Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at forum behold golf club today.

With special guest fellow golf professionals uh massive thanks to richie martin who's the senior golf instructor down here at former hall they use loads of technology trackman you can see a little bit of the banner there at the background also andy carter fellow traffic girl center professional. And also matt fryer who's a professional at malkin's bank and we've done some challenges already down here at former hall but today.

Is going gonna be the longest drive championship we're gonna hit three shots each we are cold we've just had lunch. So it's not going to be perfect we're going to see how we get on. And we've got gc2 set up we're going to be hitting real golf balls gonna hit three shots each. And we'll then.

Take the averages and see who is billy big balls. So to speak so to speak um right we've drawn names out the hat already so matt fry is up first right okay followed by andy carter followed by me. And then.

Richie marsden so stay tuned and we'll see how we're getting on so three shots each we've got a gc2 already set up good luck yeah need it just think of that nice big long slice you hit on the 17th. And the 18th interesting thanks a lot buddy i'm going to start playing with me let me hook now what are you saying which is that's pretty not pretty good kind of distance though. So definitely especially in cold conditions yeah i didn't even hit that two six two got one more average currently at two six four i didn't really need to check that i should be able to work out good math richard this one's going long pipe that's a great hit 282 80. the average there is two declared the range 369.. So 269 average carry distance i've put all that data up on screen for you there guys so ball speed 159 happy with it launch angle twelve point one i think i'm going to pull the muscle facts been 2 600 pretty good stats to be fair take that that car does it harder more often stop trying to slice it oh it's a good start 267. the range is 250 275 oh. So you're currently averaging 271. think about that neck carter you're tired. But loads of challenges already you don't want to hit it too far yeah he's beat me two seven five not bad what was i two six nine two six nine it's the three yards in it. But i hit it two eighty three toes before so i'm gonna go up next.

I can't hit it that far you've seen my youtube channel already okay i've got nike this is not my normal drive i've got nike covert 2.0 tour excuse me excuse me excuses coming out now that should be good that's the most current it is to be fair what's current technology all right two six one not the greatest start it did go far long way right okay come on i need to crank these up now if i'm gonna get bigger than that three at the moment yeah where am i gonna get this from yeah i do need two ninety don't i really right come on i think i might have to some golf coaching down there better 263. i didn't quite get hold of it i felt good as well. So average there of two six three honey how many i had nine yards behind james on my own channel right richard marsden right quick loosener richie's coming straight back out from teaching and straight back in the challenge right it's a good driver though he's always straight though these two big ones that's more like pizza 263 257 i think you're safe at the moment plus this is over 300. i'll try all. Or nothing not off the top of the face it's not so guys we had scores on the doors mr andy carter 272 longest well done sir uh mr matt freya 269. so three yards difference there i had the longest one overall i was through six three. So nine yards shorter than you i need to start getting in this gym again really badly and unfortunately i'm still in the coaching studio that mine don't count unfortunately richard it was two four eight. But guys also if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up do check all these names out on twitter down here somewhere. And also subscribe to the channel also these guys have all got youtube and facebook and twitter stuff as well so i'm gonna put all that in the description below and do check that out. And that was andy carter's showboating 272. well done billy big balls oh you.