my goal is to pick you up here near the flag. And then.

Zip it as far back as we can go i reckon i can get one off the green if i get it right okay quick change of plan i was gonna do it on the 18th hole. But decided to do it on this hole instead only because the wind has switched it's a little bit more in to win this hole i'm 70 yards away let's see if we get 50 feet of backspin i mean that is it's a hell of an ask i'd say it's not about getting it close to the hole on this it's about reliving some childhood memories of just trying to get the ball to screw back as far as possible let's go let's get some serious backspin [Music] okay i need to land it much further than that ah that's it [Music] ah thinned it through the back that was i would have had a lot of spin. But unfortunately when you thin it it's gonna go too big [Music] oh that is the one land nicely [Music] go oh my goodness oh no didn't catch it it's gonna spin a bit. But yeah i didn't hit that one as well okay two more to go guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel i've had fun making this video say something quite special about getting that ball to uh to spin back. But we still need to get one that goes silly come on [Music] oh get big get big oh that had so much on it if i landed that at the back of the green that would have been the best one one more to go come on [Music] oh yes oh yes mr flag spin spin spin spin that is insane thanks. For watching and we'll see you next.

Time unreal love that.