Hi guys my name is rick shields. And we are going to do some home improvements. For your golf game so things that you can actually do at home to help you play better. And this is all about our posture. And how we can maintain our posture through the golf swing all you need is a chair a household chair in some description maybe even not in a chair a desk. Or something that is about hip level okay. And the idea is we're going to do some golf swings now you don't even need a golf club. For this i'm going to use the golf club anyway just to show you. But you don't really need one it's it's all about how we turn our body and how we stay connected to that back of that chair so as i set up in my posture i'm keeping my bottom on on the side of that chair so i'm keeping it just touching the top now the idea is once i get to the top of the golf swing i'm going to turn. And rotate my body so that my right bum cheek is staying onto the chair it's staying connected to the chair. So as i sl as i rotate my right bum cheek is staying connected. So i'm not losing posture i'm either not moving up and losing posture or i'm not dipping down too much and losing posture so as i turn my right bum cheek stays connected on the way down i'm rotating almost trying to push into this chair a little bit with the squat and then.

Getting my left bum cheek to keep connected to the chair as i rotate through and into a full finish like i say you don't need a club for this i'm going to put the club down you could just take your hands simply across your body turn to the top of your swing keeping connected turn on the way down. And try and do it normal speed to turn all the time trying to stay connected. So you're not doing this movement and you're not doing that movement and you're not going here there. And everywhere you keep in the same posture and using your legs and your body to rotate and squat and turn into a full finish it's a simple way to help you maintain your posture just at home guys practice that it's a fantastic way and it's also a really good way of fixing shanks so if you ever do get the shanks a lot of the time the body moves forward stick your bum on the back of a chair. And practice swinging staying connected to that chair guys if you enjoyed the home videos please do subscribe by clicking the link down here below i want to see your pictures of you doing this guys to tweet me at rickshield pga using the hashtag diy golf tips. And i want to see your inventive ways of keeping your bull on the chair um do comment down below let us know what you think click the like button subscribe. And check out my other videos i look forward to seeing you again next.

Time guys thanks for watching.