Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And what i want to talk about is the left arm. And how straight it should be in the golf swing you might have heard before you should keep your left arm really straight you kind of should but it's not absolutely crucial you know that left arm can be used as quite a nice point of cut reference. And if we can keep it nice. And straight the better but there's many golfers out there that don't keep it as straight as they can. Or they possibly could do it's not you know perfectly poker straight it's as straight as you guys can possibly get it with your flexibility your ability. And everything else it's as straight as you can possibly get it. So it's not as doesn't have to be perfectly straight so you see a lot of guys on tour i mean your tiger woods your ernie ells the guys at the top of the golf swing are super super super straight now it takes a good combination of shoulder turn. And flexibility to get that arm straight if you didn't turn your shoulders let's say if i didn't turn my shoulders fully and i kept my arm straight or my swing would be literally three quarter swing so the only way i can really get to the top if there is a little bit of a bend is that a massive issue no could you improve your flexibility to improve that possibly yeah. But the thing is it's not absolutely crucial to keep your left arm perfectly straight the one bit it is crucial at is coming back down. And getting through impact so let's say you get to the top of your golf swing there's a little bit of a kink in your left arm if you can come back down. And eradicate that kink and keep it nice and straight as you're making contact great perfect because it's going to help you improve the consistency of your strike if you find that you're setting up straight getting to the top bent hitting bent well there's going to be a massive case of something else is gonna have to compensate. For you to strike that ball well either you're gonna have to lose height or you're gonna need to bend your knees more something's gonna have to change to help you strike up all better so the big thing with it is. Yet we wanna keep that left arm nice and straight but it's a combination of left arm straight and shoulder turn straight impact and then.

Let it relax on the way through but i know a lot and i teach a lot of people who just cannot get it perfectly straight do not stress about it if it's not perfect it doesn't really matter it's as straight as you can possibly get it. And it's as straight as you can get your arm at the point of contact is much more important than keeping it straight at the very top. So hopefully that's helped guys um like say if it is straightness of the arm you're looking. For you've got to make sure the shoulder rotation is there first. And then.

The left arm is extended from that point if your shoulder rotation hasn't completed it's very difficult to keep your arms straight. And actually fulfill a full backswing so it's a combination of shoulder turn and left arm straight need to be important but the important thing is as you're making to contact it's then.

When we want our left arm to be nice. And straight into the golf shot guys thanks so much for watching hopefully that's helped hopefully it's cleared a few kind of myths and theories that you've been thinking the fact is you don't have to stress too much about it make sure it's straight to impact. And that's going to help you get the bottom of the golf club to reach the floor much more consistently guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below you can check out my next.

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