So i said at the start this year that wasn't gonna swap clubs unless i felt like the club i was gonna put in the bag is gonna help me. And benefit me it's better than what i've already got in the back and you might have seen recently put a new driver in the bag the cobra speed zone extreme because i wanted a driver that offered me more forgiveness i've gotta admit at the moment i've made no mistake with that driver it's really good i've been really impressed with it out on the golf course it's giving me confidence it's helping me hit the ball straighter. So it's got me thinking because i'm more confident with my driver now there is a part of my game that maybe lacks a little bit of confidence. And it's made me now think what can i do in that department. And it's it's with the irons currently in the set i've got the ping blueprint in the bag these ping bladed irons forged iron i've had them in the bag for about six months and i do like them a lot. But i think i've made a big mistake an iron like this that's this bladed does not offer me confidence when i'm out on the golf course. So i've taken these out on the golf course today.

To give them a bit of a last chance i'm going to show you what i like about these irons because there's a lot i like about these irons. But i'm also going to talk to you about what i don't like about maybe the bladed style in these irons in particular i have got my eye on a few sets of irons i have. And uh the irons in question are probably a little bit more forgiving than these ones as i mentioned because i'm not playing loads. And loads of golf it might help me enjoy my game a little bit more it might help me get on the golf course and feel more confident even though you know i want to look down at an iron and just go yeah that's. For me that's a bit of me let's go and play some golf this could be the last chance the blueprints are in the back okay. So the first hole i'm going to play today.

Is this par 3 up the hill. And it's not an easy one it's about 200 yards to the flag so for me and it's also a little bit into breeze for me it's a four iron now this is definitely a part of the set that doesn't fill me with a whole load of confidence this is a true blade if you look down the head of that very small head profile i mean beautiful shape. And don't get me wrong it's a beautiful golf club but on a shot like this i'm not really warmed up i've gotta stand here and hit a four eye and 200 yards up the hill into wind it's just one of those clubs that i just like a little bit more meat behind the club head just the small head profile doesn't fill me with lots of confidence and that's that's a pretty true reflection of what i've seen i caught that a fraction from the toe not far off from middle and it felt awful when you miss strike it it's gone short on distance and it's mr green left just doesn't offer me a lot of forgiveness and i think that's what i'm looking. For now these days i just want to clear a couple of things up it's not the clubs it's me i just feel that i'm not getting what i want out of these clubs anymore i've loved having them in the bag i really have but just for them being so bladed and so small they're just making me question whether i've made the right choice and that's never a good thing when you've got clubs in the back so what i'm gonna do is play a couple of holes just to warm up get loose. And i'm gonna give these irons a proper test i'll show you what i like about them most importantly what i don't like about these irons [Music] okay. So what do i like about these irons well first thing is how good these irons look i love the finish of these irons i love the classic blade i love how simple they look yes they are daunting to look down on certainly with the long irons. But in the bag like that they are stunning irons they want they make me want to go out. And play golf the other thing i really like about these irons and it's the first time i've probably seen them from a ping set they feel awesome they're forged irons they're a bit softer they feel fantastic certainly when they are struck out of the middle i am a big fan of the feel of these irons i also like these irons around the greens little short delicate golf shots you know when. For me i like i'm not a big fan of taking lots of loft around the green so i like to be able to pick out an eight iron and play a little bump and run shot and what i like about the irons because they are true lofted they're not strong lofted they're quite traditional i don't feel like the ball comes off too fast around the green which gives me lots of control i love that about these irons. And even if these irons don't stay in the bag and i look at some future ones that's a massive criteria for me moving forward what i also like about these irons is when i'm hitting shots into green the ball stops quickly. And i'm a big fan of the flight of the irons it's perfect window for me in fact let me show you on the next.

Part three all right guys just a super quick one before i get to that part three i want to update you currently right now as i film this the channel is on 998 000 subscribers thank you to everyone that subscribed if you've not subscribed. Yet let's do it let's get to a million let's do it today.

Hit that subscribe button it's free to do it keeps you connected to all the videos. And as a massive thank you i'm gonna do a one million video celebrationary video where i'm gonna be doing a ridiculous giveaway the best giveaway i've ever done. So make sure you're part of it get involved and let's get the channel to a million today.

Just 2 000 more to go make sure you hit that subscribe right let's get straight back to the video [Music] [Music] [Music]. So as you can see there those shots are pretty decent into the green good flights good spin into the greens granted i'd like to aim a bit closer. But they're not bad it's more on me and the feel off the club is. So bloody good for me i love those irons from mid to low to shore irons that's where i'm most fond of these islands it's the long lines as i mentioned i love this feel around the green it gives me great control i love the look of these irons i really do you might be thinking well if you like the short. And mid irons we don't like the long eyes why don't you go for a combo set i've got to be honest i've never been a fan of them for me i like my irons all to look uniformed and for that matter that's why i'd stick with kind of one style of iron all the way through the bag i think i just need something with a little bit more forgiveness. And on that point let me tell you what i don't like about these pink blueprint irons and why potentially don't really suit me very much so this is one of the situations i struggle with with these irons shots in the rough when i'm a long way from the green still i'm 195 yards away from the green. So for me it's like a solid five iron i just feel like there's no protection. Or added help with these irons because they are. So bladed you saw the four iron on that first shot that i hit because they are. So bladed and there's nothing here like i just don't feel like there's much help behind the club head i see how i play them out sod's law i'll hit five of my best shots here but i'm intrigued to see if this is the last outing with these clubs like is this where i feel like i could get a set a new set that could massively help me in situations like this club that just gives me a little bit more help. And looking down on that tiny blade does not fill me with confidence [Music] ah that's miss left wasn't a bad hit. But it's way shorter the green full love um they're two pretty good examples of what i struggle with with these clubs and again i'll make it clear i'm not blaming the clubs you put this five iron in the hands of the best players in the world and they wouldn't even flinch a shot like this they'd find it a breeze i just want a club that just it's certainly from this range i want a club that sits behind that ball and just invite it's more inviting to hit oh [Music] it's the best so far but it's still way short of the green i don't expect any new clubs i put in the bag to be some magic wand just want a bit more help that's all that's all i'm asking for just a bit more help from my clubs when i get in horrible situations right last one from this rough i'm not enjoying these one bit the answer to that is absolutely no there's one more big negative with these irons. And and me effectively my performance with these irons i mentioned earlier when i strike these irons out the middle they're one of the best feeling irons on the planet and believe me i've tested most of them they feel phenomenal out the middle however. if i don't catch absolutely in the sweet spot it definitely feels horrible let me try and demonstrate that on video i'm gonna add a bit of foot spray on hit a couple of shots and and almost give you a live reaction if i don't strike out in the middle what it first off feels like to me and also how i see a massive drop off in performance okay that is one of the good ones just feels phenomenal i've not even looked at the club face. Yet hopefully i'm not wrong in this but it felt as center to centers can be oh the grass has come up. But you can see there that's where the top of the dimples are that's where the ball would have struck absolutely in the meat of the golf club when hit in that space oh perfection when i don't hit there that's the issue oh like the first one that is absolutely pure right in the middle it's making me question do i need to change them. But i don't always strike the middle that's the issue [Music] oh there she is there's the horrible one come up shorter than the other shots as well it just feels that softness that i get from irons i lose it as soon as i don't strike me don't have to be fair that's actually quite a bad one that's right in the toe that is. For that is pretty bad to be fair i don't normally hit it that far off middle. But just a sensation i know i'm not gonna hit the middle every time with another set i get that but i just feel like there's a potentially a little bit more weight around the club head on those off-center hits it's going to feel slightly better. And perform better than those miss strikes with a true blade that's my issue oh that was horrible. So i think i've come to the realization this might be the last time the blueprints are in the bag you know what they've been a good iron i've really liked them. For me though they just not give me what i want out on the golf course so i've got a few ideas of what i could potentially change to so i want your input in the comments down below what ions do you think i should be looking. For criteria wise any brand goes i'm looking for a set that is uniformed all the way through. So i'm not really the biggest fan of combo sets that i mentioned before possibly not blades i think something now a bit more cavity back iron is gonna help me with those off-center hits. And gives me a bit more forgiveness i am looking for true lofts though for me i'm not looking for irons to be going a million miles i'm happy with the length i hit my irons. So like a roughly around a 34 degree lofted seven iron we're looking for a set be perfect any finish any brand leave your comments down below what should i be trying and uh we'll see we'll see some new videos coming soon like i've got my eyes on a few sets but i'd love to get your input and we'll see you next.
