Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at draft girl center in manchester. And we're going to talk today.

About a really simple. And effective way to set up to the golf ball the same every single time the first thing we've got to bear in mind is the most important thing when we're setting up is the club face making sure that's nice. And square so when you put the club down first make sure that's the first bit of your setup that goes down that needs to go behind the golfer first pointing perfectly parallel perfectly in line with your target right in the middle of the club and then.

You can take the rest of your build up around that always do you club first then.

You grip second. So take into your grip after that and then.

Build your stance in so it's club grip and then.

Build your stance this way you're going to get the right distance away from the golf ball you can check that in a couple of different ways ideally your hands want to sit directly below your chin. Or you can just drop that club a couple of inches above your knee that's another good way of setting up. And from there you can take your width of stance. And your ball position drive a ball position just inside left heel stance nice and wide wider than my shoulders and then.

You know you're in the right setup then.

So we're gonna run through that again club first grip second you can see i've not taken my stance. Yet i've not even decided to take my stance yet grip second then.

I'm going to take my ball position stance getting the correct distance away from the golf ball. And i know then.

I can repeat that every single time the faults i do see a lot of players making the setup is that they actually set up with the feet first. So they'll put the feet down then.

They'll take the grip up here somewhere up in the space then.

They put the club down now i'm massively too close to the golf ball but it's it's quite difficult once you've set up to actually start to move things about so now i'm set up i see a lot of players kind of get into that position and just hit obviously i'm i'm really too close to the golf ball there they don't generally move the feet that much because that was considerably too close. So it's always important club down first then.

Take your grip then.

Take your ball position stance and distance away and make sure everything's nice and parallel and you can repeat that over. And over and over again and that will help you hit more consistent golf shots because you're getting into a more consistent setup. So quick recap club first then.

Grip then.

Ball position distance away and stance and then.

You can get everything parallel. And off you go and hit guys thanks for watching that was just a really simple drill today.

To get you to consistently settle to the golf ball better by doing the most important thing first which is the club face then.

The grip then.

The stance build everything around the club that's what you've got to think about guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can comment down below. And subscribe to my channel here and check out my next.

Video just here thanks for watching you.