Hi my name's rick shiels here at trafford golf center in manchester and today.

We're gonna do some driver testing some long drive driver testing done some in the past in my previous videos. But today.

We've got the eight hottest. And latest drivers here available um all different makes all different models um to give you kind of a bit of a of understanding which one's going the longest at the moment on the nice day here in manchester i'm using real balls real t-pegs got flight scope all set up. And ready to go and all i'm going to do is just pick take out two names out of the heart um. And test them i'm going to hit five shots with each. And then.

We're going to take the best three. And see which one's going to go the longest. So five two clubs up against each other so first one out ping g25 so we've got the pg ping g25 the black headed ping driver against sorry that one's stuck together and go with oh the callaway razor this is going to be an interesting test. So we've got the two against each other the callaway razer which is this bad boy. And we've got the g25 which is this one um. So we've got them both here in exactly the same lofts and uh shafts options anyway they're both in stiff shaft um different types of head this time the g25 is much bigger they've both got the adjustable neck options callaway's got a few more options with the way that the weights can be adjusted at the bottom as well slightly smaller slightly kind of more uh appealing to the better player's eye with the club head we've got the shiny black against the dual black. But about that that's that's about as far as it goes really um we're going to test these two. And see which one is going to go the longest. So what we'll do we'll do the g25 first. So let me just change flight scope onto the g25 setting so these came straight out the hat so i didn't know which two was going to be hit we've got some real balls. So we're going to hit these five shots uh take the best three out the five uh see which one's longest. And then.

See if the the callaway can can beat this bad boy. So we got the g25 first really like the design of the head it's got the classic ping kind of arrow at the top looks nice and simple behind the golf ball which i like all right let's go for this let's hit five and see here we go that's a nice start i hit that really nicely nice out the middle i'll tell you a distance in a second my t's broke so distance on that a total distance 292. so good start for the bing ping g25 uh if you are watching this as well i've done all if you you might have seen some of the ones already i've done a couple of tests on the other club. So please do check that out in the description below it's a nice hit feels really nice nice. And solid i'm not trying to give these everything i've got i'm just gonna i'm trying to hit him at my kind of average club head speed which is about kind of 105 106 normally the 292 on that one felt nice a little bit higher the uh the ball flight than i've seen from some of the other clubs that i've tested uh i think a lot of that is because of the elongated back here. So it's brought the center of gravity further back kind of launched up a little bit higher 287 on that one it's got two more oh i didn't know that one great that was a bit necky bit horrible. But i said i'm gonna take the best throughout the five. So it's a fair enough test it'd be a shame to use that one really but kind of on a necky strike it still went 271 so not too bad got one more for the g25 oh that was better rescued that one quite nicely leaked off a little bit to the right. But hopefully we'll get some decent distance on that so i'll take the the worst throughout the equation there and give that a bit of a distance worst two of my last two actually um so 290 total distance on that that was 290 uh the best three out of five. For that golf club felt nice had a kind of good response off the face flew nicely a bit a bit higher so whether that's slightly sacrificed the distance but again you've got the option where you could lower that that uh loft a little bit as well so but i had that at nine of 9.5 right the razer the razor fit extreme um completely different looking head to the 25 much smaller more compact sits quite nice and no real alignment on the top of the head oh much lower that could run forever that much lower that'd be interesting to see kind of what the uh the numbers that one's producing. So 291 good start i reckon that's i cannot could be one of the lowest shots i hit with this i'm seeing myself look for a bit of a disaster there really aren't so we'll see what happens oh that wasn't great that was human error bad golf swing. But actually i'm gonna take the best three out of five so it's not it's not gonna be effective though i'll just have to cancel that one but for a bad shot still two seven three oh that was better that's better i gave the callaway what was really needed there to be fair a good golf shot probably less forgiving than the ping really better distance 298 on that one. So we've got two more with the the callaway and we'll see how it's fared against the 25 remarkably lower ball flight considering these two golf clubs are set at the same loft it's only because of that center of gravity being being a bit further inside closer to the head on this one two eight eight we've got one more it's good could be a close call this one could be a very close call let's put a good swing on this give the call away kind of a bit of a bit of a hit oh i have to see about that numbers might not be the best on that last shot slightly less slightly harder to hit than the uh than the g25 oh that was a weak one. So let's have a look at the numbers two nine two and what was the 25 i think it was similar wanted 290. oh it's just pipped it the callaway is just picked. And i must admit i probably didn't give the callaway the best uh the best results there hit two of them quite poor but the three that i did hit well did just about pit the g25 i thought the g25 was easier to hit. And so if you're after a club that is easier to hit definitely the g25 is the option. For you but if you want something a bit more compact a bit better to look in to look down on then.

The callaway razer fit extreme could be the bad boy thanks very much for watching what you should see as well is all the other videos i'm going to do i'm going to test all keep drawing names out the hat see which two clubs test get against each other five golf balls best three. And we'll see which one's longest thank you so much for watching check me out on facebook twitter and do subscribe to the channel down below thanks very much you.