All right guys so this is a really fun simple way of helping you improve making some home improvements to your golf if you can't go outside. And it's about juggling golf balls so hopefully please do this in somewhere safe please don't do it around some nice expensive china. And do make sure that the responsible adult in your home is okay with you doing this might be parents. Or partners so they might not let you do it you will need a most lofty club that you can possibly get. So i've got my lob wedge my 58 degree club here and you will need a golf ball. So you see a lot of good players being able to flick this golf ball up and do tricks. And do all different types of stuff. And it's it helps a level with hand-eye coordination it really does i've seen this with young golfers that i coach is that golfers who seem to be able to do this pretty well. And flick it up can seem to strike the middle of the face. So much better and it's that relationship between club and golf ball which we can practice with a bit of fun a bit of a challenge. And i want to see if you can do it. So also i i'm very very happy for you to send me your photos and videos to my twitter which is rick shields pga using the hashtag diy golf tricks tricks tips this is only because it's a trick this time. And i will retweet the best one. So i want to start off with you've got to make sure that the club face is incredibly incredibly flat. So what i've got to show you this is just a cup of water. So when i rest my cup of water on my club face it has to remain perfectly flat you can see that there on the camera it's not moving at all. And i can move that around. And keep that very very flat because that is an important ingredient to helping you keep the golf ball bouncing on the clubface if it tilts off the ball isn't going to bounce straight you can either start off by throwing the golf ball gently onto the clubface. And just keep them nice and short keep the club just moving upwards and downwards as many times as you can. And just start by doing two or three then.

Try and beat your target then.

Try and beat it and beat it and beat it try and get up to 10 20 30. i mean i could do it i probably could do it all day if you then.

Get really good at it you can start introducing some tricks. So you can start chucking it under underneath your leg. And around the other side and this is this isn't me just showing off this is this is things that you practice. And you can get the club. And the ball relationship really good you really can also you can try guys slide in the club nice. And flat again like it had a glass on next.

To your foot so you're keeping the ball on top of the face and then.

You can start flicking up from that way. And you can just do all sorts of crazy crazy stuff. But you can see i'm not moving i'm not dancing about i'm not trying to make things juggle i'm just keeping the club nice. And controlled making sure the ball hits the middle and keeping that face really flat like i say you can then.

Advance it i'd love to see some of you some of you guys out there might be able to do this already nearly went in the cup of water some of the guys some of you guys might do this already show me you tell me what you can do i'd love to see it i love stuff like this you know see if you can put it through your legs. Or over your head or around your back see if i can catch it on my neck to finish the video oh not quite. So guys show me what you can do i'd love to see that it's a way of getting the golf ball in the club's relationship really well. And it gives you lots of control lots of short game control most lofted club test by sticking a glass or cup i'd go cup on top of the face see if you can balance it in a in a controlled way please please be safe don't do this around fragile ornaments. Or anything that you could smash i will not take responsibility. For it and do tweet me your photos. And your videos of you doing this little skill it's a great way of home improving ready for the next.

Time you got on the golf course it gives you a nice feel for where the club head and the ball is hitting guys thanks. For watching if you've enjoyed the videos the series please do give it a thumbs up do comment down below like i said this is just a bit of a a bit of a silly one. But to help you improve your golf ball and club relationship do subscribe. And we shall see you next.

Time i'm gonna go one more on my neck you're ready for this i'll go under my legs around my neck oh not quite i'll be i'll be trying to tweet as soon as i got my neck i'll tweet a picture guys thanks for watching and we'll see you all soon.