Good evening is your building watch new tonight is the movie night golf show with just myself this week Pete is actually up in Edinburgh taking his little lady away from a trip sorry to jump into me I'll do it with a little bit of a twist this week. So I'll just take you on my little journey through a Dana life of you really film in doing some tips I'm going to do a swing analysis today.

As well short game swing analysis to stay tuned. For that answer loads of your questions as I'm going along because I think it's going to be a quite a fun day. And so first off let staff on the European tour Marcel seem worn in a playoff quite a lot playoff a German man a Frenchman and an Englishman in the playoff so we had Ross Fisher who had one of the best final rounds to get into the playoff and we have Alexander llevate from France or Mario the same score at 72 holes and it went down the 18th the playoff hole and Marcel off the side of the green took the flag out and even the commentator said that's a good thing you know taking the flag out. And guess what Egypt's in so just awesome so I'm going to talk about it's going to be the swing analysis little segment of today's Monday night golf show as I'm doing it with a twist you're going to be following me around it's monday morn at the moment I'm in my car just about to drive to traffic golf center. And do some filming. For YouTube as well guys so stay tuned for all of that on the u.s. from in Kuala Lumpur I more took the lead of that to shop win quite a lot of big names in that event as well Garcia was right up there Lee Westwood was in the in the hunt. So there was there was a lot of big big names out there surround more did fantastic. So in the european guys they were out in China as well this week it was the BMW masters are in China ready kind of coming to the end of the seasons. For the fedex and the race to dubai so things are starting to really hot what brings them quite nicely to the first question today.

So last night i posted questions Facebook and Twitter saying um obviously Mumbai girl short questions but you got to like the most popular question one of the most popular one was from Harry Hanson who said who you think will win the first major out of these golfers you got Garcia Donald Donaldson Westwood. And abuse on summer pronunciation still not great you could win the first major out of those guys any of them could win majors I'd like from up from a deep down in my heart feeling of love Garcia to win one of the best ones women or even even Donald well Donald's just switched back to his old culture things might you might rekindle some sort of magic with his old coachable so excel at fairs put in my head you know the amount of times that Garcia and West would have been close I would be gutted goes to this day finish their career not winning the major I really would whether they're going to win the next.

Major I don't know you know you've got golfers like Donaldson's playing phenomenal we'll see we'll see i reckon i reckon if there's going to be what I reckon Garcia. And actually ask or someone say and so like say what I've got planned so I'm going to drive over to traffic now I'm just in my car in Manchester it's not bad Dave know it's a bit a bit misty cold in the morn it's just after 7am film some golf tips showing a bit behind the scenes of that as well I've got a meeting this afternoon which I'm gonna have to attend to then.

I'm going to get all of this footage together. And then.

Blast out for them in that golf sure i'm aiming for a 6pm release date on this video that's bold 6pm release date on today's video so if you're watching this at half nine and it's still not working sorry i am really sorry and one more question why I'm here Barry asked another very popular question on facebook when would you be coming out to play some golf course in Ireland they've got some great course in the west without question we would love to come play some golf courses out around the opportunity hopefully will arise next.

Year when the weather gets a little bit better now. But I know they've got some phenomenal golf courses and we will do to come out. And play there and also get back up to Scotland gonna play some close up though anywhere we come really me and finchy I've got some exciting news coming up in the future but I don't want to really share it without Fincher being here so we'll may do a video on that this week I think he's back later this week. So guys I'm going to get going it's getting colder out the engine on get to traffic girl center. And then.

We'll go do some some tips. And some filming and give me some behind-the-scenes footage guys will see that right guys who have arrived at traffic golf center this is the driving range quite quite this morning what a beautiful beautiful day gorgeous day oh love days like this. So um I thought just continue the Monday night golf shall I say it's a bit of an on-the-road Monday night golf show so and I'm just trying to think what else has happened this week in golf the big thing that came out recently Whizzer was Gary players statement. So Gary Player has recently come out and said it the if he had one hour one hour with Tiger mr. Tiger Woods hopefully he gets back soon. And he could fix him in one hour he could fix himself the sun's any way he could fix him in one hour I'd love to know what he would do in one hour I really would. And I'd be pretty impressed if he can fix him in one hour. So let us know what you think about that because that'd be quite interested I feel I think she doing this video in tight the kind of 11 camera one man video in this is very very odd feel very bizarre anyway the other thing as well another facebook question from Simon Lee that's quite a good question actually with the US with the guys hitting the ball. So much further now so certainly McIlroy's of the world bombing it out there at the moment our golf courses on the PGA Tour or even european tour now that seven and a half thousand yards are they getting almost destroyed. And and what are the PGA you're going to do about it to keep the longevity of the sport going lots of some degree that question was from Simon there silently I don't think that the PGA need to do an awful lot the good thing with golf is we all play on a very level playing field. So the guys on tour they're all playing the same golf course they're on fire off same tees if one hits it further than the other that's their strength that's their advantage some guys put batter some guys driving back to some guys pitch it better I wouldn't said the longest driver every week is winning I would say it's a mixture on tour I would definitely say at the moment the guys at the top. And a big the big hitters certainly macro is bombing it out there at the moment. But I wouldn't say that the PJ need to do anything in particular you know that's that's part of the game. And didn't need to limit clubs No Limit balls no make the course is a little bit harder maybe it's a bit narrower little bit tighter that's about it I like to see him bombing it far I like I mean it's not hitting pitching wedge into green still hitting seven dates 9 irons into greens. So i wouldn't say it's a massive thing that these doing so guys i'm going to now take you to a quick a quick through the through the American golf there into my teaching bay. And then.

I'm going to do some filming just keep you posted all the way throughout the day beautiful day. And then.

We're in the the UM p theater very quiet amputated today.

No one's in there. Yet at all today.

Alright guys are not if you saw my review this week of these bad boys got the tightest detune the title is d3 very very top quality drive like how many clubs now how many drivers can i possibly need. So yeah these are these are pretty good go. And check out my channel for those i also test out the calories this week slight apology that i actually got the waiting wrong in the head my fault so might I might just redo that talk about spin numbers a little bit as well got the coffee machine on gonna grab a coffee I'm going to join me again through the rest of the day on this fantastic on the road in without golf show on a beautiful Monday day in sunny Manchester bye guys a muscle scene played this amazing shot on the first playoff hole BMW in China. So he's on the side of the green playing against Ross Fisher and the playoff three non-playoff from Alexander love day and and he's got a little chip just off the green the show will snap shot there in a minute. So he's got this for three so he does he takes the flag out how confident is that. So I'm gonna take the flag out now normally you wouldn't i wouldn't always advise to do that because the the flag almost helps is a bit of a backstop. So it's a brave things office in Marcel's feeling humble he will be confident about the shot. And even the commentator said a lot if this is a great idea taking the flag out he was wrong. And right so fast green it's probably a little bit longer than the shot lost the mich to tiny bit long the book he played it a lofted Club low with a bit of roll we show you how to play at shop so he had his lofted Club it look I can maybe a sand wedge the grass was a little bit thicker than what we're on at the moment. And he just kept the handle forward in the duration of the shark she just kept the handle forward just to reduce the loft of the club and to get it landing way wanted to learn and I'm rolling towards the hole I've got three shots they're going to try. And recreate the same one that Marcel fried and so shut forward and he just played it so gently keeping the shaft forward reducing the height kicking the line and let it roll towards the flags I've got a shot here just a little bit right to left so I've picked out my line where I want the ball to go almost obscene it like a port so on o.o clothes but see how that came out mega lo and started rolling quickly really quickly and move that one out the way only did not hinder my neck shot I'm obviously going to get in. So shaft forward soft gentle hands trying to get his ball to roll quickly with a little bit of life I'm literally seeing it as a port does very little high on that very very little high. And Marcel's did drop in a app salute dead weight there was no more weight left to give. And I think it very much downhill right it's go one more this has gotta drop. For the playoff third attempt on go on oh he's got it he's only God and got it so who nice Vinci eh who needs him so guys that was Marcel's playoff chicken. And how to play it hot lots of loft but reducing loft by leading the shaft forward getting the ball to roll quickly London are rolling in. And that's how we won the tournament with us or more questions as we go along on the tour of this monday night golf show and stay tuned so just about to get ready to film this bub boy the title is 915 f fairway wood I'm going to do that in a minute guys if you enjoyed oops let me zoom out the little bit of analysis there from Martin seeing the muscle seen from the the chipping that you played in the playoff how good was that a hold on i have do give the video a thumbs up guys I said this is just a bit of a new wave a bit of an experiment way of doing it really today.

Without finchy trying to on my own we've got some more questions coming out here let me let me answer another one. And then.

We'll all get in to do some more undo lifestyle do some filming in between all the Monday night golf show. So I can get it out nice. And early for you guys to enjoy it this evening alright guys. So a couple of questions from Facebook Stephen asks how many events we're going to find in next.

Year. And the hunters light is simple probably not though these are actual playing events now obviously is pj probe we've got the luxury of playing in some some local events even some national events. But we teach full-time you know it'd be it'd be silly to try a challenge against golfers who actually play full time as a living that's all they do they just play full time. So we're going to try. And compete against them no chance no way I fly coughs all of it I enjoy it trying to actually play against those guys who do it full time would be crazy really crazy Christopher also passes. Or any golfing regrets so wish I'd done zor could add ons and there's always a few you know I wish I practiced hard when I was younger I wish I played more we should actually started probably started younger started when I was 11 probably should have started a bit earlier than that. But no massive regrets not really i love my job absolutely love it a love coach every day. And get to do this wonderful stuff that's on youtube. So no no no real golfing regrets at all i'm going to do a little review on the 915 fairway wood now guys to go. And check out my channel for that I try to squeeze in a more few more questions towards the end maybe some from Twitter and stay tuned riling guys so i'm just going to wrap up this episode of the monday night golf show out here in the beautiful sunshine got this then.

One told the weather it's November. And so we're out here just last couple of questions from Twitter one of the questions made me laugh actually Nick I think it's nick Finch asked if I actually signed a clothing line with under armour I don't know why you would ever say that surely I've not been wearing that what's under armour hover no not at all yeah I'm wearing under armour gear awesome gear certainly. For the winter so that's going to be great you'll see me in a lot of it. And and also someone else as well about the Nike Vapor range when am I gonna be able to get my hands on it I'm asking the same question guys I am asking the same question I've been trying to get hold of it for the last few weeks i'm really really finding it quite difficult because i'm not a nike swoosh pro just finding it difficult to get hold of it so as soon as i do guys you'll be the first ones to see the videos come online as always we thank you severely. For your questions severely sincerely we thank you sincerely for your questions on the Monday night golf show next.

Week Pete will be back. And I'm sure in the mean time between now. And next.

Week we'll be able to disclose some information about what's happening or our exciting trip stay tuned flat guys subscribe by clicking the link down below you've enjoyed the video give it thumbs up comment down below and that was myself doing the Monday night golf show on the tour down here at truffle golf sense in Manchester got beautiful sky.