Right guys we've got a very very tasty match up here we've got the pingai 25 against the g30 so two pin golf clubs one supposed to be for slightly better player the i range and also the new g30 with turbulators against the uh the racing stripes of the i-25 my name is rick shields down here at gold center in manchester we're going to be testing it on g c2 which is lots of g's. And c's and eyes and numbers gt2 which launched once a very very accurate takes picture of the golf ball and tells you how far the carrier ball will the ball will carry in yards a little bit of data on the golf clubs obviously the i-25 came out earlier on this year um it's got adjustability that goes up. And down by half a degree i've got this in 10.5 and in the standard stiff flex 65 grams the standard stiff like 65 gram of the pink one racing stripes to help you align very look nice looking head a little bit of a matte finish i've done reviews on this before so you don't really need me to talk too much about that against the ping g30 so new ping g30 with turbulators so these little fins on top supposed to help generate more club at speed hit the ball further we're going to test that theory um again go change the loft. But this time it goes up a full degree and down a full degree and also goes up by 0.6 and down by 0.6 so it has a little bit more adjustability now i would have done what i would have done is use the same shaft. For both heads it can't be done because this has five options of variation and the the i-25 head only has three options so the head the shaft doesn't fit both heads i've tested it so we're going to go. And hit some golf balls not only to talk about distance today.

We're going to talk about how slightly how easy they are to hit. And how far and how accurate they are how straight they are lengthwise almost identical in length i've actually got the game golf device here my g30 because it's a club that i've been using actually one sec oh i'll tell you what the i-25 might be a quarter of an inch long with the i-25 shaft it's not a lot you know it's nothing really um right i'm going to be hitting real golf balls gc2 um racing stripes first i'm going to buy 25 first. And see how far this goes now this i know i've got i've got a love for this golf club i've hit this very very nicely in the past this had to be prized out my hands to actually get me hitting the taylormade drive the sldr but the result spoke for itself so i've not tested this rule i've not hit this for a while and i've not tested up against the g30 just yet right let's give it a go racing stripes on the head lovely looking head oh wow that is really nice wow that just seemed to go up. And just stayed there 280 carry distance to 280 yards carry distance only seven yards off our straight line 2 300 spin very very nice now both ping clubs aren't claiming to be super low spinning they've gone away from the taylormade company where they said well we're going to put the central gravity back we're going to go further back to help with the moment of inertia to help with less twisting interesting ideas. So g30 with turbulators let's see what this does oh wow that was really nice 273 interestingly not quite as far more spin would be your kind of option. For that more a little bit too much spin 2 900 spin so the the i-25 has just taken a slight early lead uh let's go back on the i-25 again now both designs on the head are supposed to help with uh alignment. So you've got the racing structure alignment you've got the turbulators that are all pointing inwards to help again with the alignment. And help me focus on the middle of the clubface which i think is a great idea okay see if we can keep up its bigger hitting wow that is gorgeous two seven eight 278 at the moment there's not a great deal separating the distance direction-wise neither. So that's 10 yards offline which you know i'm happy with that for a driver very interesting i would just say at the moment the reason why the i-25 is just taking an early this kind of spins a little bit less. So let's go g20 this time that felt good 277. i mean it's not much in it that's right up behind it i was really knocking on the door of it then.

Uh 277 carry distance. And only six yards offline both these two golf clubs so far are accurate very very accurate indeed right let's go back to the i-25 which has got. So the early advantage at the moment that's probably a bit more to the right and it wasn't wasn't hit amazing right that's really interesting i didn't hit that amazing it still carried 276 yards it has spun up more 2950 you know there's not a great deal in between these two golf clubs it did go 30 yards to the right though that is a missed fairway missed fairway. So maybe maybe not as forgiving as the g30 we'll see we'll see similar shot to the i-25 very very similar shot that's good i'm glad i hit that i'm glad i hit that because that will give us an idea 271. So both of those two golf clubs weren't hit well i've been honest you know i'm not gonna hit every golf shot perfect they were not hit well. And i would say the i-25 still performed a tiny bit better the g30 has been consistently spinning slightly higher than the i-25 at the moment right let's go a couple more this time let's see what the overall results come out as oh that was ripped wow that was ripped two eight seven carry distance that was ripped that was honestly really really hit well i must admit if i can get one 10 yards to the left which is good 2436 spin which is good. So they're not offering not saying it should it should spin lower than two thousand they're not saying that right um g30 it's got a bit of catching up today.

That was hit really nicely now honestly those two golf clubs those two shots i cannot separate i would say they were those were both identically hit 280 carry distance 280. i can't i couldn't separate those two golf shots if you honestly they felt amazing both of them right oh definitely i-25 has got a big advantage at the moment this is traveling further i-25 is still their current driver this is not me testing an old driver to the new driver i-25 is a current driver. And they're not swapping that till probably i don't know next.

Year the year after i'm not sure but i-25 is still a very very very current driver. So there's no reason why it shouldn't be going longer okay two more one shot each oh. So nicely here i don't know if it was middle middle middled yeah 274 it wasn't just looking at the range it wasn't middle middle that mount smashed out the partner to be fair. And only 1.9 yards offline these two golf clubs at the moment are too hard to separate i would say the i25 is going further. And we're going to see that from the numbers unless this bombs at 290 now i don't believe it's going to average by hitting it as long it's a nice hit again dead straight 271 1.7 yards offline i feel like we've got a fairly fairly clear conclusion to that guys i'm going to show all the numbers now up on screen right guys. So the numbers are in. And let's have a look at what they've turned out to be we're going to start off with the i25 first average ball speed 122 miles per hour pretty good the spin rate was 2599. So about kind of medium what they would say launch angle 15 degrees not too bad like so i've got both these two drivers in 10 and a half degrees of loft the carry distance and this is carry. So we've got predictive roll on this as well it would be 279 yards that's nice that's a big hit that's i like those with the i-25 i really do nice to line up easy to hit i hit one off massively offline 30 yards to the right didn't hit it well. And it still carried 276 so it's three yards under the average which you would then.

You know put that down to being fairly fairly easy to off-center hits as well fairly forgiving if i now go with the uh the g30 let's have a look at those ones uh right average ball speed was 164 faster ball speed much faster launching was identical 1500 the spin was more 2 900 spin there was definitely a little bit more spin in the g30 head they've said the central gravity's gone further back which from what researchers are saying that should generate a little bit more spin. But should help with forgiveness it carried 274 yards only only five yards on average behind the the i-25 i hit one way off to the right horrendous golf shot but it still only only finished 271 so again only three yards off the average so you know consistency again there's not much beat in that i would say there's not a great deal separating these two golf clubs there isn't honestly the i-25 today.

Right here right now has traveled further definitely a lovely looking head not as much adjustability really easy to line up with the racing stripes against the g30 which on testing is very very forgiving i really do like hitting it well both of them have been proven to be as well um racing the turbulators are hopefully generating a little bit more club at speed therefore. the ball speed is faster definitely. But with another 400 revs per minute spin it's losing a little bit of distance from for me personally but to separate these two i don't think you could do it i don't think there's enough between these two to separate. But just to refresh again both these two golf clubs are still in the market they are current ping drivers the i-25 the g30 they are current the i the i range is not going to be replaced. For quite a bit of time according to ping at the moment so these two golf clubs are pioneers in that in their field one is supposed to be slightly more forgiving uh more suited to the better golfer the i-25. And one supposed to be a little bit more forgiving for the higher handicapper but you can see there distance wise there's not a lot separating it. But on this occasion the i-25 definitely went further both phenomenal golf clubs to hit without question really are it kind of again it just refreshes. And reminds us that driver technology is advancing is moving on. But there's not a great deal that separates these drivers anymore there's a there's very very little in it be interesting now i might even throw a couple more drivers into the mix and also maybe test it against even more ping drivers they've got the answer club might i've tested it again i've tested this against the g25 before and the g30 did win guys thank you. So much for watching if you've enjoyed that little video please do give it a thumbs up you can subscribe by clicking my link down below. And check out my next.

Video in the window here guys um and that was my head to head longish drive. And accuracy competition with the ping i-25 against the g30 thanks for watching guys you.