Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford girl center in manchester. And we're going to do some home improvement golf tips to help you get better either if you can't get quite outside at the moment. Or you just want to improve in your downtime or you just want to improve all the time and this is a good one it's all about swing plane now i want you to tweet me as well guys your attempts at doing this. So tweet me at rickshields pga with the hashtag diy golf tips i'm going to retweet the best ones as well now you could use golf clubs. For this or you can use sticks whatever you want to use. So let's imagine that the sticks are golf clubs i'm going to put these down at the moment if you want to use your golf clubs at home you're more than welcome to. But just please do get the responsible adult's permission to do. So that might either be a parent or or the other half um so we've got three sticks golf club target line is the green stick. And yellow line is my alignment my body alignment. And how we're going to practice this. And this is a great way of really getting your swing plane which is the arc around your body very good through the not even hitting a ball i don't even have to hit a ball doing this. So i'm going to set up imagining my i'm hitting down that green line. And i'm using the red stick as my golf club the first movement in our takeaway we want to get the red stick absolutely parallel to our target line so this red stick is running parallel to that green stick now it's important as well here guys that i have started to already rotate my body to a degree. So i'm starting to turn my shoulders from that first position as we take the golf club back up to chest height the red stick line again is running down towards the green line. And again that's from chest height and i've still again i've rotated my body now to get in that position you've got to have worked your wrists well so if you're not in the right position kind of figure out to yourself well how do i how do i actually get that stick there like golf club there. And this is the best way of practicing rest assured through even just at home from that position then.

I want you to turn your body even further. And get the club at the very top of the swing parallel to the stick that's on the floor so i've rotated my body in the biggest possible way certainly my upper body and the stick at the very top is parallel it's not pointing over to one side. And it's not pointing over to the other it's running as parallel as it can from that spot then.

I'm coming back down. And starting to turn my body the other way now this is that energy starting to create. And in this halfway position down where my hands are in line my chest again the red stick runs back towards the green stick. So i'm continuously running these sticks together all the time to make a really good swing plane coming down into the ball again i've turned my body a long way i've really started to turn to the left this time towards my target and again the red stick is running parallel to my target line as i go through impact. And into my next.

Position the red stick again is going towards that green line. And everything is just all the time running parallel now this one might you might not see great from the camera here. But from that position then.

We're trying to get the red stick to run through onto the green stick again and then.

The last final position is getting the red stick to run back towards that green stick. So those checkpoints we've got one well start one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and if you practice that over and over and over again not hitting a golf ball you will realize as soon as you pick up a golf club. And you go down to the driving range and you do this drill. And you start hitting golf balls your swing will start to become more on plane if you practice this movement enough don't forget guys tweet me your pictures i want to see your attempts at these i'd love to see them i'm going to retweet retweet the best ones using the hashtag diy golf tips do check out my other series of home improvement golf tips as well on my channel do subscribe by clicking the link down here like comment let us know what you think about that. And i look forward to seeing you again in the next.

Tip thanks for watching guys.