All right guys we're going to talk about maxing your club head speed how to help you create the most speed you possibly can when hitting your driver how to create the fastest club head speed. So just so we've got a benchmark that one then.

According to my gc2 with hmt was 109 miles per hour club head speed. So we're going to use that as a benchmark we're going to talk about things that can adjust that. And improve that and then.

We're going to test that towards the end. And see how much that's actually improved by so maxing out your clubhead speed this is this comes with a slight warning that we don't want to maximize. And lose any performance so we're going to maximize club head speed without losing performance. And that's that's key that is essential um. So how we're going to create this golf ball club to travel faster we can change slightly change our setup we can get ourselves in a stronger better position we're going to tweak the ball position i'm going to talk about when the club wants to be actually traveling at its fastest speed. So for example if i were to set up to the golf ball normally. So i've got the width of my stance about the same width as my shoulders we're after power we're after extra club head speed so we're going to move the right foot back slightly. So now i've maximized my arc i've got my stance much much wider give myself a firmer base a more solid base the next.

Thing i'm going to do i'm going to put the ball position slightly closer to the left foot the reason. For that it gives the club more time to actually produce more power produce more more speed it's only a little bit it might only be a miles per hour but you can move it further forward. So pretty much in line with the big toe it's going to help you maximize your power from there we're going to make sure that when we hit we generate the speed the fastest speed in in our swing thought is not before the shot. But after the shot we want to see the maximum speed happening just post impact now to help with that we've got to make sure we're accelerating and stretching through the ball so really accelerate and stretch on this side little tip for this if you turn your club upside down so you're holding the grip and down and just practice this swing and listen listen out when that wash happens near that wash we want to hear it happen over here so we're trying to create speed as fast as we can over at this point they're the secrets they're going to help you maximize your club head speed maximize it should we give it a go. So it's 109 before i'm going to wind my stance. And put the ball slightly closer to my left foot i'm going to get the feeling of maximizing my speed here that's what's important maximize my speed there. And i'm not really going to hold much back i'm going to maximize my speed there. And not hold much back now it's important like i said to start with owner um affects performance. So you don't just absolutely jump at it and spin round like the long drive champions do we've got to still control uh balance. So i'm going to hit this as hard as i can while still maintaining balance you see that i even got the recoil because the fastest part of my swing was up here 100 miles per hour six miles per hour faster by just making those tweaks. So guys hopefully you enjoyed the video i want you to try those things next.

Time you're trying to maximize your power it's not bad is it six miles per hour widen the stance put the ball forward. And you're trying to maximize your speed beyond the golf ball while still trying to hold balance oh that's out of the park 116 yes getting guys if you've not checked out my channel already you can subscribe by clicking the link down below you can check out my other top tips up in the corner here this the playlist of my top tips. And i look forward to seeing you all soon hitting the ball further by generating more speed that was seven miles per hour faster get in.