Right guys head to head time we've got two what are claiming to be the fastest drivers out on the market at the moment the fastest of the fast these are like two sports cars that have been kind of turbo injected we've got the callaway big bertha v-series which is the the light super super light head really light shaft gone back to the old warbird style sole um really nice club if you've not seen the independent review of that go. And check out the window up here against the ping g30 with its spoilers with its turbulators the fins on the top that they are supposed to reduce drag. So again both clubs are designed to maximize clubhead speed that's what they're designed. For light against aerodynamics um i've got them in setting different slightly different lofts and settings that both suit my game in each club they both have slightly different spin characteristics so the loft should be slightly different i've got the ping g30 and 10.5 degrees because i find it spins slightly less about 2200 and i've got the callaway in 90 degree only because it spins up a tiny bit higher at 2500 when i've just been testing these it's a little bit light trying to get used to a brand new sports car because they do travel faster than your normal golf club. So i think that's quite hard to modify to first you've got to get used to it test the water with it see how fast it can go stay tuned to the end of the video because i'm going to hit one shot with each of these to see which one has the fastest club head speed see which one i can get the fastest i never really broke 120 miles per hour club head speed. So i'm going to see if one of these two could actually do that. For me right i'm gonna go g30 first we're gonna be hitting some real golf balls on gc2 and i'm giving some data i'm gonna hit alternate shots as well so i don't get bias to one or the other so let's go g30 first turbulators what i like about this is that it frames the center of the club those turbulators those fins almost frame the middle of the club. So it gives you somewhere to aim for right let's give it a bash it's a nice start that felt really good that felt fantastic wow 288 yards of carry distance 288 what a great start club speed 113 so that's not bad normally i'm about 110 so i would say that's giving me a little bit of extra club head speed i hit it hard don't get wrong but 288 and only 10 yards offline so that's pretty good right super light light shaft light head aerodynamics um where i said about the turbulators before framing the sweet spot this has its own way of framing the sweet spot as well because the grooves are painted on there's two lines down the middle that just give the sweet spot some definition which to me is a massive thing because i see a lot of golfers don't hit the middle of the driver enough. So 288 was the first one see what this one does well i'm not i'm not hitting that much better than that oh that was really nice 288 exactly exactly the same carry distance ping went 10 yards right uh callaway went 10 yards left not much in it both split in the fairway in half right i'm gonna hit four balls with each we're gonna do three trying to get the ultimate trying to get the distance see what the distance without sacrificing direction i'm not just smashing these as hard to kind of lose in the shot if i lose the shot massively right. Or left i will retake another shot. And then.

The last ball from each i'm going to see which one gets the fastest head speed club head speed on that one. So it loads 113 again it's exactly the same as the uh the ping in the first shot right let's go to another one with the ping it's a definite different height obviously i've got this thing more loft only because the spin characteristics suit this club better for that 274 carry distance and only six yards offline to 274 my normal prediction after that should be anywhere between 10 to 15 extra carried the roll distance so if i'm carrying that 270 i'm expecting that to have at least 27 to 30 yards of extra carry distance to extra roll distance so you can you can add that up as you go along. So not a bad start from both really so i wasn't quite as far as the first shot of it but it's pretty good oh that feels nice very different feels of clubs they're a different feel off the face off both of them 287 but i've just seen a recording down here the clubhead speed 121 club head speed that's really fast that i've never i don't think i've ever broke 120 you might you might be able to correct me you might have seen videos where i have i don't believe i ever have cr got faster than 120 club head speed. And i got one two one it it definitely feels like kind of a two-door a two-door sports car it feels light it feels nippy it feels like you can really smash it um. And not really jeopardizing any direction 13 yards offline it's great right let's go one more each with the with each club just to get the distances and then.

We're going to go. For an ultimate speed test see which one can actually swing it the fastest out of these two see if there's any well there is truth in the turbulators. And i'm the lightness of the head felt nice again just turning a tiny bit left but i would still sex acceptable yeah only 20 yards left 274. So that's actually hit two seven four both twice and two two eight two eight eight once as well right well so far so far the callaway is definitely leading this at the moment you know if these were two two cars that like i keep talking about the sports car feeling these were two sports car this is coming into the last lap with a good head start it really is right let's go one more with callaway i've ripped it absolutely ripped it 284 that felt good that felt really nice both both do feel fantastic again like sports car both feel fantastic to drive they don't feel hard to hit they feel very forgiving they have great launch characteristics um. And so far i'm going to work out the averages in a minute let me work out the averages a minute before we do that let's go. For a fastest clubhead speed competition so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna unleash one here with both clubs right let me get myself set so 121 so far with the callaway is the fastest recorded well that doesn't mean anything this is all about the fastest this time it's turbulators supposed to reduce drag the science is there to prove that like an aeroplane like a spoiler on the car this is supposed to reduce drag let's see what club. And speed it can actually get i'm not worried about the distance. Or direction of this just to pre-warn you 117 miles per hour clubhead speed 117 i tell you what i absolutely ripped that 167 ball speed that was fast coincidentally didn't actually go that far i went 279 it just shows that sometimes hitting it's hard you can doesn't mean it's going to go an awful long way. And it was dead straight well when i say dead straight it was nine sorry it was dead straight 0.5 yards offline i might have to do that more often i don't think i could do that. For 18 hours right so weight reduced reduction of weight let's see if this can actually go faster because it's lighter it's going to be interesting this 117 to beat it's just i don't know if it's just a little bit harder to time because it is. So much lighter 118 miles per hour 118 so both i would absolutely agree increase club head speed without question i believe that but that one just managed to get just managed to get a little bit more the callaway v series up 118 against the ping which was 117. right go back in going back to the distances uh that bad like that last one was 276 as well. So it just shows the hardy hits it doesn't mean you're gonna hit it further if you don't get the strike perfect right let's start off with the ping distances first. So the ping was averaging with nice hits with good good strikes with very good dispersion 279 yards of carry distance 279 that's nice that they're good good golf shots i'm happy with those i say if that was to run out that'd be over in excess of 300 yards comfortably the callaway it's the callaway big boo big bertha big bertha v series averaged seven yards longer 280 yards of carry distance that's really good. For me the biggest thing was it was generating consistently more clubhead speed therefore. the ball speed was slightly faster. And therefore. going a little bit further um like i say i've got these two drivers set slightly differently. But they both suit my style the best they both suit my style of of golf shots i've been fitted with four both so once ten and a half one's nine but they're fitted they're the characteristics that suit those golf clubs the best that was an interesting test that was a very interesting test. But the winner is the callaway big bertha v-series it pips the ping g30 by a good seven yards um i might do some more tests with that i might pitch it up against some other videos uh if you've not seen either review of these two please do check them out on my channel you can check out the link up here on the screen g30. And callaway big bertha v-series talking a little bit more about the specs and what they do that was more about the long-league drive than today.

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The callaway was the longest. And fastest.