All right guys the last thing i'm going to do is a longest drive competition between the tail made r1 driver. And the rbz stage 2 driver now technique goes a little bit out the window here because i'm going to really give these a good smash i've got real golf balls manchester a little bit downwind. But we're gonna look at flight scope which one of these two performs the longest golf shot you're gonna probably see some horrendous golf shots as well to be fair some real red arrows so let's go arby's head stage two first so we're gonna teed up uh shrieks and dead star i'm gonna really give this a good hit i don't not too bothered about sort of direction so bear with me on this but we're just gonna look for distance okay it gets three goes three goes. And it's out that's massive that is my i'm i'm straight really straight look at distance oh 299 yards it's not a bad hit 299 yards carried 286 299 total distance uh one 108 club head speed. So we'll try and try and crank it up a little bit oh that's really good that's a great show that's one of the best shots i've ever hit whether it's gone this far i'm not sure but it felt fantastic let's have a look that's gone two nine six two nine six well they are one's got some catching up to do if it's gonna catch this up 280 carry 111 club head speed hit that faster okay one more two nine nines the beat the benchmark at the moment oh that's gone. So far wide that is. So far right it's a good job around the driving range but total power no distance our 275. no good no good right 299 was the best taylormade taylormade r1. So i've got this set at neutral both nine and a half both stiff shafts uh this is a tightlist pro v1 okay let's have a minute let's crank it up let me just change the flight scope okay. So we've got two 299 to win to beat it's a big ass into it really let's be honest i'm going to give this a real good smash 299. oh no i've hit that right out the bottom ah i've hit that right at the bottom sorry tail sorry r1 that was my fault all right we've got another pro v1 still 287 not a bad hit not a bad butt 299 to beat come on r1 oh that's. So wide right i've got one more chance i've got one more chance to get this r1 flying that wouldn't have gone anywhere 288 116 club head getting faster right i need to connect with this come on rick r1 i'm gonna really crank this one up really give it a hit come on big distance out of this 299 to beat the rb's at stage two oh i don't know i think i've hit it well i think i've hit it well wait. For it oh two nine one two nine one it's not quite got as far um i know i hit that one last one really well i hit that one really good two nine one so the rbz with the longest drive is the longest. So arby's at stage two is the longest i i must admit i absolutely smashed that i think the advantage of the rbz stage two was it a little bit downwind here today.

Manchester. And it just got a bit extra height i absolutely ripped it there was no question about that guys thanks very much. For watching i'm going to do more reviews more longest drives testing golf clubs against other golf clubs i have a leaderboard. So you've just seen the leaderboard i'm going to put new golf clubs on that each week. And every time i get a new driver i'm going to test it on there i've done a test on the night covert before uh the reviews down in in the uh in my on my channel i have a look at it again when i get my hands on it properly i'm going to do something like this again. But the rbz stage two is the one to beat 299 yards i don't hit the ball that far i mean we're real golf balls here in manchester a little bit downwind. But that's a pretty decent hit so abby's head stage 2-1 r1 close second at 291 and thanks for watching guys you can find me on facebook. And follow me on twitter please do subscribe to the channel i really would appreciate it i'm going to be doing many more reviews. And tips and hints and i hope you've enjoyed watching my reviews today.

And i'll see you very soon thanks for watching guys also you can check out my r1. And rbz stage 2 reviews you can click on the links. Or go in the description below.