Hi my name's rick shiels here at trafford golf center in manchester and today.

We're going to test the eight hottest drivers i'm going to pick two names out the hat. And pitch them up against each other get them on flight scope get them hitting real golf balls off real tees and i'm going to take the best three out the five shots to give you the best kind of distances. And see which one beats which club i've done a few tests already today.

But put those names back in the heart and we're going to test another two. And see what happens see which one which two gets tested up against each other again um like i'm rick shields at traffic golf center you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to me to the channel below. So i've got the hottest drivers in in the world right now here ready to be hit all in nine and a half diff shafts i'm gonna hit two of them i'm gonna take a pic let's go with this one which is the it's the taylormade arby's head stage two. So that's the one with the yellow design on the top of the head arby's at stage two against this could be good this is probably one of the longest drivers the nike covert that's probably a good match up that's like uh well it depends if you're into football. But that's like united against barcelona draw that one that's a real tasty one right so we've got the arby's dead stage 2 against the nike covert i've done reviews on both of these two golf clubs in the past so you can check them out on my channel. But this time it's going to be tested against three five shots we're going to take the best throughout the five. And see which one beats it i think we'll go arby's at stage two first. So we're gonna go with the uh the white design both adjustable the golf clubs both got options of different lofts and what you can do with the heads uh infamously the culvert has got the big hole in the back um which i'll probably show in a second. But it's got a big hole in the back for off-centered hits supposed to be more forgiving the big red crown against the white crown in fact it's more like united against real madrid isn't it really so got an interesting match up um we'll go abby's at stage two first so we're gonna go with this one no this has been quite a long club it's uh it's clubbing in the past the rbz normal one was probably one of the longest out there claiming to be 17 yards long. So we're going to hit real golf balls get it on flight scope in fact i just need to change the setting on flight scope just to the uh average head stage two right let's give this one a hit the design on the head really appealing didn't like it at first. But now i've grown to love it really oh that could be big it's a nice hit we'll see what that one comes up within the stats in a second nice ball flight so look at the distance 310 310 probably the biggest one i've hit today.

Oh a little bit out the bottom that'd be interesting to see how far that's gone still that wasn't quite as good a strike as the first one. But i can take out two bad ones. So it's not there in the world 281 on a bit of a bad strike so 30 yard gap there just on a bit of a bad shot human error there oh that could not be the best one as well i'm trying to chase that 310 now we got two more but still again on a bad strike still 290 on a bad strike it's kind of been too bad that could be good that could be long a bit more launch on that one he's got one more keeps knocking these tees out the ground yeah longest one three twenty two three twenty two. For the arby's head stage two it's a beast got one more to cover it's got some some real living up to it's like being three nil down at half time at the moment let's go one more let's put a good 300 yard swing on this one again oh that could be good don't think it'll beat the three two two that could be very good nice. And straight as well oh two nine eight so not bad let's take off the bad two i must admit they were the two bad ones were completely my fault they weren't great goal shots at all. So we've got an average of 310 so 310 the average to beat for the covert good luck good luck nike covert you'll be uh you'll be doing well if you beat that so that's definitely sent the bet set the benchmark so just change this over to the covert setting i must admit i was really nice hitting even on the miss strikes still went 290 in distance. So it's not a bad call to forgiving and long the only thing i'd say though is it on a bad shot it does go a bit more offline than some of the other drivers i've tested. So we've got the covert nice red design on it got the uh the hole in the back which has featured before you should almost fit a golf ball in so we're going to see what this one does see what the distance comes out on that it's got 310 average to beep it's gonna have to do some uh some hitting the covert it's the one that i know mcelroy is using the tour at the moment this is just a normal one nine. And a half stiff shaft that's a nice hit anyway a little bit right but a nice hit nice connection on that let's see what the figures are coming out of 305. So it's not bad it's come out fighting the covert 305 we're on at the moment we've got 310 to beat that could be big nice and low just down that left hand side 290 so 290 on that one oh that's got a great chance of catching up they're doing well to catch three three ten and certainly do well to catch three twenty two the longest hitted three fourteen that's coming out fighting it's three two with two golf balls left can the red driver can the nike cover catch up can real madrid lose to united in the final few minutes oh it's big as well as a united fan i've tried to pick that harder oh that's massive that could be big 311. oh right interesting this could this could separate it now. So we've got 310 average to beat nike over last shot oh i don't know if i've middled it but that's that's life it's like he's missed a penalty in the last minute uh that's live unfortunately let's have a look at the stats oh it's two seven three and come out and let the culvert down there but we'll see what the distance is anywhere three ten average three ten each both exactly the same distances wow that was a close contest well exactly no difference at all the the rbz stage 2 did just pip on the longest drive. But distance wise both average exactly 310 yards hard to separate these two bad boys um looks wise very different very different appealing to different people that was a close call very close call thanks very much. For watching i hope you've enjoyed the video and we're going to do a couple more tests. And if you've not checked out the videos in the past please do subscribe to the channel i've got loads of videos on there. For golf tips tuition reviews tests and everything you can check me out on facebook. And twitter that was 310 yards each with the covert. And the rbz thanks very much for watching you.