There we go guys here is a video i've done on some pitching work with uh kevin kevin's a five handicapper 4.5 used to actually be off one when he was younger. But kind of had a bit of a break from the game just due to fast cars and women so we've looked at his golf game today.

And improved his pitching massively so he's come back into the game it feels like he's 140 yards inwards just isn't as sharp as it could be uh kevin's had lessons before but no we're gonna we've worked mainly on his kind of pitching. And for an elite player like kevin for a golfer who wants to get back down to one this is the area that he needs to improve the most. And i'm sure many of you out there watching would agree with that statement that kind of that range from 140 yards in is absolutely crucial now what we see on screen at the moment is this is aiming to hit the same shot 120 yards on the left hand side we've got before. And what we notice in the before set up is a couple of little things really his base is quite narrow now kevin's been working hard on actually trying to keep his sternum. And his head nice and still nice and central to reduce his sway i would say that was quite hard in the fact that his stance was. So narrow so there's no support in the bottom of his of his setup to actually support his upper body now he didn't he has actually eliminated that sway. But he's just making it very very hard to do. So now bearing in mind is a pitching wedge he's trying to hit 120 yards i said just to control the swing he would normally hit a full pitching wedge 130 odd. So i said control the swing. And hit it to 120 yards and what we notice in the finished position is very much i don't know a big. And bold and powerful finish position we've got loads of leg rotation the club's gone around his neck but in quite a loose fashion it looks like there's lots of energy that's been happening to that shot and i compared it to almost if you were trying to throw a javelin you would throw it full. And you would you would put all the power and effort that you would put into it and a javelin to me is like a full shot a full driver shot a full iron shot where you are trying to you know put velocity into the golf shot to make the ball travel as far as we can. But we're looking at controlling the golf shot here and unfortunately this didn't control as good as we could do. So on the right hand side instantly we see a more solid setup position we talked about getting the inside of the feet about the same width as the shoulders perfect that way we can keep the middle of our body. So much more stable which is really key now i'll show you what we've done in your swing. And i'll tell you how we've actually achieved that so this went exactly 120 i think this went 125 actually. But it would have spun back five yards what we'll see in the swing here now is control. And what we're seeing here in the right hand side is more like a kind of a keyhole surgeon rather than just going in there like a madman i mean i know some of you out in in america might be watching this. But i would almost compare this more to like a dart player so on the left hand side we've got a javelin thrower who's trying to force the golf ball a long way and on the right hand side here we've got someone who's looking to hit a more kind of controlled accurate golf shot and what we see in the finish here is a couple of really fantastic traits that we see the right knee marry up to the left knee we see the hips control better. So they've not rotated completely out the way and we just noticed a finish that's a little bit more sawn off a little bit of a shorter finish position so this brings us back to how we've actually achieved that and i've done this before on videos talking about a clock face so we've got the clock here in the middle of his chest so that's perfectly in the middle okay we've talked about today.

Swinging it back left arm goes to 10 o'clock. So he goes just past 10 o'clock which is fine i don't really mind that it was just the thought process. And then.

Right arm through to two o'clock that would be there that's where he feels like he's controlling the golf swing too there's a little bit of run through which gets him to one o'clock but that's how he controlled the finish here the important thing what i said to him as well though when you go back to 10 don't attempt to slow down to two i kind of want it 10 bum straight to two you know i want it to be 10 straight to two. So with that little bit of kick and force into the back of the golf shot that way you can control the golf shot without slowing down too much we then.

Talked about keeping the right foot quieter. So that the hips wouldn't rotate fully and this is now where we get into that really solid finish position. So kevin that's how you're gonna pitch better and guys thanks so much for watching hopefully you've enjoyed the video uh have learned a little bit from how you can control your shots from 120 yards. And inwards uh eve i'm going to even get kevin to do this with kind of eight tines nine irons from 140 yards this is after by the way on the left hand side as well just lovely control of the golf swing it's really really nice now where before you know the finished position was just. So big and vast and bold it was almost like we were trying to hit the ball you know super super far. So if you have enjoyed it do give the video a thumbs up you can subscribe by clicking the links. And also check me out on facebook and twitter by clicking the link on the right hand side thanks so much for watching and kevin well done site and i look forward to you guys.