Hi guys my name's rick shield down here at trafford girl central manchester and today.

I'm going to talk to you about what has one of the biggest influences on where this point's at contact. And it's the grip and what a strong grip is. And what a weak grip is. And where your grip sits in that spectrum whether it's strong whether it's weak or whether it's neutral smack bang in the middle and is it always good to have a neutral grip sometimes it's not sometimes it's good to have a grip that's biased to either being slightly strong. Or slight to the weak amateur golfers all around the globe play with different types of grips some play with it too strong some play with it too weak and can still hit a straight shot an awful lot of tour pros players who play professionally do not grip the golf club neutrally they will have a bias to either being too strong. Or too weak and what do those words even mean what is too strong what is too weak. And i want to explain that to you now to give you a bit of an insight and i also want you to do a bit of homework on this. And find out where your grip sits and all of this spectrum between weak and strong so we're going to talk about the club face. But we're also going to talk about the grip mainly. And almost like a steering wheel in a car how our grip can have a massive influence on where that points now sometimes we have to make contradictions we have to make alterations to our swing to make the club face point in the direction we want it to do. And again i want to highlight those aspects to you and whether you're making those you know adjustments on the way into the golf ball to make the ball go straight and therefore. you that might be a reason why you're not as consistent as you could be so first off what is a strong grip. And what is a weak grip. So at the moment that cat that club face is pointing absolutely dead straight up to the sky straight to the camera now if i was to place my left hand my top hand all the way on top. So i can see absolutely loads of the back of my left hand here i can turn that club face now to the left. And around loads absolutely loads how far to the right could i turn it not very far at all can hardly turn it to the right. So doing that down near the ball strong grip i could turn my club face all the way to the left and when i'm doing that as well i'm noticing the loft of the golf club is starting to vanish. Or how far to the right can i turn it hardly at all. So a strong grip there with the left hand should should doesn't always should make the ball go straight left it should make the ball go at least start left to some degree but it should be going left unless you're making some characteristics in your swing to make it go straight likewise there's a weak grip this time i'm going to put my left hand underneath the golf club if i try. And turn it to the right how far to the right loads absolutely loads how far to the left oddly at all so that time my left hand is underneath the grip down at the ball all the way to the right loads. And loads and loads of loads of loft to the left hardly at all so what that's telling us again is that that ball that grip should not saying all the time should make the ball go over the camera high into the right i won't try it while you're while you're there. But it should make the ball go high into the right but again it doesn't always that's one of the hands now the other hand the bottom hand might complement that so if one hand let's say is too weak the other hand might be too strong therefore. making the club face pretty neutral. But again that might limit some of your mobility and some of your strength and some of your consistency it may do it may do. So likewise with the bottom hand this time it's the slightly opposite if the right hand or the bottom hand is two underneath. So the palm facing upwards i can turn that club face absolutely lows to the left. But very little to the right very little likewise too far on top lows to the right very little to the left so when you look at your grip next.

Time we want to see where your where your grip sits and i'm not going to say you've got to see this many knuckles you've got to do this you've got to do that all i want you to do is next.

Time you go have a golf club in your hand take your normal grip just completely take your normal grip like you ready to hit a ball i want you to start off by taking your bottom hand off the golf club i want you to see how far either to the left. Or to the right can you turn it. And which one is it most biased to. So here now you can see i can turn that club face further to the left i can hardly turn to the right. So that would be classified now as being a pretty strong grip now i would then.

Neutralize that out so that i could turn it evenly both sides now i'm not saying go straight now i really am not all i'm saying to you is that's where your grip would sit that would be a strong left hand grip now i know my bottom hand if i was to place this on i could probably turn this too far to the right. And hardly to the left so in my instance my left hand is a little bit strong. And my right hand is a little bit weak to make a grip that's somewhere near neutral now this is the important thing. And this is what one thing i want you to do if you discover your grip is too strong if you discover that you can turn the club face even with both hands too far to the left. And not far to the right if you discover that you should be hitting the golf ball to the left unless you're making changes and characteristics and adjustments on the way down to make up that club face point somewhere near straighter or you've introduced an incredibly extreme path to make the ball curve back to the middle that's one thing you want to look look out for likewise if you have the grip that's too strong the two weeks are in the face would be far too much to the right you could hit that straight. But you should be hitting it high into the right you should be hitting it high into the right unless you're making adjustments with the club face or the path again to make it go somewhere near straight so guys this is more of an insight to where you are currently where is your grip right now. And do you hit the shot that relates back to your grip if you do change it. So if you hit the ball too far to the left and you've discovered your grip is too strong yes neutralize it up if you don't hit the ball to the left. And you've got a strong grip don't change it just yet have a think about when you're going to change it go. And seek some advice go and get a lesson go and have a look at why you don't hit the ball left when you should hit the ball left last thought on this it's almost like if you were driving a car. And your steering wheel was all the way to the left like you've got a strong grip all the way to the left you should miss the road to the left you should some golfers out there have adjusted enough. Or made enough tweaks and changes to be able to turn the car to the right or to turn the car straight which is not easy job to do. So that's what if we if we then.

Change the grip you'll still be used to trying to change the steering wheel the other way so go and just be careful when you change your grip guys but i want you to first find out where your grip sits is it too strong is it too weak. Or is it is it perfect comment down below let me know where your swings where your grip sits into it. And whether you hit the shot in the direction that is part of your grip guys thank you very much. For watching hopefully that's explained grip a little bit explained why the club space points in different directions sometimes do subscribe comment down below like the video we shall see you next.

Time try. And hit one with a weak grip i'll go straight.