So get this i was on amazon the other day looking. For some new camera batteries i know that's not very exciting but something i do quite a lot. And a golf ball kept getting recommended to me these golf balls tricks and distance best-selling golf ball amazon choice best pick for sports like why are amazon pushing these golf balls. So much the stricks and distance honestly i couldn't get away from them so naturally i thought i'd buy some and see what all the fuss is about 10 pound. For a dozen golf balls so it's pretty decent they are distance golf ball. So in this review we're going to see how far i can hit these golf balls also going to test them around the green see what light. For durability spin and you know this wouldn't be a rickshaw's review ball review if i didn't chop one in half so to get things started i'm going to play a couple of hotel warm-up holes. And then.

See what the big drive is behind these golf balls are they any good. And can i hit them a mile considering they are distance golf balls let's go. And find out [Music] [Music] okay. So that's a couple of warm-up holes done using a tightlish pro v1 which is the ball that i typically use let's get to next.

Hole let's unbox the shrinks. And ball and see what's all about okay tricks. And distance golf balls like why are these things doing. So well on amazon at the moment best selling this and top rated i've got a couple of theories i mean i'm excited to test the golf ball i think the first couple of things is just the box i mean it's simple people are looking. For a golf ball they want distance and that might be one of the big pulling powers it might be the fact the price like the price is 10 pound. For 12 golf balls it's a decent price for a branded golf ball name people know shrixen i mean the box is fairly standard what you'd expect from most golf ball boxes. And the golf ball itself i have seen these balls before it's a nice golf ball like that looks just as good as most golf balls that you would test and my last point why i think they do. So well is the simplicity of it the red box like you can't get too confused about that okay let's go let's play golf with the shrixen distance golf ball that's what i'm gonna do first i'm gonna play this par 5 first just to get a general idea how it feels then.

I'm going to play the par 3 next.

To see how it feels with the irons. And see how much spin i can potentially get because again with a distance ball it doesn't claim to get loads of spins let's see what that does i also want to see what the durability is like like is it is it cheap therefore. does it get scratched up. And as i mentioned this would not be a rickshaws ball review if i didn't chop one in half and then.

Finally the big test i've got my gc quad i've got a load of tricks and distance golf balls does it do what it says on the box does it go a long way well let's find out 13th hole at marriott worsely park it just requires a really good t-shirt there's a bunker just in the distance there that i can just make out i can't reach that without being my perfect line i've got my new driver in the bag i'm intrigued to know what this sounds like as well this golf ball because sometimes i i feel like distance golf balls sound a little bit louder only if that's gonna be the case with this right let's see what it can do [Music] oh that is perfect. So fairway found and a good opening shot i'm 225 yards away so i'm gonna hit my two iron at it next.

Stop stop oh for a minute we were put in. For eagle but i think it's just run through the back i mean that might be what i find with this golf ball it might be harder to stop on the greens. But first two shots were pretty good i like that a lot okay. So this is where it ended up just back of the green. And i've got a little eagle chip from the back let's uh play a little bump and run with this one actually not bad not bad at all [Music] okay i've got this. For birdie maybe i've been using the wrong ball what i'm gonna do to get a real feel because. For me when i'm using a different golf ball it's the feel around the green and certainly when i'm putting that really is a massive factor. For me so i'm gonna hit a few putts now and then.

Give you some feedback on what i think about the feel of this ball [Music] [Music] okay after hitting some chips. And ports the ball's just a little bit harder than what i would normally be used to playing and kind of what i'd expect really it's a distance ball and therefore. you generally sacrifice a bit of feel the next.

Challenge i'm going to do is on this little par three because again even though this is a distance ball. And doesn't claim to be high spin you'd want a little bit of control from it so let's hit some shots into here and see if i can still gain that control [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]. So can the distance ball stop on a green well the answer to that is yes like those stopped really nicely into the green there granted i hit them well with a nine iron struck. And pure to get that spin but they stopped better than i expected them to do. So and for ten pound for a dozen golf balls i can kind of start to see why this is a fairly all-round golf ball. So far the big test though remember this has got distance stamped on the side of it all over the box what's it going to be like on the distance test. But first let's chop one in half and let's see what's inside the shrikhsome distance ball okay i'm not expecting anything too crazy exciting it's a two-piece golf ball it says on the box. And inside is exactly what we see we see the outer shell. And the inner core pretty standard even though it's got a nice bit of greener patterning going on pretty standard golf ball inside okay. So after playing a few holes so far with the tricks and distance ball it's done better than i expected like it feels okay around the green a little bit harder than normal. But not too bad the shot's in that green the ball stopped quickly i have noticed a few little scuff marks on the ball that i've been testing but nothing horrendous for the price again it's not too bad it's done well however. the one thing that i need to test because remember on the box on the golf ball it's stamped with the word distance surely that means something surely that means it's going to go a long way well let's find out if that's the case i'm going to hit my driver on gc quad. But first off i'm going to compare it. And hit my pro v1 golf ball first now i'm not sure how close i can see these golf balls getting because remember the pro v1 is the the premium golf ball it's like 40 pound a dozen you know three pound 50 plus per golf ball well this is under a pound a golf ball like how how close can it surely get i don't know i'm intrigued to find out i normally hit my pro v1 around about 280 yards of carry. So let's do that first. And then.

Let's see what the srixon can do [Music]. So three shots with the pro v1 it must be having my longest day ever i'm averaging carry at 275 yards my lung has been 278 yards the first shot 273 yards that wasn't my best one that was 270 carry. So can i see why the strixon distance golf ball is one of the best-selling golf balls in amazon one of the best-selling golf balls in golf shops. And pro shops around the world well yes i can is it as long as a pro v1 yeah it is is it great value yeah absolutely it is is it as soft around the greens no not really does it spin as much as a pro v1. Or a premium ball no it doesn't is it as durable again no it isn't. But is it an all-round good golf ball. For the price yes i think it really is.