So here you go guys on youtube uh here is a video today.

Of nikki robinson who's been coming to see me. For a few months now and see massive improvement in the golf game and bloody hell does she hit a long way this is a video today.

Of how far nikki hit this golf shot. So we've worked a lot of on consistency but today.

We kind of let we open our shows up a little bit. And i want to i want to show you how far nicki can hit it i think would hit past most of the men that she would play with without question um. So we've worked on a few technical things there but then.

We had a bit of fun at the end and we had a bit of a long drive competition last time on gc2 she got a best distance of 240 yards of carry distance that was the last time. So that's what we wanted to aim for today.

We wanted to beat that. So technique is just awesome through the ball really like this movement through the ball loads of lag loads of upward hit you know really connects with it well. And a bit of an overswing but it doesn't really matter the way that she hits the ball is just tremendous she doesn't have that big of overswing with her eye. And she really does control it. So this today.

This was the longest shot absolutely bombed out there at 250 yards of carry distance huge golf shot. And it only finished 1.1 yard off target a little soft draw down the fairway 145 mile per hour ball speed 16.6 degree of launch angle and 2 100 of spin i mean it was awesome. And the best bit of this was at the end when nikki looked down at gt2. And saw the distance we got a little celebration it just cut off there unfortunately after actually some cartwheels and some somersaults but we only got the first bit of that which is a shame we won't be able to see that she went running around like a nutter. But awesome awesome and today.

Just wanted to show you how good power how much power that nikki she plays off seven point six she doesn't like me saying eight seven point six uh plays at pleasanton in blackburn. And just rips out they're looking to get to category one this season trying to get down to five if not lower but nicky awesome session guys if you've enjoyed watching this on youtube please give it a thumbs up if you think uh nikki hits it an awful long way please do give this video a like comment in the description down below. And do subscribe to the channel thanks. So much for watching i'm nikki well done today.

On your new target now is 260 yards that's what we're gonna aim. For next.

So keep posting guys and see if we can get past that challenge you.