So here you go youtube land this is a video of uh tim dibbler who's come down. For his first lesson with myself down here at traffic golf center this evening and we've worked on driver uh tim really struggling with the the long part of this game so we've jumped straight at it and worked on with his driver today.

Um now what we notice here on screen at the moment we've got before. And after before on the left-hand side after on the right now the red line is indicating the ball to left ear position. And obviously here on the right hand side as well so before what was happening is tim's set up position was very much tilted back the upper body had this kind of tilt to it. So from the belt buckle to the sternum we're really leaning back away from the golf ball that was helped in his head was helping him trying to hit the ball on the way up. But what it was actually causing him to do when he got to the top of his backswing he just could not possibly turn behind that red line any further. So what he would cause to cause him to do is actually lean into that green line. So now he's even further forward than when he originally started from you also notice how his shoulder turn just could not complete in that position because there wasn't enough kind of movement back and shoulder turn at the same time so we've got here now on the right hand side now we've got the position much more neutral at set up we're still our heads just slightly behind the golf ball but only a touch now the idea for us at the moment was i wanted him to turn the shoulders. And move a little bit behind that red line only a touch because that way we could be allowed to turn the shoulders a lot better so we turned the shoulders and got tim's head just a little bit behind that red line and you can see the difference in the top of the backswing now is far superior now at the top it's absolutely awesome as the club comes back into the shot tim would lean into the golf ball. And desperately whatever he was trying to do would lift the golf ball up in the air. But was really struggling getting any consistency. Or strike you can really see how his right foot is twisted a lot closer to his left foot. And he was just struggling with any kind of connectivity. And consistency really so here now on the way down as tim comes into the golf ball he can stay behind that original line that he set up from. And just launched it a little bit more way up through the air and he was hitting some much nicer shots this. For example was one of the shots that he hit towards the end of the lesson big shoulder turn. And just launched it on the way up perfect little draw down the middle of the fairway where earlier on in the sessions uh let me go back a little bit further in time this was one of the ones that we hit earlier on not too embarrassed him. But this is it was just going low very very low. And it had a bit more of a hook to it but not every time really it couldn't go right left it was going a bit everywhere you know very very low big curve off to the right. But now we're getting that height we're getting that distance we're starting to get that drawbar flight and just much much easier as it comes down so tim fantastic session so well done guys if you've enjoyed this on facebook uh sorry youtube facebook or twitter please do give it a like share it whatever you want to do with it. And if for example you've been struggling with your driver a bit this might be the main reason if you want to come down for a lesson myself down at traffic golf center you know where i am.