Just a few days into the new year into the year 2021 happy new year by the way hope you're doing well around the world hope you're safe hope you're healthy here in the uk we have just been delivered a bit of a blow the prime minister has just gone on the tv and done a public announcement to say we are going into a new lockdown the third version of lockdown we've got obviously it's a devastating blow the virus is still spreading the nhs is kind of getting near capacity. So understand if we've got to lock it down to you know protect lives it's essential 100 a few things it means that schools are going to be closed it's really. For the since the first lockdown schools are properly closing which i know. For for many people watching who have got children certainly here in the uk it's a big blow and i've got three kids at home it's gonna be tough we'll get through this believe me and what does it mean. For golf well actually here in the uk it's a little bit divided scotland is still playing golf thankfully england. And wales are not playing golf. So it's closing down facilities gold facilities driving ranges are shutting midnight of tonight as i'm making this video. So i've got about two hours left of uh hitting golf balls so i'm going to take advantage of it if i'm honest you might know at the start of every single year all the major manufacturers bring out their new drivers pretty much this year's no exception i've been testing a lot of these drivers before christmas. And even after christmas and reviews are going to be coming very soon i've pretty much completed all my driver testing which is a positive just got a final few shots i want to hit with one of the drivers i can't show you that. Yet but i will do very soon after that it means that i'm making videos in here in my home simulator it's a great addition to have i absolutely love it. And yes i'll fix the roof. And yes i'll never ever hit it again believe me. So guys i'm gonna jump that in the car get down to traffic girl center the last few hours of hitting golf shots you know what i just feel like i need to do smash some drivers i think that's going to make me feel a lot better right let's get to the driving range all right guys i've got 100 golf balls in my basket ready to go. For this little challenge i'm going to set myself i've already been smashing some drivers because i want to take this opportunity to test what's in there new drivers. For 2021 i can't show them yet but believe me be excited. For new driver releases coming to the channel soon so make sure you subscribe now what i'm gonna do to one vent a bit of anger because golf courses etc are closing which is frustrating i'm gonna try a little challenge that tiger woods used to do it's called the grid challenge. Or the nine window challenge let me explain we've got a perfect night for this with the dark sky we're gonna see the ball flights unbelievable so i'm gonna go for the target right up there at the top the 250 banner with my driver and we're going to have nine shots i've got to try. And hit we're going to imagine a grid up in the in the sky nine windows. And the idea i've got to hit it through each window and get the ball to finish close to target so on this side we're going to try. And hit a low draw finish on target medium draw high draw then.

We're going to try. And hit a low straight medium straight high straight that might not be that easy and then.

The one that i'm probably dreading the most trying to hit a low fade a medium fade a high fade or finishing back on that 250 banner or there and thereabouts so i'm going to set it up i have to call the shot before i hit it i'm going to start on the draw side then.

Move into straight then.

Moving to fade let's see with the amount of time i've got left here at the range probably about 20 minutes. And 100 golf balls can i complete all nine windows i'll give it my best chance okay. And it's by magic there are my nine windows i've got to finish more on 250 banners at the back we're going to start off with low draw we're going to do the draw side first low medium high then.

We'll go into the middle section okay first shot low draw [Music] oh it's probably a little bit high actually i'm not gonna give myself that i can go a bit lower. So that was a bit a tiny bit high i need to go lower than that [Music] [Applause] that's the low draw that is perfect okay. So that's low draw done medium draw next.

Oh no it's come out a little bit high that no i'm not happy with that that's closer to high draw than medium draw [Music] lost it on my stock shot i've lost it yeah that's good i give myself that one it's drawn a fraction too far. But it's the right height right next.

One high draw yeah oh that's the shot i like hitting okay next.

One's straight hitting it straight isn't easy hitting it low straight medium straight high straight is extra difficult let's try low straight first almost like a stinger with the driver [Music] oh yes that was ridiculously good that's the low straight i can't it's any better than that [Music] no i don't think i'll give myself that one it's not a bad shot. But it didn't go dead straight it's a tiny bit fadey but i'm gonna give myself that one i think that went straight to start off with medium it missed target not by much not by much at all i'm gonna give myself that one. So high straight i was generous on the last one i must admit i'm gonna go high straight [Music] oh it's high ah starting a fraction too far right no that's no good good. For height not good for direction no rick oh rick that's three now you know what's hard with this one because i'm trying to hit it high i'm trying to elevate the loft as soon as you try. And mess with loft direction just goes off it's not my best so far i think i've got it this time though [Music] now that's high. And that's straight that's how you do it okay low fade this has got to be one of the hardest ones to try. And hit it low and fade it fades not my favorite shot anyway but low fade wow okay gotta start it left gotta fade it low oh it's a lovely fade that was that was a proper golf shot. But i don't think it was low enough i think i need to go lower than that [Music] i can't class that as a fade that's much more of a slice than the fade no not giving myself that one [Music] beautiful fade again. But not low [Music] [Music] that's the shot oh yes not being funny i almost think that hit the 250 banner at the back that was unbelievably straight right medium flight medium fade coming up next.

Yeah don't take i don't think it's going to get any better than that before i come on to the last shot i think it's a valuable lesson if you go down to driving range try. And be creative with your practice don't just hit balls for the sake of it actually this is a drill that tiger used to do. And he probably still does trying to change the ball flight be creative i know it's not. For everyone i know sometimes they struggle with different flights but experiment try different things guys if you've enjoyed this style of video make sure you hit like subscribe to the channel we've got one more shot to go the high fade and like i said don't forget loads of reviews coming up soon aren't we stopping me hitting golf shots we've got the home simulator i've got loads more coming up let's go high fade to finish off this little challenge okay last one let's finish off strong. And that is a good night we'll see you next.
