Hi my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

We are pitching up the callaway x-hot against the callaway optiforce. So we've got two pretty brand new drivers this one came out a little bit earlier on in the year the grey head and the new optiforst apparently it's going to be more aerodynamic hit the ball further we're going to put that to the test today.

I'm going to hit five real golf balls. For you we're going to choose the best throughout the five. And give you the figures that are going to make you decide which of these two callaways is the longest i say my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And i hope you enjoy the video so i'm going to start off with the callaway x-hot first i've got both of these drivers in 9.5 with stiff shafts. So pretty much suited to my spec really um i i love this driver the xr i really do i think it's give. So far this year it's give some of the longest distances out there uh when i've tested against other products so let's give it a test today.

On a decent day it's not too windy i'm hitting real golf balls down here on flight scope it's all set up in the background i'll give you some live figures under hitting these as well any of total distances as well. So let's give this a bit of a rip it's a nice start it's come out quite low launching probably about 10 degrees on that one and total distance 297 so pretty good start for the x hot oh that was beautiful i'd be surprised if that wasn't past the last one i'll be honest with you that was really nice hit 296 one yard shorter actually there's me telling fibs right three more oh it's nice just up the left-hand side. But a decent distance on it again coming out quite low on these as well launches are just below 10 degrees 295 total distance on that one. So that's why it's getting quite as much i'm quite getting quite a lot of run on that because it's launching quite low uh spinning about about 2000 revs so not much at all it's a low launch and low spin it's getting me this uh extra roll and distance that the figures are showing up with there at the moment got one more. For the callaway x-hut then.

We'll get the opti-force against it 285 so that's gonna be one of the shortest ones of it let's go for one more nice one see if it can break this 300 barrier is it up there i don't too bad could have a chance 291. So not quite as fast so probably the last two that i've hit there will probably be taking out the equation. For the other three right let's move on now towards the optiforce so we've got the optifour set up on flight scope five real golf balls and give this a bit of a whack so much darker head this is the 460 version uh there it does come up in a 440 version as well. But trying to make it as compatible with that as i possibly can. So i've gone for the red surrounding the 460 version sat behind the ball it sits gorgeous really nice it's got it's got kind of the i don't know almost like a bit of a spaceship finish with it it's got these almost led red lines down the side here and it stands out clearly and bold which is good right we don't care about that we just want to know the distance is rick i know what you're saying right let's give this a rip oh that launched a bit higher that might that'd be interesting to see if that's actually gone longer no two eight three oh big kick in the teeth. For the uh optiforce there i might have a better chance again exactly the same distance now what's interesting to see if the club head speed has changed much yeah this is getting up to about 115 club head speed. So it is a little bit more aerodynamic 286 it's going to need a couple of biggies on these last two that could be nice that could be long i've got one more i'm gonna get callaway golf ball must work better with hexacon dimples surely 295 right it's more like it optiforce got one more. For it it's not a bad hit it's not a bad hit at all um not a lot i'm not a great deal difference and i'm a personal fan of the x honeywell anyway 293 on that so it might just be me favoring the x out a little bit more when i'm hitting it but not really giving me the figures that i expected with the optiforce there join me in one second guys i'm gonna get the results ready and we're gonna see which of this one the optiforce and the exot was the longest driving competition today.

Right. So we've got the callaway x hot up first the figures now this was giving me some nice distances club head speed averaging at about 111. And launching quite low at 9.9 so lower than probably what i would do normally spin rate about two three. So it the only diff advantage of that is probably going to run out a little bit further the total distance that i've hit that is 296 average. For the x hot so i've taken the best three out the five and the the 296 the average distance out of that let's see what the optic force was doing. So that was 111 club head speed as well the optiforce that's offering me 113 miles per hour club head speed. So it is more streamlined um i wasn't trying to hit that any harder it's launched a little bit higher it's launched at 12.7. And it's also uh the backspin was 2771. So the average backswing was about two seven uh per minute total distance was 291. So it actually got beat by five yards total distance the x-hop beats it by five yards but what's really interesting is the total is the carry distance the carry distance on the optiforce was 261 okay. So remember that 261 yet the x heart was two five seven. So the opportune force does carry further. For me this one launches the x hot launch is a little bit lower i've got these in exactly the same spec. So that's kind of saying to me that this one probably would be suited to guys who would want to carry it further um sorry this one was the total distance. And this one with guys who wants to carry it a bit further it just launches that little bit higher central gravity's probably pulled back a bit further and it does generate more club head speed. So we've got some mixed figures there total distance the x hot carry distance the optiforce this definitely gets more speed this definitely gets more roll guys thanks very much for watching test them both awesome golf clubs callaway okay touche you're right to bring another golf club out it's not gone 10 15 yards further than the others. But it's a pretty decent golf club nevertheless guys go and test them let me know what you think of them leave comments down in the description below my name has been rick shields down here at trafford gold center in manchester you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks very much. For watching you.