Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about the differences between striking an iron. And hitting a driver and how we can set up slightly different how we can swing. Or how the swings slightly differ to the two golf clubs to help you hit the ball better more consistently and most importantly further so we're going to start off with the iron swing first. And the kind of give you a bit of a brief explanation of of how we want to hit an eye and i've got mid-iron here i've got seven iron we're going to talk about the the strike characteristics now we can set up differently to improve that. And we're going to jump onto the driver. And talk about the strike characteristics of that and how we can alter. And improve that so we're going to start off with the mid-iron we'll start with let's say with the seven iron now one of the most important things with striking iron is that we always want to be striking beyond the golf ball. So we'll hit the ball first and hit the floor after where divot never really wants to be behind the golf ball too much now to help us hit the ball first and the strike after we've got to make sure we're hitting slightly on the way down into the back of the golf ball rather than leaning back and trying to scoop upwards now there are things in our setup in our swing that can help us instantly improve this. So if you are watching this. And struggling with that strike this is going to help you improve that factor. So first thing is a ball position. So with a mid iron this is a seven iron we ideally want the ball position just to be slightly in front of center. For a mid-iron only slightly that's going to help making sure that we don't hit down too severely if the ball position is too far back there's a possibility of striking down too severely. So we don't want to kind of bring that into the equation really in our setup now the most important thing is to make sure that our body. And our alignment of our middle of our body is in line with the golf ball if anything a little bit beyond the golf ball. So what i like to see is making sure with a mid iron that we see a really good strong position here where the sternum. And the belt buckle is just slightly in front of the golf ball ever. So slightly so this i'm here my sternum is just slightly in front of the ball that's going to help the bottom of my golf swing consistently hit beyond to see how every time i'm hitting where my sternum is lying there if i was to lean backwards my sternum move behind the golf ball. So i've had a lateral movement to the right i'm more likely going to hit behind the golf ball. So it's really important to try and stay centered and we can improve that by setting up better. So once you've set up ball position just slightly forward we're going to encourage our sternum our belt buckle just to be slightly beyond the golf ball. So that when we come into here our contact point is beyond the ball now it's important as well in the back swing then.

We don't try. And move that to the in the backswing and not move it to the right so we don't particularly want to move this way too severely in the back swing so what i want you to talk about i wanted to think about when to practice i've seen i've done other videos on this you're staying close to this kind of imaginary brick wall the important thing with that is just keeping you nice. And centered in your golf swing certainly in your backswing so once you've set up in your back swing so i've got my sternum left in the backswing we're trying to keep that to the left and as we swing through we're transferring that even further just a tiny bit to the left to help you hit beyond the golf ball more consistently and that way we're always going to hit the ball first. And the floor slightly afterwards so sternum just slightly to the left belt buckle slightly to the left keep it slightly to the left and make sure that club hits on the way down into the back of the golf ball you've already done a lot of that hard work by not sliding too much to the right left next.

The driver so now the driver there's a lot of talk about driver angle of attack and how we want to hit the golf ball i personally like to see a level angle of a tackle slightly on the way up one or two degrees on the way up a lot of golfers out there who do hit down on the golf ball there's nothing wrong with that. But for myself i prefer to see a player hit level with the ball or slightly on the way up into the back of the golf ball now the easiest way of doing that is making sure. So when i say hitting up imagine your swing has been a big circle and the bottom of that circle is the bottom of the golf swing we want the ball to be just in. For in front of that bottom of the golf swing so it's bottomed out and then.

Slightly rising as we hit the golf ball to help launch the ball up in the air reduce spin and get maximum distance now a couple of things that we can do in setup. For that first thing is making sure the ball position is further forward in the stance naturally. So most players with the driver would play the ball forward towards the left foot more from that point the one thing that we can do my legs. And my my lower half is pretty fixed there now nice wide stabs i'm pretty central. But just from my stu from my belt buckle to my sternum i'm just going to introduce a very slight tilt. And i'm talking very slight so from my belt to my sternum i'm just introducing a very small backwards tilt my right shoulder is lower than my left i've just got a backwards tilt that then.

On the way up is going to just help me hit into the back of the ball. And on the upward climb into the back of the golf ball sternum just a tiny bit back and just keep it back just a tiny bit now in the backswing i don't want it to go over here that's really important i don't want you to slide to the right not excessively anyways you can if you move a little bit it's not the end of the world. But i don't particularly want you to slide too far to the right at contact it's not a bad thing keeping the sternum just behind the golf ball at impact again that's going to encourage us to hit slightly on the upward climbing to the back of the golf ball the sternum is just behind the ball i'm going to try. And keep it there as i hit this shot and just notice that i've finished i'm still just keeping that little bit of a tilt backwards only a touch i don't want to transfer your weight too heavily onto your left hand side as you come down and hit i want it to almost delay your weight transfer a touch so stir them just back you're going to delay the weight transfer. And hit slightly on the way up that way you're going to maximize your distance you're going to improve your strike quality. And you're certainly going to improve your consistency guys if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do leave comments in the description below you can check out my next.

Video just here in the window. And also you can subscribe by clicking the link below guys if you've enjoyed it thanks very much i really appreciate it like i say there are other theories on this i'm not saying there's any rights. Or wrongs but this is what i first personally like to see. And that's how i see the best improvement from the students that i coach guys thanks so much for watching and do check out my other channels as uh check out my other videos on my channel as well thanks very much.