Okay. So we've got a new toy to try this is Long Tom this is a cobra driver which I actually confiscated from one of my clients because darling I literally said when you're not using that anymore because it's a girl food let's say wasn't quite ability wise is good enough to use this just. Yet and I've never seen this driving before it was new one on me this is also guys I'm sure you've seen Pete before Pete Finch Jack mountains chart down here we have a lot the driving competition with Long Tom White's along its a four-foot shaft it's a 4-foot shaft. So compare that to its good few inches bigger than the G 30 and it's the absolute legal limit you can get a driver shaft to playing competitive golf I've checked it with the RNA 48 inches you're allowed it. And this is right at the limit it actually says on the head 9 degree 4 foot the best thing about it I mean this is this is quite an old dryer don't even know where this came out I know is it if it isn't I'm sure is I mean it looks awesome it looks phenomenal please do comment down below if you've seen one of these before if you use one I'm faster. And it must be all because this writings fade on on the shaft it's deflected back bird shaft lie you know what I say obviously and then.

The grip is absolutely tiny from what I've heard the grips. So small so you can't grip down on it you know allow it to grip down seriously you're not allowed to grip down on it it's the coals as soon as you grip down you're on you're on the actual your Alma graphic so can eat some golf balls here against what we couldn't do with our G 30. And long table using G c2 and the HMT now which is the head measuring top technology. So it's going to tell us how much faster this club head speed is traveling fast. And turbulator it expected to be faster oh you has to be so if you weren't aware if the longer the shaft the quick of the head sorry the more and kind of radius the clubhead has got to travel to approach the golf ball this means the club head generally travels much much faster but is hard to control very long drive champions use 50 inch cross shafts this is almost a long drive. But I mean I'm scared about my camera because I mean quickly when we hit it it's been a bit like art book massive super long right. And we'll hit you see it will hit g30 just a couple of times first just to get live an idea of how far it's going. And club head speed it is windy today.

But the GCT doesn't know anything about the wind so it's that's fine and let's give it a crack so Pete spin it in this well at the moment anyway 157 miles per hour ball speed and a club head speed that was traveling at a 114 give us another one I don't think you hit that amazing there's a little bit thinner system this is my stiff shafted g30 actually just to ease the videoing goose it's all my ex stuff no you too big boy. For this 163 mommy verse ones those 116 club head speed okay let me have a quick crack at that as well that's that shaft might not suit you brilliantly some people might say shaft doesn't really matter. But right let's give this a bit of a a bit of a hit nice 163 club head speed 112 the shoulder yes nice 163 character 260 264 carry 266 carry 163 ball speed. And club head speed 113 I've definitely seen a faster club head speed start up and when to use in turbulator so it's going to be interested now right. So Pete was averaging that was just test. And we just check but he didn't hit them amazing distance wise but averaging a club head speed was sorry Pete let me just check there 115 miles-per-hour club head speed at a hundred. And sixty miles per hour ball speed I was getting my club head speed at average in about 113. And my ball speed 163 so long Tom long tom and we were we were hitting it in the count of two fifties marks. For Pete and to 60s for myself but right so that was just us trying to have a bit of a crack at it long tom is it is the man thing enough it's all those anyway we try to actually come up with almost a little bit worried about the top one off the end of this matter heels on - Pete when I've been hitting this in practice you've got to tee up quite high because it's a it just definitely needs that extra height after tea heels are right on the edge of this now break a leg I think you've got to swing it long just rip it just rip it yeah as the wind just massively picks up without really matter a hundred. And seventy ball speed for a 281 miles per hour carrot to you oh my god it he clobbered he was 120 to 122 it's a clamed speed oh my god no I stepped on it a bit. But I reckon I could get more out of it in and out really yeah alright. So 280 281 yards of carry but the ball speed actually went up by 10 miles per hour and your club head speed went up by about 8 what was that close reading at all. And our club head speed on that one 122 spot really fast Rylan oh you ripped that I already bother about club head speed 123 miles per hour those they were olysio what distance why's it just it just goes up. And falls out the sky for ya 270 that kamek ball speed 172 that the ball speed has gone up by 12 miles per hour and the distance is going to be fair by about 30 yards I was I'm going to property this up. So just to remind you I was about 113 40 miles per hour club head speed. And about 163 miles per hour ball speed I know that's about right for me if this gets anywhere in the region of 120 miles per hour club head speed it's in the bag as bizarro is in the back I thought oh that you're good a returning calls from your lessons like I am literally I feel like a well it just is off the mark yeah my lesson tries to call the back now. So it's in my bag right it's so weird in this tiny tiny grip let's give it a smush I actually feel like I need to swing this about there we doesn't you do also utterly that's. So close to the camera by the way a hundred and seventy one ah ball speed club head speed 119 OH two nine one carry two nine one two now on oh my god I think I can get this seat back spin soon enough as well just don't let me do a berry stretch I've got this in the bag this is 300 yada -. So come on - 119 miles per hour club head speed I cannot get that that is fast come on one table. Or five by the way to 9/4 carry 120 comments below so that 120 club head speed and a hundred and seventy one ball feed myself some more I think that went straight they were dead straight I was the best driver chasing you it oh my god - nine four carry right you have another gun yeah turn another go right. So we're gonna go let's go three more shots HP yeah. And I think I can get this over 300 I think it spins - I don't know it just seems to go off. Or put open up for you yeah I did I just cons it's going straight he's going alright I'm gonna try on you're gonna kill this I'm gonna try. And get torn I got two off the club head speed you can't get to 130 I'm not having it I got once when I didn't think I could to be fair see what the data in he's just don't hit any distance 172 ball speed 126 club head speed 126 all right I'm not sure I'll get any faster than that. But I don't think you can get any faster than that I think that's the fastest I've ever seen you swimming off. So much factors dreadful if you hit out the middle you're flying seriously if you button that you are flying that seemed good club head speed 126 oh it's match to top 269 carry 175 how does it not go speed I think I was. So sure that I don't know you spin is 4,000 yeah that might make a bit of a difference. But wait you like a double actually for this double extra stood for suppose at 100 you have 126 miles per hour club head speed now you're going to start to need an extra furnish after all those yeah to reduce the spin down a touch all right Oh does he I just don't know about shaft anymore right go one more come on 300 you've got it in you ah now Healey no no good yeah 127 go ahead speed though my god aha spot me right now my god that's what is that right. So my top at the moment is a hundred twenty club head speed which is I don't get that I never get that 172 I think ball speed. And 294 carry disco so your carries awesome just the spins spins a bit different I absolutely rip these next.

Week I actually saw that bit way behind her that was a mega long link not as good that time I literally saw the club head behind my head what was six nine balls please two five nine carry yeah that wasn't as good right all of the rest of oh is it let's strike it a bit better this time I do feel like I'm still off the map two different flights a totally different weight to carry massive on the range down here at drafted 116 right I'm reserving all my energy. For the last golf shot it's just crazy crazy crazy numbers it's crazy club head speed that's what I'm impressed with yeah just whether you can control it right come on everything you got. And then.

A little bit more than this well songs are striking that's the important bit. But with the actual long you just don't know where the sweet spot isn't that so I can't sing feel it really so out the throughout the swing of karate like an absolute spineless oh no one bottom day Oh hundred sixty-three ball club head speed 120 again. Or twenty again well that's just great that was just at the bottom a little bit when it just just just round people I wanted to see at 300 yards come on Rick I'm gonna absolutely clear with its got it happy God 168 balls b2 83 to 88 Oh should I. For close enough buddy - - 9 falls not bad and oh I loved hitting that I really enjoyed that guys if you enjoyed that video we really enjoyed hitting that golf club not sure my body enjoyed it so much that I feel you give the video a thumbs up guys we really appreciate your your thoughts comment down below have you seen one of these before a cobra long I think the need is it put a few more rows one long table. And because it is long it's four foot long 48 inches it is proven to increase both our club head speed without question no doubt about that not that we were trying to hit the buzzer. So we that soft swings that were staying within ourselves that. And ball speed is definitely increased it's just its heart slightly harder to control because right. And left is like 40 yards right. And left some of them some of them are straight Club is just. So far away we've been coming through so that was a bit long some guys go. And check out Pete on his channel if you've not seen our Monday night golf show you can check out as well guys. And that's going to be a weekly feature. And it just shows that sometimes the manufacturers because sometimes manipulate how far you hit the golf ball by length in the shaft but they don't always help themselves in where you hit it on the golf course because they're not always dead straight guys thanks for watching you can subscribe to my channel by clicking the link down below check out my next.

Video here. And check out Pete's travel like we said before by clicking his face guys long tom Cobra we let you in here all day. So the car is awful if you go there just keep smashing it I'm going to go one more I'm going to keep keeping in suspense up I like to go on my Twitter. And find this shot I'll literally going to jump on this oh go check out Twitter to see what I saw was at Richfield studio gasps OH you.