This is the longest ball in golf. And that's what they claim they're saying it's five yards further carry than a pro v1 well you know what i'm gonna give it a proper test [Music] so what is this golf ball that's claiming to be. So long well this is the company quantix golf i've never heard of them before what happened a follower of mine on facebook sent me a link to the golf balls. And he said you've got to check these out. So i did i went on the website. And literally in text it says the world's longest golf ball and after doing a little bit more research there's a claim on the website says that this ball is five yards further carry than a pro v1 i can cut to give that a proper test um the golf ball itself they cost 34 plus i paid 22 to ship from the usa um it's a pretty basic box just. For the black text quantix golf f-18 tour and it looks like most normal golf balls probably the dimple pattern looks a little bit bigger than normal but by that i mean it's just a normal golf ball how can it surely be longer. But also i reckon it's going to be a premium golf ball they reckon you get great feel go touch around the green again what you see on a lot of golf ball packages. So before we test it against the pro v1 i'm going to get on the putting green see how it feels hit some chip shots with it see how it spins around the green also check its durability does this cover last i need to chop one in half to see what's inside. And then.

Finally get to a tee and give it a rip with the driver let's hit some putts first and see how it actually feels also on the box here it does say the conform with usga. And rna rule so it is a conforming ball. And who knows if this ball is longer genuinely we might be looking. For a new golf ball that i'll use right let's see how it feels first that's a big test for me [Music] so how does it feel with the putter a little bit hard. And a little bit clicky not as soft as i would like it to feel for a premium golf ball however. as i mentioned if this ball goes five yards further than pro v1 i could get used to it on the putting green it's just not my preferred feel next.

Up chipping how does it feel around the greens let's go. And find out next.

[music] okay around the greens it passed with flying colours felt actually better than it did on the putting green off the wedge spun well reacted well on little short shots. And you know some pictures that i just hit in there went really close and just had that nice balance of it was a good flight once it landed it just kind of dropped. And stopped next.

Test because sometimes with these lesser known brands the cover can be not as durable. So let's do a good old-fashioned durability test on one of these balls. And see if this cover can actually withstand being smashed out of a bunker with a lob wedge [Music] durability wise that ball's done really well 10 shots out of the bunker there i've had more premium balls that have done much worse than this there's a few little scuffs. And scratches but yeah i'm impressed with that right let's chop it in half before getting it back to t. And seeing how far it can go now quite interestingly the design behind this actually used to work. For titleist and designed the titleist tour belata many years ago and apparently in 1986 he designed the golf ball that jack nicklaus won the masters with and also many of you out there including me have hit his golf balls recently because he actually designed the topgolf golf ball the one that you get at the driving range at topgolfs right let's chop this in half let's see what's inside the quantix f18 it's a pretty soft cut gives me an indication it normally has a fairly soft core and inside we see the three layers this is interesting that second layer is like a a clear layer it's actually very very similar to what i actually saw in the bridgestone tiger golf ball that's interesting either way let's get to t let's get a box of new ones out against a box of brand new pro v1s the real test is about to start is it longer let's go. And find out so here we go this is the big one quantix vs pro v1 this ball claims to be five yards longer carry than this which is regarded as many as the best ball in golf now i use this i normally carry it 280 r through the air. But to make this test nice and fair i'm gonna hit five pro v1s first on gc quad to get a baseline number and then.

We're gonna hit five with the quantix i'm intrigued i'm very intrigued i'm you know no i know that the pro v1 is a great performing golf ball um. But this one to be five yards longer that's it's like just putting that into perspective that's half a club longer or effectively half a club shorter if i was hitting my second shot into the green which would make a massive difference i would take five yards every time right let's get going pro v1s first get a baseline number. And then.

See if these are longer [Music]. So pro v1 numbers average carry distance 278 yards average ball speed around about 160 miles per hour so now it's time for this five yards further it promises on carry so in theory they should average 283 yards let's find out let's hit five with the quantics guys if you've enjoyed the video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel loads more videos coming your way let's see if this is truly the longest ball in golf okay first shot let's see what it can do [Music] oh that was absolutely ripped that was a good strong start numbers wise let's see what the carry was 280 yards good strong start [Music] [Music] we've got two more shots to go average at the moment is 275 roughly. So it's gotta find two big ones flight feels good it just doesn't feel like it's super popping off the face i'd be surprised if i can get one carrying much further than 283 [Music]. But that was a very good hit that last one i absolutely struck in the middle distance 278 yards one more shot to go i think uh i think what we're establishing here is that claim of five yards longer on carrie is not what we're seeing right now against the pro v1 one more shot to go it's not a bad ball. But is it the longest ball in golf i would say it is not [Music]. So as you see from the numbers the quantity golf ball was not five yards longer in fact it was two yards shorter. So it's not the longest golf ball in the world but all said. And done after testing it for the price point it's not a terrible golf ball thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come and we'll see you next.
