So eagle youtube land here is a video of a new client of mine today.

Barry who's come down today.

After seeing videos on youtube to come. And fix his slice um and i wanted to share it with you guys as well because it's a massive improvement really is a huge improvement of how we're hitting the golf ball a lot better a lot straighter. And just our understanding of how we hit the ball straighter as well is really clear from when barry was starting to to make the ball it said a slice hit the ball straight. And even to some extent some of the balls were even starting to shape back towards the middle almost drawing back. So what we see on screen at the moment is before. And after set up position now as a normal typical slice the barry started to aim too far left so his feet were left his hips were left his shoulders left now what was tends to happening is once he got to the top of his backswing which isn't terrible you know we're going to do a little bit of work on that next.

Session. But today.

I wanted to really get to the crunch of hitting this driver straighter is that the club head from this point was coming in from the outside. And very quickly and viciously cutting across the golf ball with the club face aiming somewhere near straight if not just a fraction to the right only a touch so the face the path was massively making the ball curve. And the face was starting the ball somewhere near straight. And then.

Curving viciously off to that left hand side so what we did initially was we figured out that the arms on the way through once we came into hit because it was. So outside in we had to pull the arms into the body there was no extension. Or ex release through the golf club so the first thing we tackled in fact was getting this right arm to extend. And cross over the left a bit more so that at least the face would be power square to the path so we've got this t-peg just in the butt end of the golf club here and we talked about getting the t-peg to point back down to the golf ball and just get the right forearm not the hands this is not handsy rolly action to get the right forearm just to cross. And touch over to the left forearm with a really straight right arm position so it's a massive improvement initially so then.

The ball went viciously left which we kind of wanted it to we wanted the golf ball to go left that was a good thing to be happening. So from that point we got the feeling of then.

Once the ball was consistently going left we wanted it a little bit more from the inside. So basically down this line down this right hand channel here so remember the swing before what we saw uh i'll show you on flight scope here just at the top the swing at the top here was going across the ball by 14. And a half degrees the face was somewhere near to the right it's not straight at four degrees to the right there's an 18 degree gap between those two points massive gap that's what was making all that big spin. So all we said would still make the right arm cross over the left like it is doing on that left image. But feel like the club was hitting more from the inside look at this difference look at this golf club coming into the ball it's. So much more from the inside just get the right arm to cross over the left and the ball was shaping. So nicely started to even draw back to the middle so the feeling was make sure the face was square to the path first. And then.

Make sure that the swing path was more straight if not a little bit to the right. And what we're seeing this last image here look at that bottom image 3.8 degrees now to the right so inside out and the face is practically straight 1.1 degrees to the left. So unbelievable difference there's only four degree gap there now five degree gap between those two and that's that's how we saw that ball start to shape towards the middle so an incredible improvement today.

Really impressed what what barry was doing in his golf swing from he came down with three drivers at the start of today's lesson we've whittled it down to one as well because he was finding trouble with the driver. And we figured out it's not the driver it's him so once we've fixed all these areas we really did see a massive improvement. And turned a chronicle massive 150 yard slice into a 150 yard distance slice into a 200 yard straight if not a little bit of a draw shot well don't say barry great session really impressed with those and guys if you want to work on your golf swing do check me out on facebook twitter. And you can come down. For a lesson here with me in manchester you.