You hi my name is Rick shields. And today.

We're going to do some driver testing against probably eight hottest drivers out there at the moment I'm going to do it this slightly unique way I'm going to draw the names out the Hat. So it's kind of not biased in any way it's not tell them anything it's tailor-made it can be any different brand against any different model. And make the only difference the only the same thing is they're all nine. And a half and they're all stiff shaft so I've made them as neutral as a possible gun so I've got eight of the top drivers I'm going to take two names out the Hat with five golf balls I'm going to take the best three to see which one of those two the longest thanks very much watching you can check me out on Facebook Twitter. And YouTube and let's get started with the tests so it take to run the mains out the Hat I'm not going to look. So we've got first one up ping Gump's ping Gump's is the first one up the black-headed ping gun sir against soap it's not the other pink against the TaylorMade are one big answer against Taylor moat Taylor Made r1 this video as always I'm hitting real golf balls we've got the r1. And we've got the answer wrong way around answer so got the TaylorMade against the the answer both adjustable heads completely different looking wise one of them's obviously got the big white design on it the other one's the black head and we got say like say same shaft stiff same weight they're pretty much more stiff shafts and I've gotten both set at nine and a half I met five golf balls with each loads of adjustability to both set on neutral same loft so let's see what happens we're going to go tailor-made first I've got all the details here on flight scope as well. So I'm just going to check the flight just move the flights go updater over to the to the r1 first right. So if we hit five take the best three and see what happens distance wise quite nice day here in Manchester so hopefully we'll get some decent figures so looks wire straight where I've done a review on the r1 before so you can check that in the description down below on my previous videos. And I do really like it it was matched up against the Arby's head stage two last time. So whether the answer gives it much competition laughs to see really like it clubhead i really like carrots it's behind the golf ball I know they brought this out in black just recently hopefully I have to get my hands on one of them soon as well we'll go with five shots and take the best three and see what happens that was nice really nice I do love the sound of this Golf Club he-she lots of feedback nice flight on that see what kind of distance we're getting out of it a little bit shy on that one 270 bit of a short on staff with. So it's good we're going to the best three. So let's get three good strikes on it that was nicer much nicer actually give us a bit more distance start to crank up a little bit now yeah that's more like it it changes something planners larger setting. So I can actually see the numbers does help to a a that one we go three more a little bit the boss of that one little slight at this guard that one right we've got two more good hits to go. And then.

We'll get some decent figures of it certainly some average figures anyway it's nice now solid hit it just gives you so much kind of response in the club head that's what I really like about it that's better slight about distance to 86 let's go for one more with us I should pop the average up a little bit so against the ping gun so now I'm not gonna check the results just yet in fact no I will let me take out the two worst ones. So we've got the best average there now so average two nine three the two nine three out the three best ones like hit so pretty decent distances out there today.

293. For the TaylorMade r1 let's go for the answer so very different aesthetically when we're looking down on this it's got the simple design on the top of the head a normal kind of pink arrow going towards the the target nine. And a half stiff little look quite as garish is the r1 see how this goes I hit this a few times already in the past the quite likes club big pink fan myself already a different noise straightaway different sound off the head sits behind the ball really nicely it's a nice middle strike distance we're getting on that. So a bit shy again 280 start so we'll see what happens over the course of the 5 so you get our best three on this sorry if we keep means go off camera a little bit to have a look it up book want to give you live figures that one was nice definitely a different sound to them to the to the club this one sounds a bit more classic kind of Golf Club hitting it's nice distance three. Or three on that one nice as well it could be close to the eye one this one could be really close could be a close call at the end got two nine six to beat that's 290 on that one or two eight nine on the beautiful sound off the head starting to start to light this ping on so start to get the feel for it let's go for one more at one was 301 think this could just pick it think the answer could just about get it to hit this one well yeah I should I should just pick the r1 should just get it let's have a look at the figures all 285 last one actually surprised me if you take my words two out. Or two nine eight so beat it by just this is one two nine six then.

Goes on to a two nine three beat it by five yards over the best three shots. So that one pink answer was your winner the pink answer was the longest there. But we felt the nicest but it just not got as much a just ability there's so many different clubs out at the moment all I would advise you to get out there test and give them a try hope you've enjoyed watching the video please do like share subscribe to the channel as well. And check out also and all the other ones I've done of this I've got eight drivers here I'm gonna pull another two names out the hat it's the first one I've done today.

So there could be another eight that I'm going to be pulling out. And we'll see what pitches up against what thanks very much for watching I've been Rick shields.