So guys we are on our way to uh secret golf course day first ever golf course filming i've got a challenger mr andrew carter dog carter who's gonna challenge me. For nine holes i've got cameraman down in the back we've got mackie deez ready to go and we're on route i'm in the mrs carter so i'm in the big nissan duke so we've got about three sets or two sets of clubs two power caddies loads of clubs loads of camera work so stay tuned so to find out where our secret location is. So we are on route to secret location it's our seven at the moment. And it should take us about 50 minutes to get there should we give a clue what's a good clue about where we're going it's near the sea it's a great clue near the seas that's clue number one because that knife comes up. So it'll take us about 51 minutes to get there it's dark it does look like it's gonna be misty. And foggy unfortunately so by the sea whether that's going to clear up with a bit of wind we'll see. But stay tuned and you'll see me take on the cart dog thank you we're going to do nine holes on on the videos on youtube. And uh obviously i'll come out victorious as always no what really right we'll see what happens stay tuned anyway definitely well okay. So it's eight o'clock we're now 15 miles away from the secret venue the weather is getting a little bit brighter forecast. For the days look this misty with a bit of fog to come in later so that's good because we won't be able to see where our ball goes looking forward to it one more clue for where we're going to be playing rick anything any clues. For the um it's very recently held the open so it's an open venue big clue that's a big clue stay tuned so we've arrived at our venue and it's absolutely hammering it down great so it's 20 past eight at the moment we're teeing off at nine so we're hoping that the weather clears slightly forecast is supposed to be misty. And foggy so hopefully that should uh blow over because we are we're near the sea we're not you can't really see the sea. But you can we are near it. So we're gonna do a little bit of practice warm up get ready we've got some more interesting facts. For you as well for about our secret location so andrew over to there is 206 bunkers on the golf course the most in open rotation start that's a big clue that's a big one definitely. And also tiger woods called this the final stretch is almost unplayable oh a certain australian would definitely agree with you there. So guys stay tuned we're going to do a little bit of practice we're going to get out all the gear ready. And we're going to head on to the first tee i say in 14 this time. So we've arrived at the practice ground at our secret location um might be a bit of a clue at the clubhouse in the background but we'll see if you can actually guess which one which clubhouse it is. And what i'm going to do just talk about round real what i do to practice just forgot. And play so i've got 25 20 20 odd 25 balls here because i don't want to massively overcook my practice time i just want to do a little bit of practice loosen up make sure i feel ready to take on the golf course really it's not raining thankfully now which is good. So i'm just going to hit a few wedges first. So i've just got my sand wedge here first i'm just going to hit some easy wedges. So kind of three-quarter to full wedges just loosening things up so we're not going to go at it too hard early on i'm just trying to gauge a couple of distances as well i'm trying to hit that just up to about 90 yards. So once i've then.

Hit a few wedges and i feel loose i'd move up clubs a touch so probably move up to something like an a time so just gradually starting to hit slightly longer shots now and again i'm not going to hit loads of these. But pick out a point on the range so there's a middle flag there about 150 so i'm going to hit a couple down that line nice face full of sander didn't it up too bad actually it's turned out to be a really nice day sun's just starting to break through now which is perfect what a history at this club a lot of good champions let's see how who out of me. And andy can winning our our youtube challenge today.

So once i've hit a few mid irons i then.

Start to go on to a few longer clubs so i'm going to move up to my five iron hit a few looseners with that there's a lot of holes today.

That have got decent second shots into it. So it's not certainly not a pitching put by any any stretch of the imagination now this might also be the first t-club that i hit here the first tee is about 190 according to the scorecard it might be a little bit shorter than that. So once i've hit a couple of these i'm imagining them on that first tee just to try and get some confidence in the swing to make sure i'm not first see i can hit a nice goal shot yeah they'd do me they'd be very nice. So i'm going to leave that club out because i want to hit that at the end of my practice session that's that's the last club i want to hit a couple of fairway woods. And again what i'd say when you before you do go out. And play is just keep continuing changing clubs at the golf course you're going to be changing clubs a lot. So keep doing that when you do practice before you play oh that'll do it i like that one i like one more of these andy's doing some filming there at the end of he's messing about with dan as you can see rick's over there hitting a few wedgies getting himself warmed up what i like to do when i come down to the driving range pull out my favorite one this is where we know if it's going to go correctly. Or not set up flag one iron mix golf stinger see on the first tee that's the one that's nice i remember that shot really vividly remember the flight of it how it felt how it flew through the air so that i can take all that confidence out with me on the golf course. And again i'm not hitting loads i'm not hitting 100 golf balls i say just 25 30 balls is sufficient then.

I'm just going to hit a couple of nine irons i'm starting to work down the set again i'm trying to shape a couple this time now it's a little little left to right to first i'm not thinking too much just gonna swing across the ball slightly it's got a little left to right shape on it which is good. And then.

A couple right to left us a couple little drawers yeah very nice we like them a lot. So i've got a couple of shots left what i'm gonna do there's my competitor there look at him practicing on the chipping green ready uh last thing i'm just going to do before we go on to the chipping green is just again hit one last five irons like i said i think this is the club that i'm probably gonna be using on the last hole anyway on the first hole sorry not last oh first oh visualize the shape visualize the shot really imagine them on that first tee yeah. And hit that and just remember that feeling of how that felt how that flew through the air how that's going to hit the green on the first. So straight away i'm being built with confidence and always finish you practice on a good one if you've got a few balls left leave them it's not the end of the world i'd rather you go out there brimming with confidence than hitting a bad last one and trying to search for this good one so i'm actually going to take a couple of golf balls over to the chipping green now. So do a little bit of chipping a little bit of putting before we go out. And play we've got about 15 minutes left we've got watch out there's no clock on there we've got about 15 minutes left. So we'll uh we'll get on the golf course and hopefully beat him over there look at him chipping stay tuned so we practiced warm up it stopped raining awesome it's actually going to be a really nice day no wind at all even though we're on the links golf course. And if you guess which course it is. Yet leave the comments in the description down below if you don't stay tuned the the first part of one two and third hole or first second third hole will be up very soon where hopefully i shall be not too many shots down um we've practiced we've warmed up we feel ready. For it we're gonna head to the first team i could say it's a par three start nice quiet day so stay tuned and get ready to for the big match up bring it on let's do it let's do it hold on.