These are my current golf clubs I've had this set of golf clubs pretty much. For the last at least 12 months and some of them much much longer however. I'm ready for a change I am going to change some of the golf clubs in this bag in this video I'm going to talk through every single Golf Club in my bag tell you the pros. And the negatives of some of these clubs and whether they are going to stay in the bag. Or is it time. For a change so you might be thinking well why change Rick well for a couple of reasons one got a big year 2023 it's the start of a brand new golf season I've got some really exciting break 75s lined up for this year and I want to have the best tools possible I've also got some very important matches against some of the biggest tour stars in the world this year and again I want to have clubs that I feel confident with or be I'm starting 10 on the power in those videos I need to have clubs I feel confident with also another teased it a couple of times the review Channel which I'm setting up very soon which will allow me to test more golf clubs than ever before is being released in the month of May you've not subscribed there. Yet jump over subscribe Link in the description below so let's kick things off with the Potter the flat stick the club you use the most in the bag now as you know I've been a big fan of this brand for a number of years even roll I really like the feel of the Putter and I've used this particular style for a number of years now this particular version has no alignment on it at all I had a putting that's not Phil Kenyan. And we identified actually no alignment might best suit my eye. And I don't disagree however. I feel like I need some level of a DOT even here just on the top so I know where the center of the putter is [Music] after all my clubs. And at the end of this video tell you whether I'm going to keep them in the bag. Or whether I'm bidding them bag or bin I'll come back to the Potter in a bit but yeah lots of positives in there okay wedges up next.

Now I'll say this with a smirk on my face because many of you watch the channel might know that maybe the wedge game is the weakest part of my golf game um I feel like that predominantly is due to technique. And also in between the ears and the Brain look how much you're thinking about it right foreign [Music] about in the podcast about routine he's got no routine has it slowly. But surely I'm starting to get com more confident in that region now the four wedges I currently Carry I've got 46 degree which is effectively a pitching wedge a 50 degree which is a gut wedge. And they're both sn8s I've got 56 degree Sun reg and a 60 degree lob wedge which are sm-9s um I'm going to talk about this club first 46 degrees which is pretty cool it's got the stamping in my name there on the back now this is a pitching wedge. And I like the look of this wedge I love the thinness of it I love the fact on these really short delicate shorts this isn't too powerful however. I definitely see a downside where I'm playing a par 3 and let's say it's around about that 130 yard Mark I think I'd want a more traditional pitching wedge I feel like if I'm going to change the pitching wedge I actually want it to match the set of ions I'm using overall I don't mind that club I love the feel of it. But just not very forgiving on those longer shots um gut wedge I really like is one of my favorite clubs in the bag 56 degrees I'm not again doesn't offend me I really like it. And then.

The 60 degrees a club I've used quite a lot more this year a couple of dents here at the bottom even just show the amount of wear I've been getting out this wedge today.

And even the face I've not had a 60 degree wedge in the bag for this long the grooves and the face is really starting to wear down because believe it. Or not I do actually practice my wedges quite a bit maybe not enough. Yet but quite a bit a couple of dents there on the top were actually when I played a match at JCB against the good good lads when I hit a shot out of the ditch you got it. So the wedges overall I've liked voku wedges in the past they're not the softest feeling wedges in the world but I don't think this set. For me is the biggest issue however. I think a different makeup in Loft would definitely help me. But I don't like the fact that six degrees between my 50 and my 56 and only four degrees between my 56 and my 60. so I've come back to that in a moment what I think the best Loft makeup. For me would actually be so moving on to the irons next.

I have four to nine iron in the Titleist t100s now I have really enjoyed using these irons I have for me this style of iron this kind of cavity back iron really suits my game and I've had a few of these kind of cavity back irons over the number of years I've been playing golf and for me they have the Perfect Blend between forgiveness feel and kind of distance we're not too powerful like hey really powerful irons they always give me the fear that I'm going to hit them too far that sounds ridiculous. But I've kind of have that weird fear with them these ones are really nice. And forgiving certainly off the bottom hits my probably biggest gripe with this set of irons it probably matches with the same um opinion with the wedges that I currently use because I just don't feel like they feel the best like they don't feel super soft off the head I've definitely used irons in the past that have given me the same a level of forgiveness that have felt better for example the Wilson set I had years ago they were some of the best feeling irons I've ever used the v6s. So I'm kind of looking for maybe some irons that have slightly better feel but with the same forgiveness I've really got my eye on the brand new Cobra CB irons I'm looking forward to testing those a little bit more because they look quite similar to these I mean tree to know what the feel is like because overall I like the looks again if I'm going to get a new set of irons I would still go from four iron. But also throw in the pitching wedge from the set of irons overall these have been pretty good but we'll come on to it in a bit they might not be staying in the bag for too much longer So currently my longest iron in the bag Callaway Apex UT this is 18 degrees. And effectively it's a two iron now this particular iron has only just come back into the golf bag recently after needing a repair job because a couple of years ago I think it was about that long ago maybe yeah maybe 18 months ago this the neck actually ended up coming loose. And then.

The shaft came out when I was actually hitting some warm-up shots before playing JCB one time. So it's been redundant for a while I found it again recently I've had it repaired at thorax Nick Hibbs repaired it for me did a great job um however. I've lost a little bit of magic with this club I used to really love hitting this a lot it felt like my safety Club off the tee at the moment maybe I've not hit it enough just. Yet it's literally been the bag for about two months so far but this whole section of my bag this longer iron this gap between my longest traditional eyes my four iron and my three wood has always been a part of the bagger swap quite a lot I'll try different three irons I'll try two irons I've sometimes tried hybrids more recently you've seen that and I played at Royal Liverpool in the break 75 you saw how that went not great so this part of my bag is somewhere that I definitely need more attention to I probably need to work out how much how many times I'm actually going to hit this longest iron I think maybe a slightly chunkier three iron if I'm going to change my iron set I might look. For a 3 Iron that is dealing same kind of brand. Or the same family but a more chunkier model that might be the way forward with this longest iron my longest serving Golf Club in the back by a long way you've seen it many many years I've probably had this club in the bag for at least five years plus maybe six or seven years you guys would probably know better than me Cobra F7 old bluish as it's become nicknamed um can this ever leave the bag can it ever ever ever come out the bag I'm not sure with me. And three wood I've had mixed relationships with three Woods anyway and also this club um but I've never found a three wood I've tested over the years that for me sits as nicely behind the golf ball the garden I've never been the biggest fan of the blue which is mad to say into it. But shape wise I love how it's shallow it's not too deep the head I've always mentioned these these kind of rails on the bottom of the Three Wood I've always loved those rails and even though probably technically they don't really do a great job of interaction with the four I love the fact it gives me that reassurance that I can almost dig this club into the ground. And those rails are going to help it pop back up. And not really kind of take too much of a divot um I don't know if I could ever take this club out the bag can I. So before I get onto the driver I'm going to talk about the golf ball I use I've been using it a number of years Titleist Pro V1 the normal version now again I love this ball I love the feel of it the flight of it I love it the feel of the putter is fantastic as an all-around ball I mean does anything really get much better than the Pro V1 there's lots of golf balls that are getting very very good at the moment um I've definitely got my eye on a few things I'd like to try. So the Bridgestone golf ball and some of the ones that what tiger use is that definitely when I've tested it. And performed with it it's been very very solid and also I might even try the slightly more spinny version of this which is the Titleist probe One X the one with the red number sometimes I feel like I could do with just a little bit more spin shots into greens getting the ball to stop a little bit more I've never been a a player that needs to reduce spin with driver actually spin it quite low. So maybe that little bit more spin with the pro v1x might suit my game but overall it's not an area need changing I've Loved using this golf ball actually I've used it for this probably one ever since it really came out back in you know the year 2000 I've kind of had this as my stable golf ball to go to all the newer versions at least but yeah it might might be a time to change this as well. And then.

This the big stick the driver the Ping G4 25 Max quite possibly the best club I've put in the bag over the last 10 years and that's reviewing a lot of the golf equipment this for me is this kind of unicorn driver it's outrageously forgiving it really is. And doesn't mean I still don't hit bad shots of course as it's not a miracle worker. But shots off center when I'm not hitting the middle of the golf club that's just the GC quad dot when I'm uh hitting on the launch monitor when you don't hit the middle of this driver it's still very very forgiving it feels like offline it doesn't go massively too far right or massively too far left again that's sometimes user error granted my one I've got two things with this driver so I'm not the biggest fan of forgiveness is the number one strength of this driver without even a question. And I actually love the look of this driver there's two things however. I'm not the biggest fan of or I think could maybe be improved first off the sound it's a it's a it's a crack it's not the nicest sound in the world it's quite quite high pitch it's quite loud when you're hitting people watching you feel quite conscious that it's a bit garish the latest model the G4 30 is definitely a better sound a more muted crack. So that's one negative with this particular driver but again I can get over it a little bit um the other one is I don't think. For me this is the longest drive though I'm using in fact I know it's not I've even tested some drivers earlier on this year such as the Callaway Paradigm. And that's considerably longer than this driver however. um worry dubious concerned about switching because the one thing I do not want to sacrifice is that forgiveness level the need forgiveness is more important. And confidence you might have heard recently I played a very very special golf course at Augusta National and I've done that first team I hit this driver I'll set it up behind the golf balls nervous as hell I really was I was shaking I was like petrified. But you know excited obviously I don't think I would have wanted another driver in the world to look down on than this. For that particular t-shirt and it delivered it delivered and it delivered all day long at that Golf Course where I needed it to that's why I'm possibly maybe a bit scared about changing this particular driver anyway that's the rundown of the golf clubs I'm going to show you my brand new golf bag. And then.

We're going to find out which clubs are going to potentially stay. And which clubs have the chance of changing [Music] [Music] so check this out my brand new golf bag and it's pretty special this is a lynx Masters bag with the Masters logo Augusta National you can only buy as a little bit of a flex you can only buy this in August National Pro Shop. And I had to buy it I mean it's absolutely stunning at the moment I might consider just one strap in it like that got a model in the bag. But then.

Again I might go two strap I mean that's just it's pretty special in it free special back right anyway that's the bag let's work out what we're going to keep what we're going to get rid of let's let's go with the easy decisions first. For me the easy decision oh God is the one actually I think the easy decision I think hopefully a lot of you will appreciate this. But I can't see the three would go anywhere for me I I just don't imagine a three wood that's gonna I don't need anything more from it I just need to trust this one that little bit more I don't want to throw it that goes further I don't want one that's more forgiving that for me is perfect might need a new head cover though um all the club that's going to stay in the bag I'm gonna say certainly. For the time being this is staying in the bag the driver the g425 at the moment right now as I am recording this video at the start of a brand new year of 2023 after pretty much testing all the brand new drivers that have been released this year I am. Yet to have my head turned for a new driver for me that g425 does everything I want it to do it's not perfect there's still room. For improvement for me personally sound and maybe a driver that's as forgiving if not a little bit longer but so far that is staying in the bag. And it looks good in there right what's definitely going this is definitely going the Callaway Apex UT is going to go on a wall because I've got a lot of history with this golf club it's been a beautiful tool. But right now I'm not getting on with it and that is being binned out of here gone um where are we gonna go next.

Well I know. For a fact the 46 degree wedge is not staying in the bag because even if I was to get brand new wedges I'm gonna have to get a wedge that suits the set this. For me I've tested it I tried it something I've always wanted to do. But right now that is out of there never to be seen again again not chucking these. And I'm not going to give them away. And at the moment I actually might keep some of these clubs in the actual golf bags I'm playing golf again soon so but these are clubs that are definitely ready to be replaced the Potter they're a bag. Or bin now as I mentioned earlier there's lots and lots of positives about this Potter there really is. And I do love the feel of it putter I love the look of it I think really I'm going to baguette however. I'm going to do something here on this top Edge either alignment dot. Or get get something here on this top Edge not so much an alignment here but just something that tells me where the middle of the putter is I really like it's putter I've enjoyed even rolls over a long time um. And I think that's not particularly going anywhere. So that is also in the bag. So next.

Up the remaining wedges right um the 50 to 56 and the 60. now as I mentioned earlier I just feel like the Loft makeup isn't quite right I love having a 60 degree in the bag I do. So for me a 60 degree whether it's exactly this one I mean I'm happy with this club I really do actually quite like it I like this wide sole it's got 14 degrees of Bounce because obviously I need as much help as I can that 60 degree Cod absolutely stay in the back it might change if I change my other wedges just. So they all match however. I do think if I go. For a more traditional wedge in a new set of irons I would then.

Want to go 50 degree and maybe 55 degree now at the moment again these clubs aren't bad I like the look of these clubs and the shape and everything else they're not the best feeling in the world I would prefer maybe something a bit softer I couldn't tell you exactly right now what those wedge options might be again I've not tested as many as I'd like to have done yet this year more reviews coming soon don't forget to check out the review Channel launching in May um so at the moment these are on the fence I think they could easily be binned. But currently because I don't know any other options I think I am actually going to just keep these in the bags it's not. So much these golf clubs that are bad I just think maybe I need a different setup to these wedges okay. And then.

The last few golf clubs in the bag the irons the t100s um listen these have been fine they have been bought I think A change is needed I do. For me I want something maybe with the same level of forgiveness and maybe even very similar looks but something it feels softer something that gives me that really satisfying hit when I strike it now that might be down to me not hitting the middle enough granted but I've definitely I'm considering in fact I am going to be looking at changing my irons this year again I've got my eyes on those Cobra CB irons. And maybe other options as well I'm not saying that's a guarantee and you never know I might test those and go back to these but the moment these are not staying in the bag last. But definitely not least the golf ball um I think again change might be necessary in this department I'm going to put some Pro we want x's in the golf bag in the very next.

Round of golf that are playing do a little bit more testing with the X. And maybe some other golf balls in the future so at the moment also saddens me to say maybe even the title is probably one might not be staying in the bag now just to clarify what made it through into this incredible bag driver ping g425 Max all Blu-ray Cobra f73 wood my even roll ER 2v maybe with a dots an alignment dot currently the three wedges my 60 degree 56. And 50. currently they're definitely on the Brinker being replaced but currently not yet but not that many from the existence that made it into my brand new bag for 2023. now as you can imagine I'm playing golf again very soon more videos being released. So the golf clubs have just been you'll probably see back in the bag just for the immediate future just because obviously need golf clubs to use I need a bit more testing to start making some decisions on what clubs but these are the ones that stay in don't hold me to it exactly. But these are the ones I'm staying in the bag the other ones I am definitely looking to be replacing to start a new season to break 75 more options to beat at least atopro this year is the goal thanks. For watching make sure you like And subscribe and we shall see you very soon.