Hi guys my name's rick shields and we're going to talk about today.

The new scottish open winners trackman figures with his driver. So we had the pleasure last week we got invited to taylormade sld our birthday first year birthday and on one of the clinics justin rose was there. So he's won back to back now he's won it congressional and he won the scottish open and he's been using the taylormade 430 sldr drivers the slightly smaller head and we had the pleasure last week i've seen like seeing him hit some on track man he hits it it hits it really well i mean amazingly well you could kind of tell that he was. So confident with the driver in a big gallery around him but he i mean not that that puts these guys off obviously. But he was just bombing it down there. And very tight first hole at trump international and he was absolutely bombing it down there. So if we look at some of the figures that taylor made and the guys from um from their custom fitting section i've actually sent those this guy this actually from one of the tour fitters who sent me this over so it's really nice of him and this was on the 9th of july. So only a few days before the actual scottish open started so we've got a selection of 10 shots in if we have a look at some of the some of the figures so i'm going to throw up the grid first the main grid. And we look across that details there we've got you know the club head speed in the first column averaging at 114.7 miles per hour that's pretty good you know that's why he's got the matrix isaac black tie shaft and that shaft nut suit his clubhead speed the best got ball speed almost getting into the 170s a couple of them did get into the 170s when he really jumped all over it. But getting very very kind of high 160s numbers which is fantastic he uses the taylormade tour preferred golf ball as well the normal version if you've not seen my what's in the bag with justin rose you can check that out on my channel as well guys i've just done some figures on that smash factor that's an interesting one this is the effect efficiency of the golf ball coming off the club face. So let's say you hit the golf ball at 100 miles per hour with the club head and the ball comes off at 140 miles per hour that would be 1.4 smash factor 1.40 so it's a ratio on that what the guys all the guys always in the specs say that the best best match factor you can ever get is 1.52 that's apparently the best smash factor you can ever get. So justin rose here is getting some fantastic smash factor his average is 1.46. So he's got a pretty decent smash factor there 1.46 pretty close to that 1.5 optimum that you can get launch angle a little bit lower than what i expected it to be. So he's locked it up recently to 10.5 with his driver and he's launching it a little bit higher than that 12.5 so i mean quite a lot of them in the low numbers i must admit quite a lot are in the kind of i would say only a couple of those of average that 12.5 i would say looking over them if we just took a couple of those out that launch angle would be almost close to 11.. So i reckon a couple of these ones where he's hit a bit higher you know 16 degree launch it's actually got a better performance but i would say the average is a little lower. So let me go on to spin rate which is the next.

Column across. So the sldr driver you know they both about it being low spinning i would say again a couple of bad ones has caused this average of the spin rate scope it's averaging at 2578 over 10 shots so it's not horrendous you know it's not the end of the world but i think it's a little bit higher than what you would normally get if we took a couple of bad ones out we would see a big difference on that carry distance this is this is one that i was quite impressed with first off when he was just hitting it you know tickling it away not really not really trying to do much with it he was carrying it in the one one sorry once in the two high 270s are getting into the 280s quite comfortably when he started to jump on it. And when he got the right angle and the right spin he was getting into one two 90s 294 i think his best carry distance was that 296 sorry is his best carry distance. But it came out as an average of 285.4 so it's pretty decent spin rate still sorry carry distance um landing angle is the descent angle. So 40 degree on the way down so when it lands that's going to roll out quite a bit it's going to get a first big kick. And shoot off you never want it to land too straight down and also if it's coming in too flat that kind of means really that you've not had the right trajectory when you've hit the golf ball so around that 40 mark 45 degree angle coming down it's going to have the right rainbow effect to the flight. And when it lands it's going to kick forward as well uh total distance. So this this is a prediction on trackman. So trackman's quite clever in the way it actually measured the golf ball so this is not this is not super close data this is the way he was hitting it on that tee on that day this was the first tee at trump internationally hit quite a lot of shots um the total distance was 306 yards of carry this total distance 306. So it's pretty big you know this he's not the longest hitter on tour but with his big long levers his tall height and obviously his efficiency in the way he hits the golf ball he can obviously get it out there. And when he really cranks up his furthest one was 314 total distance 340 in a total distance then.

We've got some other bits of information you know i'm going to leave those up on screen. For you to have a look at you know your launch direction your attack angle so he's attacking it at 0.8 so slightly on the way up only slightly uh spin loft you know 13.5 you know all this other data i'm going to leave on screen. For you um the one that i i thought was quite interesting was the hang time. So the ball stayed up in the air for 7.23 seconds so that ball's up in the air for an awful long time seven seconds one two three four five six seven that balls in the air for all at times a long long time in the air um what was then.

Very interesting if we go on to the actual flights of the golf shot we see some really nice rainbow shots going on his dispersion right to left was very tight he very rarely hits it massively offline if we go on to the final image which is the dispersion you know it's a very tight dispersion. For a driver certainly one that's going up 300 yards total distance these are all the carry spots here um. So i mean he's hitting it he's hitting it amazing obviously that's why he's gone on to be. So successful that scottish open at royal aberdeen he went on to win that by two it's going into high late now where i wouldn't possibly say it's a very much a driving golf course you know tiger when he won it there he he hardly even used the driver. So i don't know if if some of this stays with him hitting the driver is going to massively benefit justin rose this week because he might be using his either as three would which he's got a set of 16.5 he might lower that you never know because of the wind. And he's got this new uti which is the taylormade kind of utility iron i think it's ultimate driving distance iron. Or something along the lines of that i've not got my hands on one of those just yet i'm gonna leave all the data up on screen for you there for the last bit of this video just to give you a bit of an idea and let you have a look at it if you want to screenshot it to to break it down have a look as well you're more than welcome to guys thanks so much for watching we had an awesome day down at trump international or up at trump international in aberdeen thank you very much for taylormade and happy birthday to the taylormade sldr driver you can see there we're just in using the equipment he's using he's getting the best out of his game. And when he's playing his best he's won back to back and he's going into the open now he's got to be one of the hot favorites he really has he never he never gets to the top of the hot favorites. But coming back to back after two wins i'm sure he's going to be going into there feeling confident feeling ready. And i'm sure he's going to put in a great performance guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe by clicking the link down below and you can check out my what's in the bag with justin rose in the window just next.

Door we've done all the equipment as well this last week guys thanks. For watching and we all look forward to seeing you all soon.