[music] all right guys i've got some news now normally when a youtuber says those words it's a chance for them to announce a new partnership deal a new sponsorship well today.

I'm doing things a little bit differently because i'm announcing the end of a partnership deal now i really pride myself on being honest with you guys i think it's. So unbelievably important that's why i'm making this video now to many people that's watched the channel they will know. For the last four years i've been sponsored by nike headset toe i've worn nike gear as you can see from all the caps. And all the shoes that i've worn in my videos now that relationship a partnership has come to an end and i've decided not to continue it now before the rumors start flying around i've done something wrong or annoyed and that's not the case and in this video i explain exactly why i didn't continue the partnership now before anybody starts asking for my caps on my shoes nothing's going to really change on the channel i'll probably still be wearing nike. For the foreseeable future now this clip that you're going to see is taken from a podcast every single week i release a new podcast every tuesday on all your favorite podcast platforms check it out if you've not done already i think you'll enjoy it. And for not a lot of people that won't know this i also have a second youtube channel the rickshaws golf show youtube channel and at the moment we've only got about 35 000 subscribers on there so jump over there subscribe before we hit 100 000 subscribers and again every week i release video clips from the podcast and this is one of them i thought it would be a good opportunity. For me to properly sit down and explain why i no longer signed with nike enjoy the video from the first of january 2021 my um relationship with nike has now ended yes. And it ended professionally allow me to explain so pretty much all the years that i've been signing with nike and i'm kind of saying it to you but i'm also saying obviously to the audience it was a very clean brand partnership they paid me they sent me products i wore the product i had great opportunity to work with jason day rory mcilroy tommy fleetwood we had an amazing project lined up. For the back end of last year yeah if it would have come off it would have been outrageous it was pretty much just only covered that stopped that from happening wasn't it there was no other reason we teased it in the podcast we've been doing something with the super famous we're just saying it was now because i think we can i don't know yeah we were supposed to be doing a video with harry kane yeah he's england footballer captain england captain at tottenham hotspur. And t-dog we were supposed to be doing a video with harry kane. And tiger woods and obviously mega excited i remember seeing the document come through on my emails like what like how is this even real life. And we had loads of great conversations about it it's going to take place down at tottenham's stadium. And they've got a putting green there and everything else but obviously we covered it didn't kind of come yeah into fruition which was such a shame. But the partnership has always been really good it's always been super professional they've never really asked anything from me more than just be wearing the products and can i just jump in there yeah because i was at nike again when they signed you. And really the concerns i was in was they wanted they liked what you were doing in terms of the content creation i think at the time you would have had around just under 200 000 subscribers which sounds like nothing now. But it was massive at the time obviously they wanted basically you to worthy apparel. And um be aligned to their brand they liked what you were doing. So much they wanted youtube to be aligned to nike and in terms of your output they didn't really want a massive amount from it was worth the apparel in your videos obviously which you would clearly wanted to do anyway they had an event lined up in london i think it was in the july with again as you alluded to um i was going to say tag was it wasn't titled roy mcelroy. And jason day probably the next.

Best thing to tag awards where you sat down a lot of people haven't seen this video it's might insert a clip somewhere here of you interviewing them both um which he did a great job of how again i was there um. So things like that was a dream. For you wasn't it really and then.

In the last couple of years you've all done the amazing video with tommy we went to dubai and played the one club challenger tommy fleetwood but in terms of around what way in terms of for the viewer it's been of no hindrance to the viewer because you've worn nike apparel which you've been paid to do which you've always been clear about. But it's not like you haven't pushed down people's throats at all that's been quite just a simple relationship hasn't it and that's how i wanted to keep it and that was something i was always super passionate about. And when i when i have signed with brands it's something i'm always very wary of you know when i sign with garmin i wear the product i'll do a couple of in inserts on videos throughout the year. But generally it's it's i'm not pushing sales i'm not a salesman i'm a effectively a model but let's get a picture of rick and then.

Brad pitt next.

To him so effective i'm a model and that was what i was doing. For the last four years and i've really enjoyed it but things have changed nike strategy has changed massively and that's a big thing this isn't personal to you is it do you want to get that in that this is how nike are working with creators influencers. For one of a better phrase etc it's not just you and i i've absolutely loved working with nike and start of or the end of last year they put a new deal down so again want to make that very clear they're going to continue the relationship as did we initially yeah yeah. So they put a deal down and they explained that the conditions had changed slightly and it was now going to be a bit more paid to post yeah is that the right kind of description before it was again rather than being a fee. For you per year to wear their product it was going to be like much more of an affiliation. So still an ambassador of the brand but you would make money from posting a new pair of shoes and saying got my new nike shoes whatever if you want to buy a per click this link before below sorry and then.

You would get a percentage of that now that in itself isn't a bad thing because occasionally people might see this you should go oh yeah that's i want to have a look at them in more depth. And click a link and look at them and read up on them but it's essentially pushing down people's throat a little bit too much isn't it and i you know i've always really really and hopefully this has always come out in videos etc really respected my relationship with my audience yes like unbelievably like i think it's one of the most important strands of my business model that this relationship that i have with my audience is not only transparent it's honest. But it's also trustworthy and as much as i absolutely love the nike apparel as you can see i'm still wearing it now i don't want to feel like i'm needing to push product down people's throats if people like what i'm wearing. And they want to go and buy it feel free yeah. So for me the their model had changed a little bit too much for my liking and it was like i just don't know if that's where i want to go with life i don't know if that's i don't want to become somebody who every other post i'm posting about nike products swipe up to buy here because i feel like that's going to influence what i post. And i don't want that to influence what i post you know if i'm if i'm if i get a new pair of shoes and i like them and i want to share them i'll share them yeah. But like say you've seen me in head to toe for nike for the last four years and as we are right recording video now nothing changes yeah i will still be wearing nike heads. So not only because i've got a shed load of the product i've also been out and bought more of the products they actually wanted to give me more products and you bought it yourself didn't you they wanted to give me product to wear but i just thought let's just keep this clean at the moment because i just i don't want it again to be you know messy so i went out and i bought products um because i do love the brand. And i think that i don't want anybody to ever get that confused every time i've worn nike products i love the the trainers the jumpers the hats whatever they've produced i've loved all of it. So for me to go out and buy it obviously it's costing me money but it's like i'm passionate about that brand so i just want to make this very open i wanted to make it very clear that the even though the partnership has right now at the moment in time it hasn't continued it's i thank nike they've been amazing some supporters of the channel they've been amazing for what they've done just their model has changed for influencers yeah. And it doesn't fit in with what i want from being that being a influencer no. And i think what you said there's key there's nothing work that's not what's not the end of the world. But when the goal for that said assigned by a brand to use their clubs. And the deal ends and straight away using other brands because it kind of makes you think like well obviously. So let's just say for example i was sponsored by taylormade. And he had everything taylor made and my deal ended on december 31st and on the first of january i was now using mizuno ions pro v1 whatever driver which we've seen which you've seen it kind of makes you think well actually guy char nick you were sponsored to use those clubs straight away you've swapped obviously shows even they're that good. And you're using them because you're getting paid which we all know to some degree but the fact that like you've said at the start you like nike product you're like gaming product who are you obviously sponsored to use as well. But the fact that you want to continue to work nike proves that you thought it was really good if not the best the best stuff anyway. So it actually means that your partnership's going forward people can see how authentic they are can't they they're not just using such as getting paid basically exactly. And and i've always liked the partnership and the fact that they are the number one sports brand in the world. And i've always wanted to position myself as number one golf channel in the world and those kind of morals and things have always been a really nice crossover they they support the biggest athletes in the world with tiger rory and everyone else to work with um so like say at the moment i am a non-contract so i can wear what i want yeah. But i'll probably still keep wearing nike but i might wear different things i'll tell you what it might really open the door of go on and i think we should attention merch. So there's been a lot of ask about merchandise about me selling merchandise and i've always shied away from it for a number of reasons but one of the big ones is under my contract effectively i couldn't sell products that also nike sold yeah. So i couldn't sell a hat or i couldn't sell a towel or whatever it may be well those rules now no longer exist. So we might look at doing some merch if you're excited about that let us know yeah um. And and then.

Also on top of that you know i might might be wearing different brands um i'm not saying that i will never sign with another clothing brand you know who knows what will happen in the future um just three contact contact guy any brands yeah. But no we have some loose thoughts with some brands. But like i say at the moment i'm free and it still continues to wear nike but at the moment as of 2021 rick shields and nike golf have parted ways professionally nice.