Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic golf center manchester i'm going to show you how you can create more lag in your golf swing by simply improving your grip. So i see a lot of golfers coming in and saying i'm trying to create more lag lag is the angle that we maintain. And create on the downswing to help us create more power to make the club head travel faster to help you hit the ball further but i see a lot of golfers holding the golf club incorrectly which just completely stops them from creating any lag angle and what you see is they'll hold it too much in their palm of their left hand. So smack bang in the palm of the hand now from that point it's very very difficult to hinge your wrist at all you know near impossible even though most of the angle happens actually in the right wrist the left wrist still plays a huge part in this so when you check your grip and you're trying to create angle make sure that you're holding the golf club much more in your fingers than placing the hand on top so make sure you hold it in your fingers first then.

Place the hand on top and when you look at it from the front view you should see two knuckles on the back of the left hand and the v here pointing up towards your right shoulder that way look how much more active my wrist is. And also a good tip is not holding the golf club ridiculously too tight if you hold it too tight it's again very difficult to create a lag angle. So guys simple tip hold it in the fingers of the left hand to give yourself a bit more of a chance to create angle and lag in the downswing to create more clubhead speed to help hit the ball further thanks very much for watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic golf century manchester and also do check out my next.

Video it's just here subscribe by clicking the link below. And also i want you to check out my next.

Lag video which is just in here. But grip first and then.

Improve on the next.

Lag video that i'm going to be posting on the very next.

Post update thanks. So much for watching guys my name's been rick shields down here traffic golf central manchester and that's a simple tip to help you improve your ride you.