All right guys let's have a quick chat first off hopefully you've had a great year of golf you've achieved everything you've wanted to do your handicaps come down lower you're scoring better you're having more fun. And hopefully you've enjoyed the videos that i've released this year there's loads more exciting ones coming as well before the year ends now if you have enjoyed the content always do a little favor i want to make sure you are subscribed to the channel we are fast approaching i can actually believe this 2 million subscribers first off thank you to everyone that has subscribed from around the world who leaves lovely comments. And likes the videos etc but get this i mean i can't believe this start 60 percent of the audience are not subscribed if we could convert that we're gonna get to two million much quicker that obviously be a great little thing. For the channel however. i'm gonna reward you guys for subscribing with some massive giveaways now many of you think you're already subscribed because the youtube algorithm will show you my videos because hopefully you enjoy them. But some of you might not be so make sure you hit that red button where it says subscribe and turn all notifications on so there you do not miss any new uploads now the first giveaway i'm gonna do it's gonna be a big one i'm gonna give away to someone who subscribes to my channel. And leaves a comment on this video ideally like the video as well a full set of irons of your choice and anybody in the world can win this set of irons now maybe your comment might be about what irons you want to win. Or maybe what's been your favorite video this year as long as you've left a comment on this video you're entered in and when i say any set of irons i mean any set of irons you could win. But that is not where it ends all right guys i'm gonna hit some balls at the driving range now also this isn't gonna be the only giveaway i do until the end of the year. So be sure to subscribe now so you don't miss out i think the prizes could get bigger. And bigger each time so reminder subscribe it's free to subscribe all you need to do is set up an account hit that red button you subscribe like. And leave a comment on this video let's get to two million come on it's doable right let's get there be amazing enjoy the rest of your day i'm gonna go and hit some balls get some much needed practice and we'll see you all soon.