Currently there is a style of golf club that's being used in professional golf out on tour that some consider to be borderline cheating. But it's not it's legal to use so in today's video i'm gonna test it and see exactly what i think of this controversial golf club [Music]. So this is the golf club in question now from there it looks like a normal putter. But as you start to come out you see this it's different this is an arm lock putter now many brands make this style of putter this is an even roll it's an er ii which is very similar to a putter i've been using in the past which is why i think this will be a very interesting test. But as you can see post around about here where the black part of the grip is everything lower than that just looks like a normal golf club from up here though we've got an extended grip. And we've got a section that actually sticks out now the idea of this is that you can lock it into the side of your forearm use more of a forward press. And during the putter stroke then.

It almost stays more robotic connected there's no deviation there's no risk use it i can't use my wrist at all now over the last few years we've seen this become very popular out on tour players like bryson dechambeau matt kutcher. And even more recently xander schofley and obviously that list of players have incredible success recently no exception bryson de chambeau he's been really using his arm lock to incredible effect as i mentioned at the start video a lot of people question its legality because back in 2016 anchoring became banned now anchoring you saw it back in the day where you'd have like belly putters. Or you'd almost have the broom handle putters where you stick it into your chest that was banned because it was deemed to be an advantage difference with arm lock is it doesn't pivot around a point. And that's the wording that's very crucial here it's just locked into my arm nothing is fixed to the butt end of the golf club. So that is not considered to be illegal whether that stays the same in the rules of golf who knows we'll find out. But right now it's legal so in this video i'm gonna test it against a traditional putter one that i've used in the past on three different tests inside ten foot long lengthy putts to see how this arm lock works on there and then.

I think we'll finish it with a nine hole putting comp standard versus arm lock now because i've not really used an armor putter before. And i think it's only fair if i spend a little bit of time now to get used to it. So that the tests are more valid let's give this a go [Music]. So i spent some time just trying to get used to the mechanics of using this putter in like an arm lock position i wasn't particularly looking for results just wanted to get the findings of what what worked best for me because for me it's quite interesting i normally hold my putter left hand below right on short putts i actually claw it as well my right hand but with this what i found if i go left hand below right i can't quite get this to fit what feels natural to me so i'm not the biggest fan of that so what i've actually gone back to is a standard grip which i actually still do really like. And then.

Once i've got that standard grip then.

Pushing it up against my forearm keeping it locked in and i quite like that for how solid it feels it feels very robotic it feels like not a lot can go wrong however. it's not all great my wrist feels like it's in quite a bit of pain it's an awkward position. And i feel like at the moment i'm really being super conscious about making sure it's there it's locked in but the role was good it felt good as i mentioned it felt very robotic very repeatable. So now let's start testing this against the traditional putter we'll start off on an eight foot putt first [Music] so with my normal putter on a straight put felt good felt confident over the ball i gave most of them a chance and in total i scored four out of 10 to 40 so pretty happy with that what i'd expect [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay. So you saw what happened there um that was eight out of ten with the arm lock a couple of things i noticed it felt reliable felt stable the two that i missed one i left just a roll short of the hole. And the other one licked out that was pretty impressive it like say it's a bit awkward i'm not quite there with it. Yet comfort level wise but results compared to the traditional which i've used for so long i'm you so use that putter this one absolutely smashed it out of the park but the big test is the long puts. And also we have a little nine hole putting comp between the two as well that was pretty good i was impressed with that okay. So i've got 40 odd footer here across the green i'm going to go alternate i've got a traditional armor traditional arm block. And then.

We'll just see which ones are basically finishing close. So i'm also going to try. And work out feel on these as well because i've not done loads of long putts with the arm lock yet start off with mine first that's pretty perfect okay this one will be a bit more interesting i the more i use this the more i'm probably starting to realize i'm actually quite a flicky putter i think i use my wrist way too much when i'm putting which is not a good thing that leads to inconsistencies. So i wonder with on a long put like this i'm locking it whether i can judge the speed let's find out [Music] a mega roll [Music] go on oh yeah still not bad same up okay last one [Music] oh that's probably the worst one out the bunch. But if honest not much separates them probably just a lack of experience with this one that stopped that last one getting there but i take most of them most of them give me puts so before we get to the ultimate test i want to give a bit of a summary of the arm lock i've actually liked using it more than i expected i think some golfers are going to absolutely love it it's going to give them lots of confidence because it it kind of gets you into a much more of a robotic consistent move which i quite like however. i do think there'll be lots of golfers certainly you guys watching as well that won't like it because it just feels awkward it's different. And change is also quite hard to kind of adapt to i think my advice to anyone is give it a try if you're struggling with your putting it's worth giving it a go. For me this next.

Challenge is going to be crucial nine holes i'm going to take my traditional putter that i've loved. For so long against the armlock putter in a nine-hole match if the arm lock wins convincingly it could well get in the bag let's find out nine holes let's go i'll go traditional putter first [Music] so nine hole score with my putter was 18. one three put one one port can this beat it let's find out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] they count [Music]. So after eight holes played the score is level one hole out one three put you just saw there on the last that was annoying. So basically this put to win if this goes in the arm lock takes it whether i put it in the bag i'm not entirely sure it does give me confidence i must admit i might try it who knows does this take it last hole it comes down to this still gonna get two putts to [Music] half it's got this to have it's hard guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed the video if you did let me know down below we'll see you next.
