Right guys top tip time keeping your head down um this is a such an interesting video. And it's such an interesting topic um this video is not about keeping your head down as it titles in the video it's about quite the opposite. So it's not about keeping your head down so guys advice gets passed about between golfers a lot of the time and your golfer might be struggling out there hitting the ball terribly and playing partners more experienced golfers might say you lifted your head up you know you lifted your head rick or you lifted your head you know dope blogs it's not really the case it's not it's without it isn't the case uh i see a lot of golfers will come in. And they'll be given the advice and they'll hit a few shots and they'll hit a bad one i will lift him ahead there you probably didn't we looked back at it at the video. And they absolutely never lifted their head they might have hit a bad shot because of other factors other factors which you might need diagnosing and and fixing on but lifting your head is terrible terrible advice not lifting your head sorry not looking at this terrible advice. So i'm going to talk about why why it's such a terrible advice. And how actually letting your head go with the shot you will hit much better golf shots. So if we if we think about this as as an athletic movement athletic powerful activity like it would be throwing a golf ball. Or a kicking the ball or anything that you would think about actually trying to propel a ball an awful long way none of those movements are done really keeping the head down none of them they're all about rotating. And twisting the body the full rotation of the body now if you've got your head anchored down to where the golf ball used to be your body won't be able to rotate in the best way possible so if i hit this shot for example i'm going to keep my head down this time normally if i keep my head down just let you know i hit fat. And i hit the ball left quite severely like that i don't even know where it's gone because my head was down i think it hit the net on the left-hand side there. And the reason being is because you won't be able to successfully transfer your weight correctly the power will massively get limited because you're. So fixed on keeping your head down your body will not be able to rotate as soon as your body doesn't rotate your arms have to do all of the work. And this is where real start bad habits start to creep in if i'm going to give i'm going to give you this idea if lifting your head was a problem in golf we would see loads. And loads of train aids to fix it how many training aids have you seen that help you keep your head down you know we would see helmets with weights in them we would see anchors we would see everything keep your head down because apparently it's an epidemic according to most golfers so this is my bit of advice on this top tip what granted watch the club hit the ball absolutely. But then.

Enjoy the ball flight so as soon as you see that club hitting the ball you're going to turn your body you're going to rotate you're going to let your head free when i give this a piece of advice to some golfers who have keep kept their head down. For years the general consensus is i feel free i feel like a burden has been lifted from my golf swing. And you can actually start enjoying creating power hitting the ball further actually watching the golf ball that's a start that's why we play golf to enjoy the ball fight. So watch the club hit the ball rotate and turn that's our key tips to get you hitting the golf ball a lot better guys thanks for watching hopefully um if you've come to watch this video on a tip to keep your head down hopefully that's changed your mind and give you the right idea to help you improve your golf correctly thanks for watching you can subscr you can subscribe by clicking my link down here below you can also check out my other top tips just in up in the corner that's the playlist to my top tips. And i shall look forward to seeing you all soon please do comment down below i'd love to hear what you think about all that you can check me out on facebook. And twitter guys by checking the description down below as well thanks for watching and we'll see you soon.