Hi my name's rick shiels down here at trafford gold center in manchester and today.

I'm going to do a tip on helping you to judge your distance better when you're pitching. And or chipping really as well no rick not chipping don't say chipping pitching pitching pitching let's do it again hi my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

I'm going to give you a really simple tip to help you improve your pitching getting your distance control better that way you're gonna be able to make more chances to make birdies. And even making the hot the odd shot as well making the odd pitch shot so what i'd like to do first off is get all the wedges that you currently have in your bag i've got four wedge i've got my pitching wedge my gut wedge my sandwich. And my lob wedge and i want you to start with one club so i'm going to start off with my pitching wedge now get a little chat jot them all down get a little table write all your wedges down the side. And i want you to be able to figure out which length of swing is going to hit each distance that you hit. So as a general rule we should have a very symmetrical backswing to follow through position now we can change that. And tweak that to different times of a clock so if i've got a big clock head around me at the moment my club is down at six up there is 12 here is nine. And here is three i can now swing at different positions to help me improve my pitching now i tend to use my arms position rather than the club. So i'll swing my left arm back to three and then.

My right arm through sorry my left arm through to nine and my right arm through to three and it's symmetrical on both sides i can then.

Go 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock i can then.

Go 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock. And i can go 12 o'clock to 12 o'clock. So it's giving me all these different ranges of shots that i can play. So what i want to see is i'll start off with your first wedge now just a couple of points on your wedge plate slightly narrow stance. So you're not going to be hitting the ball full power. And we're going to go back to nine o'clock through to three o'clock that shot. For me has gone about 40 yards i'd hit three or four shots of them get an average of the three or four jot it down on my chart then.

I'd go to ten o'clock through to two o'clock and that time that's gone about 55 maybe even 60 yards so again i'd hit three or four of those make sure i'm happy with them write them down and then.

I'd go 11 o'clock through to 1 o'clock so that's gone about 90 yards there and then.

The last one and again hit three or four last one i go 12 o'clock through to 12 o'clock and that's hit me about 110 so it's not quite a full swing that's hit me about 110 that's my pitching wedge then.

Go down to the next.

Club and continue the process starting with your nine o'clock swing nine to three then.

Ten to two eleven to one twelve to twelve get your chart jot all the information down so at the end of the session at the end of your practice session you should have all the wedges that you've got you should have then.

A distance for your nine o'clock swing your ten o'clock swing and your 11 o'clock swing that way when you're out in the golf course next.

Time it's not just guesswork you can get on the golf course. And say look at my chart right i'm 50 yards away i'm going to use this shot. For this length of swing and you can hit the perfect shot guys thanks very much. For watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic golf centre in manchester and that will improve your distance control check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks very much. For watching foreign.