So here you go guys on youtube here's a quick video today.

Of matthew evans who's come down to see me. For his first golf lesson with myself he's had lessons off of the pros but we've we've got him in today.

To work on his consistency of strike. And getting him hitting the ball much better and i hopefully you guys watching this can learn a little bit from what matthew's worked on today.

And the improvement he's made in one lesson is is unbelievable the quality of strike is. So much better so we've got screen here at the moment before and after set up position we've got before on the left and after on the right um both at mid iron so both hitting the seven iron a couple little things in setup that we just tweaked just a couple of things we've got the wider stance so the stance was quite narrow on the left side. So we've widened the stance a little bit trying to get the inside of the feet wider than the shoulders rather than it being so narrow on this left hand side we've managed to get that nice wide stance now also i'll show you from behind the line in a minute we also stood a little bit further away from the golf ball to give a bit more room but our main objective today.

Was improve quality of connection quality of strike making sure we hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after and that's the main thing that we've addressed and i've done videos on this before but this is a this is a little reminder now a couple of things we've got also with matthew. And we're going to work on this next.

Lesson is a little bit of a grip issue the right-handed touch too strong. But the moment fixing that would be dangerous sometimes you've got to embrace your fault before then.

You actually try and fix it because matthew in his swing at the moment's got another characteristic that's helping him fix that fault however. coming back to the nitty-gritty of it coming back to how we can strike this golf ball better. So if we look at matthew at setup and i'm going to use his sternum as a reference point. So currently sternum is behind the golf ball where here now on the left on the right hand side is sternum is a little bit more in front of the golf ball now at the moment on the left hand side that isn't too bad you know that sternum being a bit behind the ball isn't too bad at all. But what happens in his backswing is as he moves back away from the golf ball he starts to move further. And further further to the right so if i look at if we look at this this is not a ghost on the left this is just a hologram if we look at the movement see how he's moved from the center of that sternum all the way to the right now we can can't obviously see now where his sternum is. But we would guess his middle of his body now has moved way back way behind the golf ball so when he comes back into here he's going to make some big changes to strike the golf ball well unfortunately not every time does he make the correct changes. Or movement so his sternum is still way behind the golf ball. And he's got this big tilt backwards as he makes contact so he's likely to hit the ground behind the golf ball or he could hit up on it and thin it when he strikes it he can strike you pretty well. But it's just there's too many kind of too much inconsistency so what we've addressed and worked on today.

Is this movement where we don't move that sternum off the ball. So if we watch on this right side now and watch the improvement level so we talked about keeping the sternum more over the golf ball making sure we felt like we weren't moving now look at the top of the backswing there now this is just ridiculously better that's upper back swing now is. So much stronger so his sternum has moved back a fraction but still it's pretty much over the golf ball it's a great position i really impressed with that then.

On the way down he doesn't have to do as much work. So as the club starts to come down he just has to unravel and if we look at contact there now look how much more his chest is over the golf ball. And it's perfect really really good location looks like what's happening with these lines good location rather than this big lean back as he was hitting the ball before. So huge improvement really impressive and the quality of connection was far superior he was hitting the ball. So much sweet to making sure he hit the ball first and then.

The floor after as opposed to hitting the the ground first and then.

Hitting the the ball so really huge improvement today.

If we also look at the ball flight watch this flight here on this uh on this side. So this is the way we're just a little bit further away from the ball we've aimed to try. And get the hands below the shoulders and just watch the connection here so as he moves back into his swing he stays on his left side and oh someone walked past can you believe it they're doing again. So as he hits his connection just was unbelievable absolutely ripped it ball first floor after ripped it straight down the middle really impressive session guys if you've enjoyed the video. And learned a little bit from it please do give it a thumbs up comment in the description below. And i'd love you to subscribe to the channel and well done matthew great session i look forward to seeing you again next.

Time you.